Linux-Hardware Digest #711, Volume #9            Fri, 19 Mar 99 07:13:31 EST

  Problems installing Debian 2.0 on toshiba laptop ("Siw Njåtun")
  Re: ATI Xpert under Linux only does 640 x 480 ?!?! ("Andrew Roberts")
  Linux + RS485 (Sebastien HUET)
  Re: Diamond fusion 16mb ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  ATI RAGE PRO USERS??? (Dennis Abuan)
  Re: EtherNet Card Problems (M. Buchenrieder)
  Re: how much do I really need? (Rod Roark)
  Re: GNOME ... ? START ME UP! ("Alien")
  Re: SB16PnP-How? (Precious Metal)
  Linux vs FreeBSD vs NetBSD vs OpenBSD (Gilles Kirouac)
  Re: TNT video card and Linux 5.2 redhat ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Teles 16.3c ISDN card + kernel 2.0.36 (JALinuxUser)
  Re: But, but...I have an Internal IDE Zip Drive... ("John L. Barthle Jr.")
  Re: Is Windows for idiots? (Re: X munges the graphics card?) (Joseph T. Adams)
  Cwitching colour depth with an ATI Xpert@Play ("Andrew Roberts")
  Cardbus ethernet ActionTec FastNet PRO 10/100 (Claudio Morgia)
  Red Hat 5.2 (Nicci Tynen)
  Re: No hassle sound card for Redhat (James McBoyle - Sun Ireland - SunSoft ELC 
  Hardware RAID-controllers supported under Linux. ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Big Swap-space necessary? ("Alex Wouda")
  SMP Linux on Tyan S1836DLUAN 440GX (Gianni Mariani)
  Re: wanted scrap (Ben Myers)
  Re: Intel EtherExpress Pro/10 PCI card (Vincent Cunniffe)
  Re: Linux with > 64MB RAM?? (david parsons)


From: "Siw Njåtun" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup,linux.debian.bugs.dist
Subject: Problems installing Debian 2.0 on toshiba laptop
Date: 19 Mar 1999 07:53:53 GMT

I have a Toshiba Satellite 230 CX. I am experiencing problems installing
Linux (Debian 2.0) from a CD.

At first I tried to boot the computer from the CD by changing the boot
sequence BIOS setting. However, that was the only BIOS setting I changed. It
appeared the computer tried to boot Linux but aborted immediately every

Next I disabled CPU caching. This seemed to solve the problem. Everything
seemed OK at first, but then it turned out the machine was working extremely
slowly. (The installation process took HOURS.)

I have had a look at some recommendations for Linux  installation on
different Toshiba laptops, but I have not found mine.

Any suggestions (especially concerning BIOS settings and configuration of X

Ari Börde Kröyer


From: "Andrew Roberts" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: ATI Xpert under Linux only does 640 x 480 ?!?!
Date: 19 Mar 1999 07:52:45 GMT

Forgot to give my email address!


Sorry you just can't hit reply, I'm using someone else's setup to access

Andrew Roberts wrote in message <7clb36$52a$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>I have installed Redhat Linux 5.2 And everything is (appears :-)  ) to be
>working fine exvcept my graphics card under X-Windows
>It is an ATI Xpert@Play PCI 4MB and even when I select Xpert@Play from the
>list of cards on installation (and select my Samsung SyncMaster 3Ne from
>list) I have to manually choose screen modes and do select all relevent
>ones.  However the system will only boot into 640x480 no matter what.  It
>tells me there is no setting info for 1024x768 and 800x600 or something.
>Does anyone know how to install this card under said version of Linux.  As
>it is a popular card I would have thought this was a common problem.  Any
>help would be appreciated.  I don't mind reinstalling the whole of Linux as
>it only take s afew minutes.
>An email reply would be appreciated if possible, and in case you need to
>know the full machine spec is:
>K6 300 on a Tekram board with 512K cache
>3.5Gb IDE UDMA Drive (450Mb partition for Linux and 50Mb partition for
>Internal 24x CD-Rom
>Internal IDE Zip drive
>ISA Soundblaster AWE 64 (Haven't a clue where to start on that but not
>bothered about sound anyway :-)  )
>ISA Rockwell Chipset v90 modem
>Realtek network card


From: Sebastien HUET <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Linux + RS485
Date: 19 Mar 1999 07:52:32 GMT

-- I am looking for experience using linux + rs485/422 --

someone ?




