Linux-Hardware Digest #295, Volume #10           Fri, 21 May 99 22:13:30 EDT

  Bootable Zip 100 or LS120 + PCI IDE Controller (Bruce Bigby)
  Caldera 2.2 installation fails to mount disk ("vancaf")
  Re: i'm killed 3 cd-rom drives!!! (Nicole Abrams)
  Re: XF86Config.. XSiS 530 Video Card! (Nick Sopkovich)
  Re: All the current OSes are idiotic (was Re: Is Windows for idiots?) ("Osvaldo 
Pinali Doederlein")
  Re: USB support under linux (elmer smeckert)
  Dual motherboard PCChips M750i (The Network Wizard)
  Re: Cloning a Linux box ("Millennium Man")
  zip disk problem (Jonathon)
  STB nVIDIA TNT (Arthur Tswei)
  Re: 3Com EtherLink III 3C509TP (Jonathon)
  TNT2 and X (was: Linux on Dual Pentium-II machines) (Vlad Karpinsky)
  Re: Help with modem setup (CodeWright)
  Re: KDE or Gnome (Robert Brown-Bayliss)
  Re: How do I move linux? ("Millennium Man")
  Yamaha DS-XG ("Gnork")
  Re: AMD K6-2 Problems ("robinHood")
  Re: UDMA under Linux 2.2.5 on Asus P5A-b (Ali M15xx chipset) ("Gene Heskett")
  Lost LILO (Ken Whines)
  Re: Adaptec 2940UW PCI problem (Archie Lamb)
  bttv+realserver+broadcast (Christian Hahn)
  Linux and DVD Decoder Cards! ("Jay Paulson")


From: Bruce Bigby <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Bootable Zip 100 or LS120 + PCI IDE Controller
Date: Fri, 21 May 1999 13:10:09 -0400
Reply-To: "Bigby, Bruce" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

I need a larger bootable floppy drive. Basically, I'm leaning towards
getting an IDE-based LS120, since it can also accept the older 3-1/2"
floppies. I have a Tyan Tomcat 3 Dual P5-200 motherboard. Will I need a
BIOS upgrade to use the large floppies for Linux or Windows?

Bruce W. Bigby/Technical Specialist (Software Engineer)
Xerox Corporation - 300-12S/145, 800 Phillips Road, Webster, NY 14580
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED], (716) 422-5978

All of the opinions in this e-mail message are my own and do not
represent the opinions or policies of my employer, unless I have
explicitly stated so.

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<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">
I need a larger bootable floppy drive. Basically, I'm leaning towards getting
an IDE-based LS120, since it can also accept the older 3-1/2" floppies.
I&nbsp;have a Tyan Tomcat 3 Dual P5-200 motherboard. Will I&nbsp;need a
BIOS upgrade to use the large floppies for Linux or Windows?
Bruce W. Bigby/Technical Specialist (Software Engineer)
Xerox Corporation - 300-12S/145, 800 Phillips Road, Webster, NY 14580
<A HREF="mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]">mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]</A>, (716) 

All of the opinions in this e-mail message are my own and do not
represent the opinions or policies of my employer, unless I have
explicitly stated so.



Reply-To: "vancaf" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
From: "vancaf" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup,comp.os.linux.x,,
Subject: Caldera 2.2 installation fails to mount disk
Date: Fri, 21 May 1999 16:36:34 -0700

After successful installation(Caldera 2.2), it fails to boot up
properly(mounting HDD) displaying following message.

"hda:ST39140A, 8693MB w/448kb Cache, CHS=1108/255163, UDMA
 hdc:Castlewood ORB2-E, 2103MB w/0KB Cache, CHS=4273/16/63,
 Partition Check:
 hda: hda1 hda2 <hda5 hda6>
 hdc: [PTBL] [1068/64/63] hdc1
 attempt to access beyond end of device
 03:0b: rw=0, want=2, limit=0
 EXT2-fs:unable to read superblock
 03:0b: rw=0, want=1, limit=0
 FAT bread failed
 kernel panic:VFS:Unable to mount root fs on 03:0b

I'm sure the primary(root) partition ends on cylinder 1022, so I shouldn't
be "1024 prob."  After disconnecting 2nd HDD(hdc), I get the same thing.

More info: 4000MB NTFS partition. 4000MB Linux primary partition. 128MB
SWAP.  all on hda Dual booting using LILO.

Do you have any suggestions?

Thank you.


From: Nicole Abrams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: i'm killed 3 cd-rom drives!!!
Date: Fri, 21 May 1999 23:36:23 GMT

I fried a 44x and a 40x the same way!

