Linux-Hardware Digest #599, Volume #10           Sat, 26 Jun 99 17:13:31 EDT

  Cyrix MII MediaGX all-in-one mobo (Greg H)
  Re: Windows easy to install? BULLSHIT! (Brian Hartman)
  Re: Brother HL-1040 under Linux (Phillip Deackes)
  Re: NICs needed badly (C. C. McPherson)
  Re: Video Driver for Matrox G200 AGP 8Meg? ("Prasanth Kumar")
  Re: NICs needed badly (Johan Kullstam)
  Re: Can someone tell me what this means (HardDrive error) (Joel Sloan)
  Re: Determining/Changing multiple SCSI adapter detection order. (Michael Meissner)
  Re: Tecra 8000 hardware config (Michael Meissner)
  Hardware List? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Best sound card for use w/ Linux? ("Sean Middleditch")
  Re: What's the best graphics card for X (Johan Kullstam)
  Problems with XFree86 and Monitor (Rajesh Radhakrishnan)
  Re: Tecra 8000 hardware config (Michael Meissner)
  Re: USB Scanner (Michael Meissner)
  Re: Looking for vendor for a Linux box ("Dusty Rhodes")
  Re: Iomega ZIP Drive...? (Natalia Viana Fargasch)


Subject: Cyrix MII MediaGX all-in-one mobo
Date: Sat, 26 Jun 1999 17:40:21 GMT

   There's an ad in the MicroWarehouse catalog (as is in others, I am sure)
for an all-in-one motherboard with a Cyrix MII/MediaGX chipset.  One runs
at 200 MHz and the other at 233 Mhz.  The price is arund $200.  It has
integrated video and sound, and a couple of expansion slots.  I hope this
description helps to identify what I am talking about, because I don't know
the name of the entire item nor any identifying numbers.
   Anyway, my wife has an IBM PS/1 running at 25 MHz.  I am considering
replacing its motherboard with the one I mentioned above as an inexpensive
way to put off buying a new system for her, which we really can't afford
anytime soon.  I'm wondering first whether this replacement will work at
all, but I would also like to know if Linux will run with this motherboard.
Anyone know or who have done this themselves?
   I apologize if this post lacks additonal needed information.  Let me
know by follow-up and I will provide it if I can.

   Thanks in advance!

   Greg H.


From: Brian Hartman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Windows easy to install? BULLSHIT!
Date: Sat, 26 Jun 1999 14:05:40 -0400


> On Sat, 26 Jun 1999 03:48:32 -0400, Brian Hartman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >Alex Lam wrote:
> >
> >> Brian Hartman wrote:
> >> >
> >> > "Martin A. Boegelund" wrote:
> >> >
> >> > > In article <7imhtp$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> >> > >   "Roberto Leibman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> > > > Daniele,
> [deletia]
> >> Excuse me...
> >>
> >> Windoze easy to install?
> >>
> >> Heck.  I've been using Windoze since 3.0, then NT since 3.5, and Linux
> >> since kernel 1.x. Yes, Linux WAS difficult to install. But now, with all
> >> the advanced installers from some distributions, installation is a snap.
> >>
> >
> >Installation might be a snap from some distributions, but not from what I've
> >seen.  And it's hardly as straightforward as Windows.
>         It's also more complete. It actually lets you paritition your
>         disks should that be a useful or desirable thing for you to
>         do or just does it by itself if you can manage.
>         The rest is pretty much the same as a Windows install minus
>         the eye candy. Select and install some packages, let it
>         install your hardware some with input some without.
> [deletia]
> >Windows only needs 2 or three reboots for the whole process (about the same as
> >Linux).  As far as plug and play, it's more advanced than Linux's and
> >recognizes more devices more easily.
>         If you're lucky. If not, you'll need as much arcane knowledge
>         as it would take to put a DOS machine back together again.
> [deletia]
> >> message and ask someone who knows how to interpute it to solve the
> >> problem, like posting on usenet.
> >>
> >
> >I'll agree with you on the Windows help, but the Linux help is much more
> >cryptic.  At least with the Windows help, you know when it's not the answer
>         Real computing details are like that, like things such as
>         IRQ and baseaddress. When things don't go ideally that's
>         not something you can get away from on a PC.