Subject: Re: Diamond fusion 16mb
Date: 19 Mar 1999 07:53:24 GMT

Use this

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]////// (sly) wrote:
> Cannot run xwindows svga. anyone have a solution?

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From: Dennis Abuan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 19 Mar 1999 07:53:32 GMT

Hi everyone,

I was wondering if anyone has experienced setting up a
linux box with the following card:


and if so,

what are your experiences hooking up the TV out
to a TV to see if any of the drivers for the
video card show anything on the screen..

The reason why I am asking is that I am developing
a embedded linux box with this specific card built
in and would like to know if the drivers that linux
already has is enough to run the video board.

Your replies are greatly appreciated.





From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (M. Buchenrieder)
Subject: Re: EtherNet Card Problems
Date: 19 Mar 1999 07:45:35 GMT

"destiny" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:


>  eth0: Interrupted while Interrupts are masked! isr0x0 imr 0x0

>My current setup is an AMD K6 233 CPU with 128M ram.
>eth0 is a Linksys EtherPCI LAN Card II at irq 5, io 6100
>eth1 is a 3Com  3C905B (PCI) at irq 5, io 6000

Put one of them onto a different IRQ and try again. While the PCI
architecture allows proper IRQ sharing , not all the Linux
drivers do as well.

Michael Buchenrieder * [EMAIL PROTECTED] *
          Lumber Cartel Unit #456 (TINLC) & Official Netscum
    Note: If you want me to send you email, don't munge your address.


From: Rod Roark <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: how much do I really need?
Date: 19 Mar 1999 07:53:01 GMT

Lika Meinberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Hi, I read some articles about linux, more specificly about it not
>requiring a very powerful machine to function with, and I began to geet
>interested. I own a 386 laptop (that was put asside) with 6Mb RAM, and
>85Mb HD that I would like to know if there is any possibility of
>instaling linux with x-windows system on it.
>If there is anyone who has done something like this or can give me a
>solution I would apreciate it.

With X it will be a tight squeeze, but might work.  See for a description of
what I did with a similar machine.

-- Rod
Sunset Systems                           Preconfigured Linux Computers                      and Custom Software


From: "Alien" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: GNOME ... ? START ME UP!
Date: 19 Mar 1999 07:52:12 GMT

At /etc/X11/xinit/Xclients  I add a case for Gnome to start gnome-session.
At /root, edit file ".wm_style" and change it from FVWM95 to Gnome. then
save it and run startx. That's it.


Jim Smith ¼¶¼g©ó¤å³¹ <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>Igor Raznatovic wrote:
>> I just intsalled GNOME on my Red Hat 5.2 box.  Problem is I cant start it
>> up. Somebody in a chat room told me to put panel in xinitrc or to type it
>> xterm. I tried and I was not satisfied...why? That is not the full
>> Then I found out about gnome-session. A document on Gnome site said to
>> include it in xinitrc and I did. But I got only plain ol' X (without a
>> window manager as I set it up). I typed in xterm gnome-session and this
>> what I got:
>> Priority 00 : Starting    Id = default0
>> Priority 00 : Cloning     Id = default0
>> Priority 00 : Registering Id = (null)
>> Segmentation fault (core dumped)
>> [root@igor bin]# ICE default IO error handler doing on exit(), pid = 285,
>> errno= 2
>> Give me a hint...It 's not that I know a lot about it...
>Don't feel like your alone. I get essentially the same thing.
>Priority 00 : Starting    Id = default0
>Priority 00 : Cloning     Id = default0
>Priority 00 : Registering Id = (null)
>Segmentation fault
>It doesn't help to start it in the .xinitrc. Still no go.
>I'm running a P60,, 80M, RH5.2, kernel 2.2.3, Enlightenment WM.


From: Precious Metal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux,comp.os.linux.misc
Subject: Re: SB16PnP-How?
Date: 19 Mar 1999 07:50:23 GMT

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

eric malloy wrote:

> How do I setup my Sound Blaster PnP 16.. i got this info about it out of
> NT:
> IRQ=5
> DMA= 00
> DMA= 00
> I/O Range: 0220-022F
> I/O Range: 0300-0301

I have the SB 16 Vibra PnP.  I built the soundcard into the kernel (rather
than a module) and ranpnpdump > /etc/isapnp.conf
cd /etc
isapnp isapnp.conf

make sure isapnp isapnp.conf  is somewhere in one of your bootup scripts

Don't forget to put in the stats for your soundcard when you add it into
the kernel.