Jeremy Prellwitz wrote:

> does anyone know why i keep destroying cd-rom drives while trying to install
> Linux.  i can install Linux (Redhat 5.1 or 5.2) just fine when using my old
> 4x cd-rom drive.  but when ever i've tried installing Linux using one of
> those new UDMA drives i've killed it.  i've wrecked a 24x, a 32x and a 36x
> cd-rom drives.
> why is this happening????  why is everyting ok with my 4x.
> when installing...usually what happens is that the drive starts stalling or
> something.  it stops occasionally and then trys to spin up again....and this
> goes on repeatedly...getting more frequent as time progresses....all the
> time still working correctly...very slowly though mind you....until it just
> dies...and doesn't start up again.
> any help in this matter would very much appreciated!
> Jeremy


From: Nick Sopkovich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: XF86Config.. XSiS 530 Video Card!
Date: Sat, 22 May 1999 00:18:18 -0700

Hi Shawn

>From, get the FAQ.  See Q.F19.
I have a on-board AGP which win95 says is a SiS620 and linux says is a
I downloaded and installed the xsis-3.0-0.i386.rpm from

I got it working on RH5.2 with both kernels 2.0.36 and 2.2.6.

But you are in for a bit of work--you will probably need to edit the
/etc/XF86Config file and hand and use the commands "X  >/tmp/out 2>&1"
command frequently.   See the /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/docs/  directory and read
the README.setup and the README.XFCom_Sis docs.

In /usr/X11R6/bin, I backedup my orig XF86_SVGA and the renamed the
XFCom_SiS executable as XF86_SVGA.  Then make symbolic links to
XF86_SVGA from X (a must), and from XFCom_SiS and XFSuse_SiS.
I also needed a symbolic link from /etc/X11/X to /usr/X11R6/bin/XF86_SVGA
so that my "startx" command would work.

On kernel 2.2.6, I ended up with letting the server do most of its own
configuring which it did nicely.  In XF86Config, I setup for my monitor (use
what your monitor specifies)
Section "Monitor"
    Identifier "mymonitor"
    HorizSync 30-66       # use your values
    VertRefresh 50-120   # use your values
    # I left in all default ModeLine entries stay and let X server figure it
Section "Device"
    Identifier "myvideocard"
Section "Screen"
    Driver "svga"            # accepts it - therefore I renamed X
    Device "myvideocard"
    Monitor "mymonitor"
    # no Options were needed for kernel 2.2.6
    # and I could leave out the VideoRam  entry
    # on kernel 2.0.36, I had working entries:
    # VideoRam 8196, Option "sw_cursor", Option "no_linear"
    Subsection "Display"
    Depth 8
    Modes "1024x768"  #  "800x600" worked, "1280x1024" was  tiny for my eyes

    ViewPort 0 0

Run  X with the captures and then get back to text mode with
Read your /tmp/out file and compare with the documents and what you know to
be correct.  See if gray screen with X cursor comes up and mouse moves.

Then run "startX" and see if your desktop looks and behaves ok.

Regards and good luck, Nick



> Hello all,
> I recently bought a PC to run Linux on.  Unfortunately I wasn't too
> careful with the components.  I has an integrated XSiS 530 video card
> with 8 MB of video ram.  I have looked through the website
> and I found a "beta" driver for the card.  It appeared as though I
> needed to get the latest version of XFree86 to run it, so I bought
> RedHat 6 which included the latest XFree86.  I have installed the RPM
> for the new driver.  Now I am lost.  The driver still doesn't show up on
> the XConfigurator program and I am totally lost trying to edit the
> XF86Config file by hand.
> If anyone can offer help, I would greatly appreciate it.
> Please reply to me directly as I get the list in Digest mode and it is
> easy to overlook a response.
> Thank You Very Much...
> shawn
> --== Sent via ==--
> ---Share what you know. Learn what you don't.---


From: "Osvaldo Pinali Doederlein" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: All the current OSes are idiotic (was Re: Is Windows for idiots?)
Date: Fri, 21 May 1999 17:01:20 +0200

westprog <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
news:7i3l7h$o8i$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
>   "Osvaldo Pinali Doederlein" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Looks like a good idea, but you can't trust in binaries you didn't
> > compile yourself, right?
> I don't even trust code that I wrote myself.

The point is that spin seems to have a smart Modula compiler that will never
generate unsafe code, so if I have the sources and compile them myself, I
can trust the binaries.

