Linux-Hardware Digest #131, Volume #10            Sat, 1 May 99 07:13:35 EDT

  mirroring with slakware? ("Bob Bevins")
  Seperate parallel port and zip drive: (Steverl)
  CD RW and RedHat 5.2: (Steverl)
  HELP Serial port ("Michael W. Bogucki")
  Re: Creative has just posted SB-Live Linux drivers! (Larry Ozarow)
  input/output error ("Fuz")
  ISA problems???...Linux won't see my Ethernet Card or Modem (MKensey2)
  Re: Blank Screen in X Windows (Terry Linder)
  A simple question about Sb 64 awe pci (Maxim Sadsag)
  Re: removing cooling fans--how dangerous? ("rETi")
  Re: ISA problems???...Linux won't see my Ethernet Card or Modem (Rob van der Putten)
  Re: 4th message: PLEASE HELP -->AVA1502 SCSI card <-- ("Gene Heskett")
  dual monitor  or monitor and tv at the same time ("Gunther Huygens")
  Re: ATI Mach64 tiny HOWTO ("TRollins")
  Re: Newbie video card / hardware question - have mercy ("Prasanth Kumar")
  Re: Help with AGP Video Cards (M|S)
  Re: Creative has just posted SB-Live Linux drivers! (Jim Zubb)
  Re: ISA problems???...Linux won't see my Ethernet Card or Modem 
  Re: Need help with PPP ("IBL")


From: "Bob Bevins" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: mirroring with slakware?
Date: Sun, 25 Apr 1999 12:27:54 GMT

IS there a way to mirror a drive? So the system writes to both drives at the
same time or close to the same time?


From: Steverl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Seperate parallel port and zip drive:
Date: Sat, 01 May 1999 01:48:31 -0500

I am running Red Hat 5.2 and have a seperqate parallel port (pci) with a
zip 250 connected to it. I've tried to ad ppa using 0x278 as base but I
can't seem to ger Linux to recognize the drive. As I said, this zip 250
is not connected to any printer and the ppa uses irq 9. Nothing seems to


From: Steverl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: CD RW and RedHat 5.2:
Date: Sat, 01 May 1999 01:50:34 -0500

Can anyone help me get my HP 8100 CD RW to write? Please help.


From: "Michael W. Bogucki" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: HELP Serial port
Date: 1 May 1999 06:27:39 GMT

Hi All,
        I have been trying to get my serial port to talk to different
devices. On Com1 I have a mouse (which works fine.) On COM2 I have either
a SpaceOrb or a servo-Motor controller. I cannot get either of them
working. The Spaceorb comes with a driver but when I run it, nothing
happens. I have written code in-order to talk with the Servo-motor
controller. (Using Termios.) Whenever I run this program, I get errors
saying I cannot write to the opened port. 
        When I do a cat /dev/cua1 I get device or resource busy (if I boot
with the spaceorb.) or I get input/output error.
Does anyone know if I need to modify something in my init scripts in order
to make cua1 read/write(able)?
        I am running Redhat ver. 5.2 on a PPro 166 system.
Thanks for your time.
Mike Bogucki


From: Larry Ozarow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Creative has just posted SB-Live Linux drivers!
Date: Sat, 01 May 1999 06:04:27 GMT

Alpine wrote:

AMEN, I just applied the RH sound patches to my 2.0.36 kernel,
recompiled, installed
the SBLive drivers from the site and IT WORKED!


Subject: input/output error
Date: Fri, 30 Apr 1999 22:59:55 -0400

    Does anyone know what input/output error 5 means in Lnux Red Hat 5.2


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (MKensey2)
Subject: ISA problems???...Linux won't see my Ethernet Card or Modem
Date: 1 May 1999 06:00:51 GMT

Hey folks
I have a cyrex 166 mmx or whatever they call mmx AST Adventure pc. It has a
Boca Modem installed in an ISA slot as well as an Intel Etherexpress pro/10+.
NO matter what I do, neither device is recognized by linux.  When running
statserial on com3, the port that my modem is connected to in dos, I just get
the error message.  With the ethernet I have no Idea what to do. Can anyone
help? IN the meantime my menuconfig does not seem to be working. I type
menuconfig, it begins to start up, then it gives me an error message,looking

/bin/sh: gcc command not found
make [1]***[lxdialog.0] error 12

do my hardware problems have something to do with the ast? has anyone had these
problems before? I thought I had at least semi-quality hardware, especially for
linux, but I can't seem to get these very important aspects working.

thanks in advance, 


From: Terry Linder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Blank Screen in X Windows
Date: Sat, 01 May 1999 01:34:53 -0500

Allan Manning wrote:

> When I try to load Xwindows, My Display just goes blank, I've tried Sci
> Tech Display Doctor and no luck
> I have an S3 ViRGE DX chipset with 4 megs of memory and an AST SVGA
> monitor, any help out there for me??