Precious Metal ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

eric malloy wrote:
<BLOCKQUOTE TYPE=CITE>How do I setup my Sound Blaster PnP 16.. i got this
info about it out of

<BR>DMA= 00
<BR>DMA= 00
<BR>I/O Range: 0220-022F
<BR>I/O Range: 0300-0301
I have the SB 16 Vibra PnP.&nbsp; I built the soundcard into the kernel
(rather than a module) and ranpnpdump > /etc/isapnp.conf
<BR>cd /etc
<BR>isapnp isapnp.conf

<P>make sure isapnp isapnp.conf&nbsp; is somewhere in one of your bootup

<P>Don't forget to put in the stats for your soundcard when you add it
into the kernel.
Precious Metal ([EMAIL PROTECTED])



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Gilles Kirouac)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux
Subject: Linux vs FreeBSD vs NetBSD vs OpenBSD
Date: 19 Mar 1999 07:54:06 GMT

 I have read that Linux is SystemV derived while there are the BSDs,
FreeBSD, NetBSD,

 If my objective is mainly to build a data server, which one should 
I select?
 Does it matter?

 Can you recommend a reading on this?


Subject: Re: TNT video card and Linux 5.2 redhat
Date: 19 Mar 1999 07:53:16 GMT

I had the same problem with starting XFree86 with my Diamond Viper 550 until
yesterday.  I downloaded and upgraded the XFree86 to version

Try donwloading the rpm version of Xfree86.  I also had trouble with
installing XFree86 from the files downloaded from  The rpm
files are available at any of the redhat mirror site under the directories or something like that.  Here
are the files that your are going to need:


Once the files are downloaded run from the directory where the rpms where
         rpm -Uvh --force XFree86*
         rpm -Uvh --force Xconfi*

You can know run Xconfigurator to configure XFree86 with the Diamond V550

This will make the installation much easier and you should be able to finally
get XFree86 to work properly.

Christian Dodier

In article <36efe04f.85725496@news>,
  elbertc** wrote:
> Hi,
> Anyone have redhat linux 5.2 and the diamond  viper 550 card  (TNT
> based) and successfully upgraded XFree86 to ver
> I'm having one hell of a time with this...  due in part to my lack of
> knowledge of linux and poor documentation.
> Brief details..  I've downloaded the files from the site
> and have run their suggested method for updating...
> Either the documention is lacking??? or I've screwed up somewhere...
> I cant star XFree now.. I get a msg the says "couldn't determine where
> you have Xfree86 installed. If you have XFree86 properly installed,
> set the XWINHOME environment variable to point to the parent dir of
> the XFree86 bin dir.
> Well how the hell do you do this and I wonder if this will be the
> magic cure?   Not sure if I'll be "playing" around with this OS much
> longer if I have to jump through so many hurdles to get my hardware to
> work properly.
> Anyone upgraded their ver of XFree86 to the ver with this card
> and had it work ok...   If so what did you do?  any editing of files
> to go along with this?   Better instructions would be appreciated from
> one who has not had any experience with unix or linux.
> I've started reading one the "thick" books dealing with Linux but so
> far the solution has not "appeared"
> --
> Elbert Clarke
> elbertc**
> remove the ** to e-mail
> --
> Elbert Clarke
> elbertc**
> remove the ** to e-mail

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Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup,comp.os.linux.networking
Subject: Teles 16.3c ISDN card + kernel 2.0.36
Date: 19 Mar 1999 07:52:23 GMT


Wonder if any of u can help me out with a little problem i'm
having with my Teles ISDN card & Linux...

I can't seem to get the kernel to recognize the interrupt
i've set for the card... here's the details..

I'm using kernel 2.0.36 and a Teles 16.3c ISA PnP card...

Here's the relevant section of my /usr/src/linux/.config :-


I've compiled the ISDN subsystem as a module and also the HiSax drivers
for Teles 16xx all as modules.