> > Or do you have bytecodes for Modula3?  I would NEVER use
> > an OS where I'm supposed to download a small shareware from the Net
> > (available in compiled form only) and this code may be malicious or
> > simply produced by a broken compiler, and bring down the whole
> > party over here.
> There is nothing magical about bytecode; it just executes in a
> particular context where it is restricted from perfroming certain
> actions. There is always a tradeoff between letting a module have the
> capacity to do something useful and preventing it from ding something
> harmful. Providing the maximum possible protection from bad effects of
> code is an important job for the OS.

Not true.  Java bytecodes are verifiable -- they are carefully designed to
make lots of checks possible, so in loading time you can proof that no
unsafe situations exist (like type errors or stack corruption).  I don't see
how this can be possible for the machine language of any conventional chip.
It's certainly a Turing halting problem class of situation.

> > > Spin uses Modula 3. Something similar ought to be possible for a
> > > Java-based OS.
> I suspect that a new OS will need a new family of languages. I don't
> like the idea of a one-language system, but I don't object to a system
> that demands minimum requirements of development tools.

Well taht's right, other languages should just adhere to the same rules,
e.g. linkage, but they should also be restricted from whatever is defined as
unsafe operations -- I doubt C/C++ would qualify.


Date: Fri, 21 May 1999 16:52:02 -0700
From: elmer smeckert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup,alt.os.linux
Subject: Re: USB support under linux

This is where I came in.  Was there a FAQ or Howto associated with
this topic?

I would really like to get my scanner going so I can
mke2fs /dev/hda to remove the Redmond virus from my system.

Thanks for any advice.

Please don't reply by mail..

The address is [EMAIL PROTECTED] to send spam where
it can be delat with properly.
(I advocate this at y'all too!)

Marcus Lauer wrote:
> "C. E. Scheetz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >I just downloaded and compiled the new 2.3.3 kernel today - and guess what?  USB
> >support, it does, however have the disclaimer; "Not for the faint of heart."
> >
> >C. E. Scheetz
> >
> >
>         Yup.  It was added to kernel 2.2.7 (and therefore also the 2.2.8, 2.2.9,
> and the 2.3.x series).  It's still a pretty basic level of support, though.
>                                                          Marcus

Y los otros animales de la granja tambien se reian de ella.
La vaca que decia "Oink" se sentia muy triste.


From: The Network Wizard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Dual motherboard PCChips M750i
Date: Fri, 21 May 1999 18:22:42 +0200

Qualcuno sa dove trovare in Italia o in Svizzera questa motherboard per
un sistema a due processori PII (o celeron) ?
Mi e' stata consigliata per il buon rapporto qualita'/prezzo
Dovrebbe infatti contenere anche un 2D/3D video controller
con 8Mb of SDRAM un audio controller 3D PCI Soundpro.
Ci sono problemi con linux?

grazie per l'aiuto



From: "Millennium Man" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Cloning a Linux box
Date: Fri, 21 May 1999 21:29:44 -0300

Swietanowski Artur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Millennium Man wrote:
> > With all the ideas floating around about what works and not I think it
> > may be time for a HDCOPY-HOWTO.  There is lots of adding a partition
> > and adding a drive info but not a migration.
> It already exists. I posted it in this thread. It's also a part of
> RedHat / Mandrake distributions (I don't know about others).

Good to know.  I am running Slakware 3.5.  Nothing that I found on the web
or in the /usr/docs helped. Had a rough time with redhat 5.2.  It was easy
to setup but I wanted to learn what files were actually changing when I ran
those "easy to use" helpers.  I am still new to linux but I am very
impressed with what a linux box can do.  I have always favored DOS instead
of windows so I prefer the shell over x-windows....for now.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Jonathon)
Subject: zip disk problem
Date: 22 May 1999 00:17:35 GMT

I have a linux network setup, with two zip drives in it.
I also have an NT 4.0 network with a zip drive in it.

I use zip disks to copy data from one network to the other.

        Every time WinNT erases or overwrites data on the zip disks,
        The Linux zip drives can no longer mount the disk3

        The error message is:

        FAT bread request failed.
        mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on
        /dev/hdc4 or too many mounted file systems.

        Attemps to make a filesystem on the disks fails. ( Either the
        drive light goes on and stays on, or else I get the same error
        as I wrote above. )

        Any suggestions as to how to correct this problem.



        I'm still looking for a good book on
                3:      The Recent Unpleasantness
                1:      The War Of Northern Aggression.
                2:      The War of Southern Rebellion.