  I kind of just went through this as well. I have the AGP Viper V330. It
turns out that the network card and the V330 were both sharing IRQ 9. I
found that out in Windows 98. Windows NT (which I use most often) doesn't
even show the video card as using an IRQ, that's why I did not see the
conflict. Anyway both cards were Plug and Play so I couldn't force an IRQ
on them. I ended up resetting my BIOS back to the defaults which enabled
the Plug and Play option that I had turned off for NT. For some reason I
booted back into 98 and it started finding new hardware for the network
card. I was now able to set the IRQ to one I knew I had free. In summary I
think if you check the IRQ settings in 95/98 by right clicking on 'My
computer' and going into the 'device' tab, and resetting them if they
share it will help. If it won't let you change them, check your BIOS to
see if it lets you change anything there. Again, my BIOS did not have many
options so I ended up resetting it to get it to work, but make sure to
right down your settings. Hope this helps, I was in the same boat last
week. Now I am on to the sound card...



From: Maxim Sadsag <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: A simple question about Sb 64 awe pci
Date: Wed, 28 Apr 1999 23:03:27 +0300

I am gonna buy a new sound card and I've found this soundcard at a low
price. Is it compatible with linux? (kernel 2.2.x)



Subject: Re: removing cooling fans--how dangerous?
Date: Sat, 1 May 1999 08:39:58 +0200

A peltier needs to be cooled a fan is still needed

</> rETi's Pc Hardware <\>

Mp3Deck : Mobo based mp3 freeware hardware player...


[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message <7gb5fh$nj1$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>I would like to get rid of the cooling fans in my computer (cpu and power
>supply) since the noise bothers me (I want the computer to be totally
>I already know how to spin down hard discs). Here's what I need to know:
>- Where can I get silent coolers to replace those fans? E.g. Peltier
>or radiators. They should preferably be as cheap as possible (definitely
>than $100 for replacing all fans).
>- If completely silent coolers are not available for cheap, where can I get
>the cheapest (working) very-low-noise, heat sensor-controlled fans?
>- If I simply toss out the fans without replacing them by anything, what
>the consequences be? If the cpu gets too hot, will it be destroyed
>or stop working in time for me to detect that something is wrong?
>The computer is never on for more than a few hours, the environment
>temperature is moderate (<80 F in summer, typically about 60 F), and I
>live with the computer crashing every now and then; I could not live with
>computer going up in flames (no pun intended). All operating systems that I
>run support "idle"-cooling of the processor. And the installed hardware is
>pretty minimal, so the power supply would not get hot too quickly.
>All responses appreciated: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>-----------== Posted via Deja News, The Discussion Network ==----------
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From: Rob van der Putten <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: ISA problems???...Linux won't see my Ethernet Card or Modem
Date: Sat, 1 May 1999 10:24:10 +0200

Hi there

On 1 May 1999, MKensey2 wrote:

> Boca Modem installed in an ISA slot as well as an Intel Etherexpress pro/10+.
> NO matter what I do, neither device is recognized by linux.

Did you do the usual stuff; Switch off PnP, get all your hardware on
unique IO addresses and IRQs, switch off all autodetect?


|                   |


Date: 28 Apr 99 00:00:54 -0500
From: "Gene Heskett" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: 4th message: PLEASE HELP -->AVA1502 SCSI card <--


Gene Heskett sends Greetings to Ernesto Mottola;

 EM> I have a Iomega Zip Plus on a Iomega Zip Zoom SCSI card; it is an
 EM> Adaptec AVA-1502, which should work with aha152x driver. I give:

 EM> modprobe aha152x aha152x=0x140,9,7

 EM> and get:

 EM> 1 controller detected [.....] probing software interrupt: 9:
 EM> software interrupt lost, maybe wrong. [.... ] SCSI 0 hosts SCSI
 EM> detected total (!!)

 EM> But it correctly works under Windows 95 with IO=0x140 and irq=9.
 EM> I am using kernel 2.2.6, what else can I do? Some people has
 EM> managed to mke the card work, and I've followed their
 EM> instructions....