Booted up with the new kernel

Here's my /etc/isapnp.conf file :-

(READPORT 0x0203)

(CONFIGURE TAG2620/209717183 (LD 0
(IO 0 (SIZE 2) (BASE 0x0300))
(INT 0 (IRQ 10 (MODE +E)))
(NAME "TAG2620/209717183[0]{TELES.S0/16.3c Plug&Play}")

Did an "isapnp /etc/isapnp.conf" and got the following :-

========================================= lspci not found, so PCI resource
conflict not checked Board 1 has Identity bd 0c 80 07 bf 20 26 27 50: 
TAG2620 Serial No 209717183 [checksum bd] TAG2620/209717183[0]{TELES.S0/16.3c
Plug&Play}: Port 0x300; IRQ10 --- Enabled OK

OK.. no problem so far... then i did the modprobe hisax like this and
got the results as follows:-

# modprobe hisax type=14 protocol=2 irq=10 io=0x300
ISDN subsystem Rev: loaded
Teles 16.3c: IRQ(10) getting no interrupts during init 1
Teles 16.3c: IRQ(10) getting no interrupts during init 2
Teles 16.3c: IRQ(10) getting no interrupts during init 3
HiSax: Card Teles 16.3c not installed !
Initialization of hisax failed
ISDN-subsystem unloaded

Something's not right here... can't pinpoint exactly where it is... tried
putting the card to another PC but got the same results... MAYBE it could
be the card being faulty OR something else... hope u can help out here..
Thanx ;) ;)

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From: "John L. Barthle Jr." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: But, but...I have an Internal IDE Zip Drive...
Date: 19 Mar 1999 07:54:28 GMT

    Upgrade the kernel to 2.0.36 or higher, during the config script turn
on IDE FLOPPY support.  I was having the same problem as you were until I
upgraded. Once the kernel supports it, the drive is /dev/hd(x)4 mounted on
/mnt/zip (which you will have to create).  I believe the x is dependent on
the ide channel it's on.  For example, my zip drive is hdd4 because it is
set to secondary slave. Good luck and email me if you need any help.


Thomas Lepkowski wrote:

> All the books talk about SCSI drives and parallel port drives, but I
> have an internal IDE Zip drive.  Not SCSI, no parallel port connection.
> What gives?
> Is there anybody out there who can help me with installing an internal
> IDE Zip drive?
> Thanks!
>     -TML


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Joseph T. Adams)
Subject: Re: Is Windows for idiots? (Re: X munges the graphics card?)
Date: 19 Mar 1999 07:45:41 GMT

Steve ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
: Amen...A word that is mentioned quite infrequently in this group,
: productivity.
: It doesn't matter a hill of beans how technically superior your OS is
: if there are no applications for it that the general public want to
: use.

Linux was not aimed at the "general public" until very recently.  Its
application base was and is quite adequate for the great majority of
existing Linux users, and is rapidly expanding to take into account
the different needs and preferences of the "general public" as well.

: Vi, And EMacs and ppp-on, ppp-off, and slrn and tin an trn and tetris
: and ispell and on and on and on don't cut it when you have a plethora
: of Windows applications that blow the doors off the Linux crap...
: Users are NOT interested in going back to the 1970's....

Most of those apps are designed for computer professionals, not home
users.  Substitutes such as XEmacs, wvdial, Linuxconf, and the various
KDE and Gnome utilities exist to meet the differing needs of home
users and/or those new to Linux.

BTW Unix, generically speaking, is state of the art; it has not been
improved on and remains not only the most stable and reliable OS for
PC-class machines, but the *only* stable and reliable OS for PC-class
machines.  The fact that its roots go back almost as far as DOS, and
that it relies on a foundation of proven and mature computer science
rather than fads, does not mean it's "outdated." If anything, an "OS"
that is really a buggy DOS extender plus a third- or fourth-rate
graphical shell is what's outdated.



From: "Andrew Roberts" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Cwitching colour depth with an ATI Xpert@Play
Date: 19 Mar 1999 07:53:38 GMT

I have as mentioned in a previous post a 4MB PCI Rage Pro card, I have
finally got it to run in 1024x768 but it keeps defaulting to the 8-bit
setting.  How do I change it to run at true colour?  Is there a setting I
need in the config file or is there a command line switch to with STARTX?
Someone suggested I may need a graphics server from but doesn't
RedHat 5.2 already incorporate that server?