From: Arthur Tswei <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Fri, 21 May 1999 12:18:44 -0400

I'm using "STB nVIDIA TNT" video card. When I try to configure it
through Xconfigurator, it's not listed, so I choose 'card not listed'
item, the only server I can use is VGA, & VGA16? But the resolution for
those two are too low, the picture on screen looks so rough.
Is any way I can use higher resolution and more colors under startx?

FYI, Linux version is RedHat 5.2


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Jonathon)
Subject: Re: 3Com EtherLink III 3C509TP
Date: 22 May 1999 00:05:21 GMT

DB7654321 ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
: Does the 3Com EtherLink III 3C509TP work well with Red Hat 5.2?

        It uses the 3c509 driver.  The _biggest_ problem you will
        find is configuring two or more 3c509 cards in one CPU.
        << I've spent the last month trying to do just that. >>



        I'm still looking for a good book on
                3:      The Recent Unpleasantness
                1:      The War Of Northern Aggression.
                2:      The War of Southern Rebellion.


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.misc
From: Vlad Karpinsky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: TNT2 and X (was: Linux on Dual Pentium-II machines)
Date: Sat, 22 May 1999 00:43:35 GMT

On Fri, 21 May 1999, Ralph Wesseling wrote:

> maybe becuase I haven't done much with it yet, and now that I have placed
> anTNT2 in their I can't even use half the programs I normally would as I
> can't start up X.

    There is one trick to make TNT2 cards running under X.
    Just add one option to your XF86Config in Section "Device": 

        Chipset "RIVATNT"
    SVGA X server can't recognize TNT2 by default, but TNT2 is just 
advanced version of TNT, so that option will point X server to the right 
direction. Of course you should have installed latest XF86_SVGA X server
(XFree86 It is working just fine for me. 

    Vlad Karpinsky mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]


From: CodeWright <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup,linux.redhat
Subject: Re: Help with modem setup
Date: Fri, 21 May 1999 20:49:49 -0400

elmer smeckert wrote:
> Sure.  Put it inside the computer and screq it in.
> If I were to tell you what to do I woud say...
> 1) If the modem has jumpers, set it for com2 IRQ 3.
>     If it doesn't, then you will need to use a plug and play
>     program.  Windows 95 has one.
> 2) Go in the computer BIOS and find COM2 and change it to DISABLED.
>     (No, it is a different com2, the modem has its own private one.)
> 3) Reboot into Linux then log in as root and type
>     "ln -s /dev/cua1 /dev/modem"
> Ok, your modem works. 

Or not. I hope you didn't buy a 'WinModem' (aka HSC aka HCF aka
aka virtual controller aka virtual UART modem). Due to circumstances
beyond our
control, there are no Linux drivers available for these modems, and they
work without drivers. Currently, the only drivers available for these
types of
modems are written for the Win32 api found exclusively in MicroSoft
Windows (95/98/NT).

> type 'minicom' and you will see it talk to
> the modem and the modem will say "OK" back.
> (Control-A then X to get out.)
> You'll be back, and I will berate you some more, or else you will
> take the time to follow the instructions in the
> ISP_Hookup.HOWTO and you will get connected with no problem.
> My pleasure;
> Stephen Workman wrote:
> >
> > Could someone please tell me what to do to set up my modem.
> >
> > I've got Redhat 5.1, and an internal 56K modem, but I can't get access to
> > it.  The modem FAQ was of little use, and I don't know what to configure, or
> > what to compile into the kernel to get it going.
> >
> > Please help!
> >
> > Stephen.
> --
> Y los otros animales de la granja tambien se reian de ella.
> La vaca que decia "Oink" se sentia muy triste.

Lew Pitcher

Master Codewright and JOAT-in-training


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Robert Brown-Bayliss)
Subject: Re: KDE or Gnome
Date: Sat, 22 May 1999 12:50:10 +1200

In article <7i3ba1$nhh$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, [EMAIL PROTECTED] says...
>       Gnome is an extension of a (any) window manager for Linux, think 
> Object Desktop for Windows & OS/2.  KDE on the otherhand is basically 
> like its own enviornment.  That's really the only difference.  Both are 
> really good, eitherway.

I have a question for the masses re KDE

Since the authors of KDE liked Windows so much why did they not simply 
buy Windows for their PC?



From: "Millennium Man" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: How do I move linux?
Date: Fri, 21 May 1999 21:32:59 -0300

(((follow up to my orig post)))

Well thanks to all who replied to my question about cloning a hard
drive under linux.  It got kinda funky in here for awhile with all the
ideas but here is what I used.