I'm not even talking about baseaddress and IRQ details.  I'm talking about what should
be simple things, like when your printer won't print or your CD-ROM won't access a CD.
Unfortunately, Linux gives you the same error no matter what's wrong with your mounting
of a CD.  ("Bad fs type, invalid block", etc., etc.)  And when I tried to print the
first few times after installing a "fix", I didn't get any error messages of any kind.
It just plain wouldn't print.  Couple this with the fact that many programs written by
non-professional programmers (aka amateurs) don't have adequate error checking or error
reporting, and Linux support can be a hell of a lot harder than for Windows.

> >you're looking for.  You spend most of your time diagnosing an error message
> >with Linux (if you can even find where to get it).
>         How else is one to know what's really going on?

Maybe if the OS could more accurately diagnose a problem and report it in plain 
you'd find the problem faster.

>         Vague windows dialogs and *hlp file documenting the
>         obvious certainly aren't any use.
> [deletia]
> --
> It helps the car, in terms of end user complexity and engineering,
> that a car is not expected to suddenly become wood chipper at some    |||
> arbitrary point as it's rolling down the road.                       / | \
>                         Seeking sane PPP Docs? Try


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Phillip Deackes)
Subject: Re: Brother HL-1040 under Linux
Date: Sat, 26 Jun 1999 18:27:40 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Nick Ng wrote:
>I run a Brother HL-1040 laser printer under Linux using HP Laserjet IIP
>emulation - but it is sooo slow! Does anyone know where I could get hold
>of the control codes for this printer to write a filter for it?

Hi, Nick. I have the Brother 1050, the next model up, which has PCL
emulation. I would have thought the 1040 has this too. Check the manual.
PCL is basically an HP printer language and effectively means that you
use the ljet4 driver in ghostscript to drive it. I did not have to do
anything to the printer, it put itself into PCL mode automatically when
it received PCL data from my Linux box.

Phillip Deackes
Debian Linux (Potato) 


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (C. C. McPherson)
Subject: Re: NICs needed badly
Date: Sat, 26 Jun 1999 14:21:48 -0400

In article <7kvkp0$f4$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>   [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > Hello, I am in desperate need for 10 NICs for my RedHat Linux 5.2
> boxes.
> >
> I've had good results with the following: 3c905b, 3c590, SMC Ultra
> (sorry forgotten the chip number), and NE2000 cards. I'll probably try
> out a 3C905Tx sometime soon too.
> I've seen several people on offering 3c905b cards
> at reasonable prices, or there are lots of NE2000 clones which should
> work well.
> I'm sure all this information is in the compatibility list somewhere.
> Keith.
> Sent via
> Share what you know. Learn what you don't.
Along with those NICS - I try to get all the 3C509's I can get 
control of.  Also I haven't had any problems with the ISA linksys 
(NE2000 clone) cards either.


From: "Prasanth Kumar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Video Driver for Matrox G200 AGP 8Meg?
Date: Sat, 26 Jun 1999 17:53:21 GMT

My Matrox G200 AGP card worked fine under Redhat Linux. When you run
Xconfigurator, select
the Matrox G200 AGP card from the card list! If it is no there you may need
updated XFree86
version RPMS. The actual server used is SVGA.

Bill Wooldridge <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
news:7l32kb$5md$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> I have just installed RedHat 5.2 on a partition of my hard drive and am
> having the devil's own time getting the video configured to work with
> Xwindows.  Is there a driver I can install for the Matrox G200 AGP card
> 8 Meg of RAM.  Where can I find it? My monitor is a NEC MultiSync 4FGe.
> hints much appreciated.
> Thanks for your response
> Bill Wooldridge


From: Matthew Lenz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 26 Jun 1999 17:30:41 GMT

actually it is widly known that creative labs hired one a linux device
driver developer earlier this year to work on the drivers.  I just wish
they would produce a driver that actually worked well.  Supposedly
(according to the README) it wont even work with SMP systems, this is
complete crap.  They will see increased pressure to release atleast an SMP
stable driver version (who cares if it can actually take advantage of it)
because of the fact that Q3 for linux and NT will be SMP enabled.