From: Claudio Morgia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.portable,comp.os.linux.networking
Subject: Cardbus ethernet ActionTec FastNet PRO 10/100
Date: 19 Mar 1999 07:50:30 GMT

I have an ActionTec FastNet PRO 10/100 CardBus on a Mitac 5033T: with
some imagination, I guessed that it features a DEC 21143 chipset, so it
can be drived with the 'tulip_cb' driver under Linux.
 I'm using linux-2.2.3 on AMD K6-2/333.
 This card is recognized and powered on but in a couple of seconds
starts emitting messages like that:
 eth0: 21140 transmit timed out, status f0120000, SIA 000000c6 ffff0001
fffbff7f 8ff50000, resetting...

 eth0: transmit timed out, switching to 10baseT media.

 It continues with these messages until I stop the pcmcia service at
 I had compiled the latest tulip driver 0.9 as a module for CardBus but
it does not work.

 Does anybody knows how to fix the problem of media recognition? It is
some other problem behind that?



From: Nicci Tynen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Red Hat 5.2
Date: 19 Mar 1999 07:54:47 GMT


I have two basic questions:

Kernel:  2.0.36-3

1)  I have an Alps MD-4000 printer/scanner.  I know the scanner isn't
supported and I know Alps doesn't officially support Linux (they'll come
around sooner or later).  I was told that others have gotten their Alps
printers to work under Linux using the postscript driver.  I tried it
but just got postscript garbage on print out.  If this has successfully
done, could you let me know the trick?

2) I have a SoundBlaster PNP Awe32 sound card.  I got it installed, ran
sndconfig and I can play cd's and .wav/.au files.  On boot up I see the
    Soundblaster audio driver ...
    SB 4.13 detected OK (220)
   AWE32-0.4.2c (RAM8192k)
    sh /sbin/sfxload: no such file or directory
    failed ... /lib/modules/2.0.36/misc/awe_wave.o
    sound: device or resource busy
and when I try to play midi (I installed the kernel patch) I can see
it's playing a file but I don't hear anything.

Anyone got any thoughts?



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (James McBoyle - Sun Ireland - SunSoft ELC 
Subject: Re: No hassle sound card for Redhat
Date: 19 Mar 1999 07:52:21 GMT

In article ln@localhost, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Stuart R. Fuller) writes:
>I have an old Pro Audio Spectrum 16 (PAS16) in my system that I have not been
>able to get to run.  So, I want to get a new sound card.  
>I don't have  many requirements for the sound card, since I don't play any
>games on the machine.  Just something to make some noise every once in a
>while, like while using TiK (AIM client in Tcl/Tk).
>However, one of the requirements that I have is that the card just plug in,
>configure the kernel appropriately, compile, load and boot.  That is, I don't
>want to fiddle with PnP sound cards, and I'm out of PCI slots, so it has to be
>ISA.  Any recommendations?
>On the other hand, if you know how to configure the PAS16 to run with the
>2.0.36 kernel on Redhat 5.1, I'll be happy to listen to recommendations.

Have you tried using the OSS (Open Sound System) utility from 4Front 
Technologies? ( It sits in the background and 
handles any sound calls instead of the kernel having to do so. It supports
the PAS16, although they do say you can't have more than one in your system,
and I'm sure the 20 US dollar registration would be cheaper than getting a new
sound card :-) Before you ask, no I don't work for them, but am a very happy
customer of theirs (happy because I _really_ don't want to recompile a very
nicely working kernel<g>) The OSS is shareware, so you can even try it to see
if it fits your system before having to shell out any cash (works for 20 
minutes before needing re-initialisation ( ./soundoff then ./soundon )

Anyway, I hope this helps.

Have Fun
James McBoyle

...the Goddess could not spend all Her time persuading the Kings and Queens of 
the world of the idiocy of war. Therefore She invented tacticians...
(Diane Duane, The Door into Shadow)


Subject: Hardware RAID-controllers supported under Linux.
Date: 19 Mar 1999 07:53:13 GMT

I'm trying to find out which hardware PCI-controllers are supported under
Linux. Can anyone tell me some options for hardware RAID-systems that will
work under Linux?



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From: "Alex Wouda" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Big Swap-space necessary?
Date: 19 Mar 1999 07:54:07 GMT



I notice when I running several programms (processes?) in X-windows with
system monitoring-thingy, that my swappartition of 128 mb isn't used a lot.
Would it be wise to change this size, and if so, how do I do manage?