Using your msg as a hint, I did a:

modprobe aha152x aha152x=0x340,11,7

Which is where the jumpers were set on the card, and it responded just

One other hint, I note that pnpdump does *not* reach that ALT address of
0x140 when it does its buss scan.  You may want to pull that last jumper
off, and let it go back to 0x340.  If that clashes with the winblooze
boot somehow, maybe you could move the plug-n-pray card that clashes to a
different addy with its install disk.

Now, since typing the above, I went to the basement and borrowed an 850
meg Quantum that a customer said I could format if I wanted to, and
installed it, rebooted, and fdsk'd it for one big partition of just over
800 megs.

Then I turned cp loose to copy the whole /etc to it, and got quite a
ways very quickly, but error'd out on a link of some sort cp couldn't
figure out what to do with.  But that was about 60 megs in maybe 5 or 6
seconds, which to this old amiga user, seems pretty quick for an elderly

I have added the appropriate stuffs in the kernal configurator, and it
seems to survive a reboot (I think).

If this *is* the case, now we all have a potential source for el-cheepo
scsi cards that seems to work.  These Adaptec 1502 cards were the toss
'em in the box that came with an internal scsi zip drive, got tossed in
the drawer, and now, 3 years later, maybe even put to use!

Just two questions in this post folks!  And those are: Why does pnpdump not
start at 0x100 instead of 0x200?  Does Linux use that area for something

Cheers, Gene
  Gene Heskett, CET, UHK       |Amiga A2k Zeus040 50 megs fast/2 megs chip
    Ch. Eng. @ WDTV-5          |A2091,GuruRom,1g Seagate,CDROM,Multiface III
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  or  |Buddha + 4 gig WDC drive, 525 meg tape
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>|Stylus Pro, EnPrint, Picasso-II, 17" vga
         RC5-Moo! 22kkeys/sec isn't much, but it all helps


From: "Gunther Huygens" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: dual monitor  or monitor and tv at the same time
Date: Sat, 1 May 1999 11:12:19 +0200

Looking for :
video card that supports dual monitor  or monitor and tv at the same time
preferably also possible to have different windows/output on the 2 monitors
the monitor and the tv

Do I need 2 cards?



From: "TRollins" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: ATI Mach64 tiny HOWTO
Date: Sat, 1 May 1999 01:08:52 -0400


You seem to have some experience with this...
My All-In Wonder Pro 8meg AGP, still doesn't work. Set up just as you
described, but the monitor won't sync. I've even done custom, and been very
conservative with the settings, and it still won't lock up, in any rez.  Any
more ideas?



From: "Prasanth Kumar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Newbie video card / hardware question - have mercy
Date: Sat, 01 May 1999 05:35:59 GMT

Eric D. Clausen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> What is "the best" video card to start out with for a Linux newbie?
>  I',ve got an older AST Pentium 166 box with 128 mb Ram, an AcerView
> 76ie monitor (17 in), a 1.6 gb IDE drive, a Kingston 10/100 PCI
> ethernet card, an AWE 64 sound card.  The AST has some kind of video
> on the motherboard, but has only got 2 mb of video ram.
> I've got a Jaton 67-P PCI video card laying around, with 4 mb ram.
> The chipset on this card is Trident 9685.
> I have DSL so I can download any needed software pretty quickly.
> Is the hardware I've described going to work OK for a Linux newbie?

I am not sure about the ethernet card but the rest of the stuff seems okay
(atleast with Redhat 5.2 or newer)

> Which part(s) should I dump, if any? And replace with what?
> If anyone would care to respond, please respond to Eric at
> Thanks


Subject: Re: Help with AGP Video Cards
Date: Sat, 01 May 1999 12:36:12 +0300


> I have installed linux redhat on my computer in the last couple of weeks. But
> I am having trouble getting my video card to work correctly.
> I have a Video Excel. Chips and Techknowlogies Intel 740 Chipset AGP card with
> 8MB of memory.
> With X Windows I can only convince it that there is 64k or memory on my card
> and then it automaticly opens up a 320x200 display which is a real pain.
> I used the Chip's and Technowogies 65530 driver for linux but this does not
> seem to work to well. I can't find the website for videoexcel to find a
> driver, and the cd I got with the card does not have linux drivers.
> It also won't regonise a RAMDAC or a clockchip.
> In Windows I have to install A USB driver before I can get the card to work
> properly. I don't quite understand why this is but the same might apply to
> linux.
> It also supports OpenGL and I would like to get that going on linux as well.
> I'm very new to linux and don't know where to get the approate drivers or
> maybe even how to install them. If someone could help or point me in the
> right direction I would be grateful.
> Ashleigh

Look at this:
I'm using i740 vcard with theze drivers - 800x600x16bpp without any problems...


