Linux-Hardware Digest #63, Volume #10            Mon, 19 Apr 99 08:13:35 EDT

  Re: All the current OSes are idiotic (was Re: Is Windows for idiots?) ("Charles R. 
  LS-120 Superdisk Drives under RedHat 5.2 ("[EMAIL PROTECTED]")
  Re: SCSI makes the kernel faults (Dean Darlison)
  wild hair alert! (Paula and Daniel)
  Re: Just a clue please......  :) (Nigel Kendal-Ward)
  ttyS1 doesn't work!! ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: x on ati rage fury (Smirftsch)
  Problems with an Adaptec AVA1502AE SCSI host card (Kjell Petersen)
  HP 1100A (Ivar Koppel)
  Re: Help please ! Can't configure ethernet card for with TRINUX. (Greg H.)
  Re: Programmers are gods (gus)
  Re: wild hair alert! (Mattt)
  Hauppage TV Card. Freezes the PC on insmod. (S Sachdeva)
  Re: Amd-k6-2 (Mohd H Misnan)
  Re: Need Sound Card Suggestions (Jon Haugsand)
  Re: Adaptec 2940UW SCSI with SCAM? (Johan Kullstam)
  Just a clue please......  :) (Eric Drabwell)
  Re: Aztech labs soundblaster pro ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Internal modem install trouble
  Re: Sound Cards & Kernel - Help needed ("dpc")
  Re: Programmers are gods ("Osvaldo Pinali Doederlein")


From: "Charles R. Lyttle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: All the current OSes are idiotic (was Re: Is Windows for idiots?)
Date: Sun, 18 Apr 1999 16:05:33 GMT

Olaf Appelt wrote:
> >I have the Dogs/dogs problem on one of my jobs. One folder has about 40
> >files that begin with the letters "pro" and several that begin
> >"project". One of these I use much more than any of the others, so I
> >would like to name it "PROJECT" so it will stand out in windows explorer
> >and be easy to see. I don't care whether Windows uses the UC or not, I
> >want it. But Bill Gates insists that it can only be displayed as
> >"Project" along with all the other "Pro*" files and I have to read down
> >the list till I find it.
> That is configurable. Explorer->View->Folder Options->View->Allow all
> uppercase names
> Olaf

Thanks for the tip! I didn't know that and our local "Wizard" didn't
know that either.  Now if there is a way to get Windows to use '/'
instead of '\' in path names I will be very happy. Early on DOS had that
switch, but I haven't found it in any windows releases.

Russ Lyttle, PE
Thank you Melissa! 
Not Powered by ActiveX


Subject: LS-120 Superdisk Drives under RedHat 5.2
Date: Mon, 19 Apr 1999 02:23:17 +0100


Most FAQs and newsgroup postings regarding LS120 Superdisks refer to not
being able to mount LS120 disks under Linux.  I have a strange problem
(well, it seems strange to me, anyway).

I have an LS120 Superdisk installed and on bootup is recognised as
/dev/hdb.  So far so good!

I ahve an entry in /etc/fstab on the lines of:

/dev/hdb    /mnt/LS120    msdos    noauto    1 2

When I issue a mount command, the drive mounts OK, but ONLY if there is
a 1.44Mb Floppy disk in the drive.

If I put a 120Mb Superdisk in, i get the message "mount:
/dev/hdb     cant read superblock"

Can anybody help me sort this one out - its probably very simple, but
I cant find any documentation for it.

By the way, the disk works fine when I tried it under Windoze98 on the
machine that has that particular virus installed, so its not LS120
hardware related.

As I said somewhere, the system is RedHat 5.2, with the latest kernel
installed (v2.2.6).

Thanks in advance



From: Dean Darlison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: SCSI makes the kernel faults
Date: Mon, 19 Apr 1999 10:41:11 +0100

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Andrea Zanin wrote:

>>NB i boot the kernel with aic7xxx=no_reset parameter
>>(scsi0) <Adaptec AHA-294X Ultra SCSI host adapter> found at PCI 10/0
>>(scsi0) Wide Channel, SCSI ID=7, 16/255 SCBs
>>(scsi0) Downloading sequencer code... 419 instructions downloaded
>>(scsi0) Not resetting SCSI bus.  Note: Don't use the no_reset
>>(scsi0) option unless you have a verifiable need for it.
>>(scsi0) The no_reset option is known to break some systems,
>>(scsi0) and is not supported by the driver author

Says it all really !