From: Gianni Mariani <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: SMP Linux on Tyan S1836DLUAN 440GX
Date: Fri, 19 Mar 1999 07:25:28 GMT

For those of you who helped me with answers, I hope this is useful.

BTW - if anyone has their PNP Vibra16 going, can you post
a small how-to.

And a plug for the suppliers - (we bitch about bad ones, well
it's time we plug good experiences too) - CPU/Memory/HDD/Case/Floppy - Motherboard - DVD Drive

for destination ...

1) Tyan Thunder 100 S1836DLUAN 440GX
2) 2.0.36 / Redhat 5.2
3) 2x128MB PC100 ECC (MB set to EC), Maxtor Diamond 17.2GB IDE,
ATI XPERT@PLAY 8Mb, Toshiba M1202 DVD, Enlight EN-7237,
2xPII 400Mhz
The built in Adaptec 7895 Dual SCSI controller is detected just fine,
I have yet to add anything to it.  I still need to figure out the
Vibra 16 PNP sound issues but it seems a couple of tweaks of
the pnptools and that should work.  The built in Intel ethernet
was detected just fine, no issues.
4) RH 5.2 - will go to 2.2.X kernel.  Compiled the 2.0.36 kernel with
SMP support and the basic things seem to work fine, there was a
build error, I had to compile the serial com drivers as modules.
5) Workstation/Development system.  Software RAID file server.
6) Zippy
7) The MB is large but it seems to squeeze in fine.  The drive
connectors are right up against the the drive assembly.  The
second serial port consumes a slot.  It woud be nice if this
case had a DB9 punch out, the100BT RJ45 jack squeezed the
DB9 serial connector out.  It would be nice if the MB came
with an external SCSI I/F cable.
Remarkably easy to build.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Ben Myers)
Subject: Re: wanted scrap
Date: 19 Mar 1999 07:58:24 GMT

Where are you located?  What do you pay, by category of scrap?  I have
a few hundred pounds of boards and drives... Ben Myers

"matt" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>faulty hard disk drives,tape backup drives, cellphones

Ben Myers
Spirit of Performance, Inc.
Harvard, MA
tel: 978-456-3889
fax: 978-456-3937
MC, VISA, AMEX accepted.


From: Vincent Cunniffe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup,comp.os.linux.networking,[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Intel EtherExpress Pro/10 PCI card
Date: 19 Mar 1999 07:47:00 GMT

> I saw the same type of behavior last night on my RH5.2 system.  I ended
> up having to load the eepro100.o module (insmod eepro100.o), then run
> Linuxconf, verify that the Ip, GW, mask, etc were correct and exit and
> 'activate changes'.
> It's been running fine (I have the same type of NIC - Intel PCI) since
> then.  I have to find out how/where to add the insmod eepro100.o line
> (and a couple other fs lines) so they happen automatically at boot up.





From: o r c @ p e l l . p o r t l a n d . o r . u s  (david parsons)
Subject: Re: Linux with > 64MB RAM??
Date: 19 Mar 1999 07:52:30 GMT

In article 
Eric Lee Green <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>On Sun, 28 Feb 1999 20:21:32 GMT, User <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>I was wondering if anyone else has had this problem.
>>I was running Linux with 32MB of EDO ram (4*8MB Simms)
>>with no problem.  Then I bought 2*32MB Simms and 
>>put those along with two of my 8MB simms in for a total
>>of 80MB RAM.  However, Linux seems to recognize only
>Upgrade to version 2.0.36 of the Linux kernel. It will properly recognize
>your memory and fixes various important bugs.

   It *may* properly recognise your memory, and it may not.  Alas, since
   the time I wrote the enhanced memory detection patch in 2.0.3+ (for
   1.2.13) the preferred method of getting memory size changed to Yet
   Another bios call, and the e801 call has been obsoleted on many

   A newer enhanced memory detection, which I'll be sending off to Alan
   Cox and Linus later this week (in my copious free time.  Ho ho.) tries
   bios call e820 as well as e801 and 88.  Brave people can grab the
   patches from now, though.

   david parsons \bi/ e820 returns a spiffy memory map, which Linux doesn't
                  \/                                             care about.



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