Quarterdeck (now symantec) disk clone.

Booted with a DOS (argh) disk with the new drive, 2.1 as master and
the old 850 as slave.  Ran the program and it made a cluster by
cluster copy.  It recognized and copied the linux and swap partitions
to the new drive and left me with 1.6 Gb of free space.

On first reboot I could not get LILO to go further than LI.

I rebooted with my orig slakware boot disk and mounted the /dev/hda1
as the boot device.

After I got to the command line shell I typed LILO and it made the new
hd bootable again.

After this reboot I went in to cfdisk, created the partition from free
space, formated as ext2, added a fstab line to the new partition,
mounted and we are rockin'.

With all the ideas floating around about what works and not I think it
may be time for a HDCOPY-HOWTO.  There is lots of adding a partition
and adding a drive info but not a migration.

Thanks for all the input from everyone and some of it I am sure will
be useful as the Linux adventure continues.  Later All.

Jorge JUAN CHICO <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> On 19 May 1999, it was written:
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Millinium Man) writes:
> >
> > > Is there a safe and easy way to move a working linux to another hard
> > > drive?  I have an 850mb as a file and internet server and I want to
> > > move to a 2.1 Gb.  Is there an easy way to migrate to the new drive?
> >
> > There have been too many replies in this thread to address each
> > separately, but the following *will* work, it *will* handle symbolic
> > links and devices without difficulty, it will preserve all
> > permissions, and it won't try to copy any other mounted or pseudo file
> > systems:
> >
> >   % umask 0
> >   % cd /
> >   % tar clf - . | (cd /mnt/newpartition; tar xf -)
> >
> > There are ways to use the cp command that work the same, and no doubt
> > ten other methods as well.  You will need to edit /etc/fstab after the
> > move, and you will need a boot floppy to boot the system the first
> > time.  Then update /etc/lilo.conf for the new device names and start
> > the system from the new disk.  If you're using IDE disks you can make
> > a boot floppy by dd-ing a kernel image to a floppy:
> >
> >   % dd if=/boot/vmlinuz of=/dev/fd0 bs=16k
> >   % /usr/sbin/rdev /dev/fd0 /dev/hda3
> >
> > The rdev command sets the device that will be used as the root file
> > system.  If this is the only Linux machine within walking distance you
> > should make boot floppies for the old root partition, the new root
> > partition, and the device you hope or suspect the new partition will
> > become if and when you remove the old disk.  (I.e., /dev/hdb2 will
> > become /dev/hda2.)
> There is a How-To (NewDisk or something similar) that explains the details
> and gives good advices. I used it to "repartition" a single drive,
> including moving de root partition and creating one for /usr/local. It's a
> little risky, but I could do all the stuff remotely, just configuring lilo
> between reboots. It's incredible what "remote administration" means with
> Linux.
> jorge.


From: "Gnork" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Yamaha DS-XG
Date: Fri, 21 May 1999 18:29:23 -0700

Hi all

I've got a Yamaha DS-XG (I think DS-XG50) and it seems that Linux does not
support it yet.
I run RH 6.0. And I tried to cheat and using SB and stuff like that but
obviously it won't work.
Anyway, if there is a sndconfig that allow me to configure and use that card
that would be cool. Otherwise, I'll have to use it when I run (*sigh*) NT
4.0 Service Pack #1.359e1275.




From: "robinHood" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: AMD K6-2 Problems
Date: Fri, 21 May 1999 20:17:25 -0500

What components (CPU, video, HD, etc...) do you have installed on this board
(FIC VA503+).  I just purchased one of these.  I haven't finished putting it
together.  I certainly want to run Linux on it.  Thanks!


Date: 21 May 99 20:52:25 -0500
From: "Gene Heskett" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: UDMA under Linux 2.2.5 on Asus P5A-b (Ali M15xx chipset)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.misc,alt.comp.periphs.mainboard.asus


Gene Heskett sends Greetings to Peter Stein;
 PS> So should this mean that the available 2.2.9 kernel sources contain
 PS> these patches? I acquired the 2.2.9 kernel source and it most definitely
 PS> does *NOT* contain the source added by the 2.2.9 UDMA patch.

I dunno why not, I grabbed 2.2.9 src the other night, and compiled
it on my 2.0.36 system (RH5.2).

It ran the drives quicker than stink in UDMA33 mode.  Unforch, so much
other stuff broke that I ended up doing a reinstall of 5.2.