So what is your 'verifiable need' for it ?


Dasco Ltd.

Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">
<tt>Andrea Zanin wrote:</tt>
<p>>>NB i boot the kernel with aic7xxx=no_reset parameter
<br>>>(scsi0) &lt;Adaptec AHA-294X Ultra SCSI host adapter> found at PCI
<br>>>(scsi0) Wide Channel, SCSI ID=7, 16/255 SCBs
<br>>>(scsi0) Downloading sequencer code... 419 instructions downloaded
<br>>>(scsi0) Not resetting SCSI bus.&nbsp; Note: Don't use the no_reset
<br>>>(scsi0) option unless you have a verifiable need for it.
<br>>>(scsi0) The no_reset option is known to break some systems,
<br>>>(scsi0) and is not supported by the driver author
<p>Says it all really !
<p><tt>So what is your 'verifiable need' for it ?</tt>
<br><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Dean.</tt>
Dasco Ltd.</tt></pre>



From: Paula and Daniel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: wild hair alert!
Date: Sun, 18 Apr 1999 20:38:32 -0400

hello all,

I've got this weird idea...I've been thinking lately of somehow
interfacing a pair of old camcorder viewfinders to my box, mounting them
on headgear of some sort, and using it as a stereo pair (ala
Virtuality).  Unfortunately, I've no idea how to do this.  How does a
camcorder talk to its viewfinder?  Is it composite video, or???

Ideas anyone?



From: Nigel Kendal-Ward <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Just a clue please......  :)
Date: Mon, 19 Apr 1999 10:46:10 +0100

Hi Eric

Well, there *is* a very simple way round this, if you dont mind using
*DOS* - **@!!?

Get hold of a copy of symantec GHOST, create a DOS boot disk, run GHOST,
and dump your Hard Disk to a Ghost Image.  When you want to restore your
machine, re-run ghost, then dump the disk image back to the hard disk.

This works whether you have Windoze, Linux, or any other OS on the disk!

Ghost is given away on the Support CR-ROM with Chaintech Motherboards, on
the "AIRBAG" Utility Disk, and is quite small - small enough for an email

All the best


Eric Drabwell wrote:

> Hi all,
> A quick question. Please just point me in the right direction if there
> is a HOW TO.
> I need to basically make a full back up of the entire hard disk of my
> Linux Box as I dont want to go thru installs etc with this particular
> computer.  How?? Or which HOW TO?
> Thanks Heaps!!!
> Eric


Subject: ttyS1 doesn't work!!
Date: 19 Apr 1999 09:32:07 GMT

Hello everybody!

I've a problem using the second serial port of my PC: 

when using only ttyS0 (e.g. with a mouse), all goes well, as does using only ttyS1; 
but, using both ports (mouse and modem respectively), ttyS1 doesn't work: lines TX and 
RX are always active and the modem doesn't understand that.

I think this is a problem with setserial which is not able to configure correctly the 
port (i had the same problem with a different motherboard):
in /proc/ioports i see the I/O adresses of the two serial ports, but in 
/proc/interrupts only irq 4(ttyS0) is reported.

Maybe kernel 2.2.5 requires a newer version of setserial...
(i just downloaded 2.16, we'll see if that helps)





From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Smirftsch)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux
Subject: Re: x on ati rage fury
Date: Mon, 19 Apr 1999 11:43:45 +0200

It seems to be taht i'm not the only one with this problem, saw something
with framebuffer trick in comp.os.linux.setup, but unfortunately , i haven't
found the text where it was explained. The message i found often that the
card would work under accelerated x- but that isn't the answer for the
problem at all...

if you find an answer, please mail me

Eric Melville schrieb:

> i am putting together a computer with an ati rage fury. you know, the
> one with 32mb on board. however, the "documentation" seems a bit lacking
> in the actual specifics of the board, and there is no card definition in
> the xfree86 card database. superprobe gave me something like "generic
> vga" with 4mb of memory, which isn't quite what i was looking for.
> anyone out there running x on this graphics card?
> -E


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Kjell Petersen)
Subject: Problems with an Adaptec AVA1502AE SCSI host card
Date: 19 Apr 1999 10:45:29 GMT

I have a Microtek Phantom scanner which was delivered with an Adaptec 
AVA1502AE SCSI host card. I'm trying to setup the scanner for use with 
SANE under Gimp.