From: Jim Zubb <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Creative has just posted SB-Live Linux drivers!
Date: Sat, 01 May 1999 03:02:52 +0000

Rich Powell wrote:
> They have just posted Linux drivers on their web site.  I have just
> downloaded them and am about to try them out.  Whoa baby - sound!
> Rich

Esound doesn't seem to work right for me, I get a second or
two of normal audio then everything slows down 1/100000
speed and tapers off.  esd initialization takes forever, the
test tones play very slowly.

Jim Zubb


From: eisme@theoldsameplace
Subject: Re: ISA problems???...Linux won't see my Ethernet Card or Modem
Date: Sat, 01 May 1999 10:02:07 GMT

On 1 May 1999 06:00:51 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (MKensey2) wrote:

>Hey folks
>I have a cyrex 166 mmx or whatever they call mmx AST Adventure pc. It has a
>Boca Modem installed in an ISA slot as well as an Intel Etherexpress pro/10+.
>NO matter what I do, neither device is recognized by linux.  When running
>statserial on com3, the port that my modem is connected to in dos, I just get
>the error message.  With the ethernet I have no Idea what to do. Can anyone
>help? IN the meantime my menuconfig does not seem to be working. I type
>menuconfig, it begins to start up, then it gives me an error message,looking
>/bin/sh: gcc command not found
>make [1]***[lxdialog.0] error 12
>do my hardware problems have something to do with the ast? has anyone had these
>problems before? I thought I had at least semi-quality hardware, especially for
>linux, but I can't seem to get these very important aspects working.
>thanks in advance, 

Matt, the gcc failure probably means you don't have the
'GNU c compiler' loaded. 
Use whatever package manager you have to either dl the rpm for
readhat, or boot your linux box to a cd rom load, and pick "install
'new programs'".
scroll down the list and let it load (a spacebar makes an X in the
brackets (x) )
after you load this, 
su to root, and change the /etc/profile file to show the path to where
you loaded it.
without the path statement, you must type ./gcc <compiled file>
the ' ./ ' indicates where the compiler is located (in the main path)

As for the dos modem on com3,
set the jumpers to show com3 and assign a ppp file to the (using
netcfg & at the prompt in a new window...if you haven't made the
account you are using in the proper group, you may have to su
and type the root passwd.

You didn't make clear what you wish to do with the ethernet card.
It makes a difference if you wish to use it to run a router
or to access a home network. DHCP is a bit intense.
If you wish to add the capability of ethernet cards, you may not have
the kernel right. 
Know how to do a make?


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.networking,alt.os.linux.dial-up,alt.os.linux
Subject: Re: Need help with PPP
Date: Sat, 1 May 1999 12:21:46 +0200

hi there,

Sandeep Singh heeft geschreven in bericht
>Hello all!
>I am trying to set-up PPP on a linux box (Redhat 5.2 kernel 2.2.5). Here
>is the syslog:
>Can anybody tell me what I am missing here? Thanks in advance for your
>Apr 14 22:27:36 zobar chat[459]: Please Sign-on: -- got it
>Apr 14 22:27:36 zobar chat[459]: send ([EMAIL PROTECTED]^M)
>Apr 14 22:27:37 zobar pppd[445]: Serial connection established.
>Apr 14 22:27:38 zobar pppd[445]: Using interface ppp0
>Apr 14 22:27:38 zobar pppd[445]: Connect: ppp0 <--> /dev/ttyS0
>Apr 14 22:27:45 zobar pppd[445]: Modem hangup
>Apr 14 22:27:45 zobar PAM_pwdb[441]: (login) session closed for user
>Apr 14 22:27:45 zobar pppd[445]: Connection terminated.

this resembles alot of what my logs show.

lucky me, i have a friend at my isp's helpdesk. their logs showed an error
41 wich means that pap or chap isn't working properly OR not the right
protocol is used to transmit.
you'll have to check with your isp.
few possibilities: the papa format    <user>@domain * pap secret      isn't
supported by many isp's

instead old pap-auth is using    <user> * papsecret

another thing that could trigger this behaviour is on the transport

for isdn with my isp i can only use hdlc / assync to sync converrtion. in a
win-box this (or the x75 ) protocol is set by default. but this may vary
from telephone standards accross the world.

good luck.



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