I'd also like to know what if any sensible reason exists for
rhs-printfilters, in its latest incarnation, that makes it also REQUIRE
the latest 2.1 whatever version of glibc because installing that breaks
the rest of the system.  My printer works great, but what good is a
working printer when nothing else on the system works?

I've attempted to post several messages about this, but my ISP's
newsserver sends any original messages I make to /dev/null.  For obvious
reasons, I haven't sucked any news from it in 9 months or so, but most
of the free newsservers *won't* let you post so I have to post thru
these jokers.

Anybody know a good, free newsserver that you can also post replies to?

 PS> No, not the kernel source. I'm refering to patches 2.2.6->2.2.9.

You guys ever hear of  It has pointers directly to
the 2.2.9-tar.gz copy of the full src.

Cheers, Gene
  Gene Heskett, CET, UHK       |Amiga A2k Zeus040 50 megs fast/2 megs chip
    Ch. Eng. @ WDTV-5          |A2091,GuruRom,1g Seagate,CDROM,Multiface III
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  or  |Buddha + 4 gig WDC drive, 525 meg tape
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>|Stylus Pro, EnPrint, Picasso-II, 17" vga
         RC5-Moo! 22kkeys/sec isn't much, but it all helps


From: Ken Whines <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Lost LILO
Date: Sat, 22 May 1999 13:38:09 +1200

Hello to all out there

to quote the usual  "I am a newbie to the Linux/unix envrionment".  A
friend of mine installed Red Hat 5.2 on my system. It was working fine
and coexisted with Windows 95
with no problems.

Unfortunately Windows spat the dummy and had to be re-installed. This
resulted in Windows removing LILO.  Does any Guru out there know how to
get LILO back
without the pain of a fresh Red Hat install?




From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Archie Lamb)
Subject: Re: Adaptec 2940UW PCI problem
Date: Fri, 21 May 1999 17:56:51 GMT

Several comments:
1- I am using SuSE vs 6.1 with 2940UW ( connected to hard disk, Jazz,
CD-RW) - all work fine. I had to go into the SCSI setup (at boot time)
and adjust the termination default - Linux was bitching about me using
the 'auto' setting. Once set all was well.
2 - I did notice when reading through the change log (on SuSE site
that they said something about the AIC-7xxx driver being fixed some
time around kernal 2.0.36. That would mean both SuSE 6.0 and 6.1
should work. I only just recently installed the 2940 when I went to
6.1. Its unfortunate that the SCSI How to has gone to an 'unsupported'


On 21 May 1999 00:53:38 GMT, "Nigel Hawkes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>Fred Horan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in article
>> I installed RedHat v5.2 and ran into a problem with an adaptec 2940UW pci
>> board.  At bootup I get the following message:
>> scsi: aborting command due to timeout: pid 0, scsi0, channel 0, id 0, lun
>> test unit ready 00 00 00 00 00
>> SCSI host 0 abort (pid 0) timed out - resetting
>> This message comes up continually with long pauses on the order of a
>> [...]
>Sorry, I can't offer help, only sympathy.  I've had very similar problems
>trying to install SuSE 6.1 on a system with AIC-7895 SCSI on the
>motherboard.  Typing "linux aic7xxx=no_reset" at the Boot: prompt didn't
>help - I just got lots of messages about data overrun, followed by the same
>endless series of resets.
>Previous SuSE boot discs have worked fine on the same system, so it looks
>as though the latest SCSI driver has been improved to death, at least as
>far as my system is concerned!
>I've gone back to SuSE 5.3, and I'm awaiting help from somebody@suse.


From: Christian Hahn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: bttv+realserver+broadcast
Date: Fri, 21 May 1999 19:59:56 +0200


hat zufällig jemand Erfahrung mit dem G2 RealServer und Video Broadcasting?

Ich bin dankbar für jeden Tip, wie man unter Linux einen Broadcast-Server,

aufbauen kann - den Server hab ich zwar schon erfolgreich installiert,

aber ich weiß nicht, wie das Videosignal von der Karte zum Server kommt.


Christian Hahn  ---  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
ICQ: 34545212


From: "Jay Paulson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux,comp.os.linux.questions,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Linux and DVD Decoder Cards!
Date: Fri, 21 May 1999 20:44:03 -0500

Hello all--

I have a Sigma Designs Real Magic Hollywood Plus dvd decoder card for my
toshiba 2102 dvd rom drive and I was wondering if there is any support for
these two devices?  If so could you please point me in the right direction.

Thanks in advance!
Jay Paulson



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