As I have understood it from the SANE documetation, I have to do the "SCSI
low-level support" myself. I recon that is to compile a kernel with SCSI 
support and the correct low-level drivers, such that linux recognises my
SCSI card at boot time. 

Problem in short :

I've compiled a new kernel with SCSI support and generic SCSI support and the 
low level driver aha152x. I've tried both with modules and compiled in to the 
kernel (details below), but in the first case I'm not allowed to install the 
aha152x module, and in the last case the card is not recognised at the irq
and i/o address specified.

My system :

Red Hat 5.2 on a PII 450 (Celeron 300 at a 440BX 100 MHz motherboard)
Linux 2.2.4 kernel

Soundblaster PCI128 PnP (using module es1370 - Ensoniq without any problems ;^)
Adaptec AVA1502AE 
  -jumpers for irq, i/o etc so non-PNP 
  -SCSI_ID 7

I've tried searching on Dejanews, but only found out that :
- AVA1502 cards are commonly in use, also under linux (zip-drives etc)
- The driver to use seems to be the one I'm trying : aha152x
- Most problems seem to be giving the module/kernel the right irq/io-adress

With SCSI support as modules :

I compiled all SCSI-support as modules and got :


First I loaded scsi_mod and then sg. My card had settings irq=9 io=0x140 so I
tried to load the aha152x module with :

>insmod aha152x aha152x=0x140,9
aha152x.o: Device or resource busy

I double checked that these resources were free (/proc/interrupts and ioports).
Trying to load the module without parameters yielded the same result.

Being not to comfortable with modules yet, I decided to have a go with the 
support compiled into the kernel.

With SCSI support compiled into the kernel :

In make menuconfig I selected SCSI support, Generic SCSI support and AHA152x 
support to be compiled as a part of the kernel.

Compiled and copied the kernel to the /boot directory.

In my lilo.conf file i added :

 append = "aha152x=0x140,9"

under the right stanza, and reran lilo.
(I also tried the full version :
  append = "aha152x=0x140,9,7,1,1,0,500,0"
with the same result).

When booting with the new kernel I got the following messages

aha152x: processing commandline: ok
aha152x: BIOS test: passed, detected 1 controller(s)
aha152x0: vital data: PORTBASE=0x140, IRQ=9, SCSI ID=7, reconnect=enabled, 
parity=enabled, synchronous=disabled, delay=500, extended translation=disabled
aha152x: trying software interrupt, lost.
aha152x: IRQ 9 possibly wrong.  Please verify.
scsi : 0 hosts.
scsi : detected total.

I've double checked the jumper settings and tried settings for another irq as 
well with correct parameters given to the kernel, same result. I've also 
tried all the combinations of the reconnect and parity parameters without luck.

I started to think that some hardware might be broken, but I have a Win98 
partition on the same PC, and the hardware works fine under this OS...
( In fact this might be one of the last barriers for not kicking out Win98

Hypothesis :

Since both approaches fails, I started to think about common prerequisits.

And since this is my first SCSI card under linux, I wonder if I've missed 
something about the Generic SCSI Support. Is this one needed at all as a 
"middle-level" driver ? Or is it unecessary in the presence of the aha152x 
driver (low-level) ?

If I do need the Generic SCSI Support as well as the aha152x support, am I 
supposed to give the Generic SCSI driver some parameters to coexist with 
the aha152x driver ?

As you see, I could need some information about the nuts-and-bolts regarding
SCSI support. I've found the unmaintained SCSI-HOWTO to be mostly obsolete, and
the SCSI-Programming-HOWTO seem to be giving guidelines for using the generic 
SCSI driver directly against a scsi card in the lack of a already implemented 
low-level driver (in case of new unsupported hardware).

Since at least the AVA1502 seems to be widely used (I don't know about the
AVA1502AE) I hope that someone have some clues of what might be wrong, and/or
can give med som hints/references on SCSI support under linux 2.2.

Another hypothesis might be some trouble with the combination SCSI-card / 
sound card. I've seen some postings on that, but couldn't find any general 
problems from those.

Any response is most welcome,

Kjell ;^)


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Ivar Koppel)
Subject: HP 1100A
Date: 19 Apr 1999 09:56:38 GMT


 Does anybody know, wheter the HP 1100 A printer/scanner/copier 's 
scanning functions
are supported by Linux? Or does Linux support any parallel port scanners?




Subject: Re: Help please ! Can't configure ethernet card for with TRINUX.
Date: Mon, 19 Apr 1999 10:40:20 GMT

Jacob Mull ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

> This is a linux newsgroup. What is Trinux?

   It's a distribution --

   Greg H.


Subject: Re: Programmers are gods
Date: Mon, 19 Apr 1999 10:48:52 +0100

Just as an aside, these are some things you DON'T want to see in some
code .... ;-) (And I have personally encountered some ...)

"Shit, this SUX"

"If it was hard to write, it should be hard to read!"

"The comments to this were difficult to understand, so I took them out.
Now it is impossible!"

"This is a DOG statement, but I don't know how to do it any better." (I
found this when tasked with making a 3 hour SQL process faster ... That
particular statement took about 1.5 hours  ... ;-)

Anyway, I am sure that there are more.


Martin Ozolins wrote:
> Nostril Of Happiness wrote in message
> <8JxS2.2379$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
> >>Try a cross platform port of engineer fortran (different from IT fortran)
> >>every index variable is 'i'  the number of times 'i' is repeated is the
> >>depth in imbeded if's or loops. ie:
> >>if (i)
> >>    if(ii)
> >>    endif
> >>ednif
> >
> >
> >That looks like my code. Stop sharing my secrets in public.... Who are
> you??
> >Yes, comments are for wimps. They should never be used.....
> >
> Do you also use a for every variable when you program for Apples?
> >


Date: Mon, 19 Apr 1999 11:45:03 +1000
Subject: Re: wild hair alert!

you're right - that's a weird idea...  ;-))


Paula and Daniel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
:hello all,
:I've got this weird idea...I've been thinking lately of somehow
:interfacing a pair of old camcorder viewfinders to my box, mounting them
:on headgear of some sort, and using it as a stereo pair (ala
:Virtuality).  Unfortunately, I've no idea how to do this.  How does a
:camcorder talk to its viewfinder?  Is it composite video, or???
:Ideas anyone?


From: S Sachdeva <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Hauppage TV Card. Freezes the PC on insmod.
Date: Sun, 18 Apr 1999 21:41:38 -0400

I just bought the Hauppage TV 401 card ( Checking that it works with Linux ).

On running the following my PC freezes.

> modprobe -k videodev
> modprobe -k tuner type=2
> modprobe -k msp3400
> insmod bttv card=10 radio=1 pll=1

Is there something that I am doing wrong here.  PC hangs when I run the insmod

Appreciate any help.

TV card is -- Hauppage WinTV 401 with dbx Stereo and FM Radio. It has the
MSP3430G stereo chip.



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Mohd H Misnan)
Subject: Re: Amd-k6-2
Date: 18 Apr 1999 11:44:12 GMT
Reply-To: mhmsys$pc,jaring,my

On Wed, 14 Apr 1999 08:08:20 +0200, Jaco Portheine wrote:
>I am considering buying a AMD-k6-2-400 but am unsure about
>compatibility with linux any help on this???

Shouldn't be a problem. I've been running AMD K6-2/300MHz on my notebook for
more than 5 months w/o any problem whatsoever. BTW, the 2.2.5 recognized my
processor as AuthenticAMD K6 with 3D processor and running at 300.688234MHz,
with Bogomips = 599.65.

|MacOS 8.5.1 +    |      |M|
|AMD K6-2/300 +   |We want to take over the world, but we don't have |a|
|Linux 2.2.5+RH5.2|to do it tomorrow. It's OK by next week - Linus T.|c|


From: Jon Haugsand <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Need Sound Card Suggestions
Date: 19 Apr 1999 09:05:30 +0200

* Chun Lin
> how to setup AWE 64 under RH linux? when I use
> sndconfig, it always has some problem, everything
> is ok until it try to play a sound sample.

I have the same card which works painlessly on my RH5.2 widn
sndconfig. Do you have IRQ and/or address conflicts?

Jon Haugsand
  Norwegian Computing Center, <> 
  <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  Pho: +47 22852608 / +47 22852500, 
  Fax: +47 22697660, Pb 114 Blindern, N-0314 OSLO, Norway


Subject: Re: Adaptec 2940UW SCSI with SCAM?
From: Johan Kullstam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 19 Apr 1999 07:18:47 -0400

"TURBO1010" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> How can you compile support, if you can't load?  Have the same problem with
> the 2940U2W, can't install cause it won't see the card.

hmm.  i installed using redhat 5.0.  i had to use the supplemental
disk which had the scsi controller module.  everything worked fine for
me.  i do not know about 2940u2w and how it may or may not differ from

> Johan Kullstam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Richard Preston) writes:
> >
> > > My brother is using the Adaptec 2940UW SCSI controller with SCAM
> > > (whatever that is). It didn't work with Red Hat 5.1 and I was
> > > wondering if anyone knew if it works with Red Hat 5.2 or
> > > S.u.S.E. 6.0 or any other Linux distribution.
> >
> > i have this card.  any distribution will work.  just compile aic7xxx
> > support into the kernel.
> >
> > --
> >                                            J o h a n  K u l l s t a m
> >                                            [[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> >                                               Don't Fear the Penguin!

                                           J o h a n  K u l l s t a m
                                           [[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
                                              Don't Fear the Penguin!


From: Eric Drabwell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Just a clue please......  :)
Date: Mon, 19 Apr 1999 07:20:35 GMT

Hi all,
A quick question. Please just point me in the right direction if there
is a HOW TO.
I need to basically make a full back up of the entire hard disk of my
Linux Box as I dont want to go thru installs etc with this particular
computer.  How?? Or which HOW TO?

Thanks Heaps!!!


Subject: Re: Aztech labs soundblaster pro
Date: Mon, 19 Apr 1999 02:15:42 GMT

Depending on the chipset. For AZT2316 or AZT2320. Aztech should have support
for hardware Window Sound System register. The problem is you need to know
where to switch it from SBPro mode to WSS mode.


In article <924457561.144525@marvin>,
  Tom Michiels <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Torjus Gaaren <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Is it supported in any kernel version or is there any way at all I can
> > make it work (compatibility with another soundcard)?
> I think this card is compatible with microsoft sound system.
> An easy way to find out the correct settings for you sound card,
> is loading the demo version of the 4fronttech drivers, and looking at
> the /dev/sndstat to find out how to do it yourselves.
> Good luck!
> Tom
> --
> Lottery: a tax on people who are bad at math.

============= Posted via Deja News, The Discussion Network ============       Search, Read, Discuss, or Start Your Own    


Subject: Re: Internal modem install trouble
Date: 19 Apr 1999 02:59:29 GMT

di you setserial on /dev/cua2 so that linux knows which irq that port is using?

In article <5B0S2.1826$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
 "Tim" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
|> I have an internal 56k zoom modem, that I disabled PnP and set to jumper ,
|> installed on com 3.  When I activate my ppp I get a short blast of dialtone
|> and no dial.  The modem then disconnects, waits about 10 seconds and goes
|> through the whole process again.  I have tried the command  echo ATDT
|> phonenumber >/dev/cua2.  I get the same symptom as above.
|> Any suggestions
|> Tim

"and make no [tuba]. we're already in [Baghdad]."

Seuss Navy - 'Biting 73rd'              Mormon Stronghold, Mesa Sector
"no sneetch out of reach"                     Sol-3' 32.8437,-117.2187


From: "dpc" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Sound Cards & Kernel - Help needed
Date: Sun, 18 Apr 1999 22:57:49 -0400

Hey there!  I found that my SB AWE 64 troubles ended when I did an ls of the
/usr/src/linux/Documentation directory.  There are some very good
instructions in there.  The only other thing I had to do that wasn't in
there was type modprobe sound after it was all done :)  Good luck!


Rick Seymour wrote in message <7fdfgf$mus$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>I am completely new to Linux and am trying to get used to it all with next
>to no documentation. I was wondering where i can find information regarding
>the installation of my sound card (an SB AWE 64 Value). Does this involve
>me having to re-build my kernel from scratch using `make config`? I have
>seen the basic HOWTO, but to someone who knows jack about the kernel and
>about linux in general its a bit much to take in. How come they can't write
>a howto, nicely step-by-step
>I've got RedHat5.2 distribution from a cover-disk somewhere with kernel 2
>(something :))
>Could someone send me an e-mail with a few pointers
>Many thanks
>------------------  Posted via SearchLinux  ------------------


From: "Osvaldo Pinali Doederlein" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Programmers are gods
Date: Mon, 19 Apr 1999 12:59:40 +0200

gus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Just as an aside, these are some things you DON'T want to see in some
> code .... ;-) (And I have personally encountered some ...)
> "Shit, this SUX"

What about this one:

// I hate this hack, but I fucked up and didn't set the default to 100

Should companies do a "policitally correct" clean-up of sources that they
"open" all of a sudden?  Or should we respect programmers and not do that?



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