-matthew lenz

Ed Polanco wrote:
> Matthew Lenz wrote:
> > I'm not entirely sure that you've designed this chipset (probably not)
> > 
> > you are the only major player who is selling this specific board, so
> > 
> > not do your part and actively get this driver working in tip top
> > 
> > you will get much more appreciation from the linux community if you
> > 
> > ONE solid driver as opposed to 3 crappy ones.  also, there is
> > 
> > _no_ reason why a serious linux device driver shouldnt be compiled and
> > 
> > available for every current stable kernel release.
> I have a friend that works at Ensoniq/Creative Labs.  I asked about
> Linux drivers for the SB Live! after I bought it last year.  He told me
> that they get requests for Linux drivers all the time.  Management
> doesn't think the Linux community is big enough to warrant devoting
> man-hours to developing Linux drivers.  I was surprised when I heard
> about the beta drivers.  I wasn't even expecting that much.  One of the
> engineers probably convinced management to let him work on drivers on
> his own time.
> Ed Polanco

==================  Posted via SearchLinux  ==================


Subject: Re: NICs needed badly
From: Johan Kullstam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 26 Jun 1999 14:14:40 -0400

TurboTex <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Never pay more than 9.00 for 10baset
> If you need some let me know..  15.00 +s&h

let me see, never pay more than $9 but you're will so sell at $15 and
then include shipping and handling?

J o h a n  K u l l s t a m
Don't Fear the Penguin!


From: Joel Sloan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Can someone tell me what this means (HardDrive error)
Date: Sat, 26 Jun 1999 19:08:32 GMT



Subject: Re: Determining/Changing multiple SCSI adapter detection order.
From: Michael Meissner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 26 Jun 1999 15:10:07 -0400

Roy Adams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Hello All,
>       I've been using an Adaptec AIC-7880 SCSI adapter (built into the
> motherboard, using the PCI bus) under RedHat 5.2 and recently added an
> Initio INI-9100U (it's a PCI card) for my scanner.  RedHat 5.2 doesn't
> have built-in support for the Initio card, so I planned to upgrade to
> 6.0.  Unfortunately, when I start the install process, the Initio card
> is detected first (by both the hardware startup and RedHat 6.0 setup)
> and experiences a kernel panic since the card doesn't have a hard drive
> attached.  The relevant info is listed below:
> Adaptec AIC-7880
>       BUS: 00
>       DEVICE: 11H
>       PORT: 6C00H
>       IRQ: 10
> Initio INI-9100U
>       BUS: 00
>       DEVICE: 0BH
>       PORT: 6800H
>       IRQ: 11
>       So what do I need to change to have the Adaptec card detected first?

I believe you need to edit /etc/conf.modules to put the Adaptec first.  Failing
that you could build your own kernel with the Adaptec builtin and the Initio
done as a module.

Michael Meissner, Cygnus Solutions
PMB 198, 174 Littleton Road #3, Westford, Massachusetts 01886
email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]      phone: 978-486-9304     fax: 978-692-4482


Subject: Re: Tecra 8000 hardware config
From: Michael Meissner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 26 Jun 1999 15:34:25 -0400


> Update:  It appears that Linux knows that the 3c574 card exists because
> the hardware address shows up in "ifconfig".  Now the strange thing that
> is happening is that when I ping both the loopback and the set ip
> address, it only goes through the loopback.  The eth0 device doesn't
> show any packet exchange but the loopback does.

I believe this is normal (favoring the loopback over eth0 for pings).

Michael Meissner, Cygnus Solutions
PMB 198, 174 Littleton Road #3, Westford, Massachusetts 01886
email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]      phone: 978-486-9304     fax: 978-692-4482


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Hardware List?
Date: Sat, 26 Jun 1999 06:08:33 GMT


Anyone has a list of compatible hardware for RedHat 6.0?  Thanks.


From: "Sean Middleditch" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux,comp.os.linux.misc
Subject: Re: Best sound card for use w/ Linux?
Date: Sat, 26 Jun 1999 13:46:28 -0400

All the major Linux system vendors I see ship with Soundblaster 128,
although I understand that driver developement is currently underway fro the
Soundblaster Live, which is the currently the best sound driver on the
makret for personal computing.

Sean Middleditch

Petr Hlavka <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
news:7l2r9a$1hn$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> I use Pine PCI card based on S3 Sonicvibes chip. It works quite good,
> although the driver has some problems. This card can also play midis
> ist FM synth. using standard kernel OPL3 driver. It sometimes works in
> to.
>   Petr Hlavka


Subject: Re: What's the best graphics card for X
From: Johan Kullstam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 26 Jun 1999 16:25:57 -0400

Michael Meissner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Johan Kullstam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > "Robin Shuff" <[EMAIL PROTECTED],no.spam> writes:
> > 
> > > I'm looking at building a basic Linux workstation and would like to know
> > > what the best 8mb or similar graphics card to use is. One that is fully
> > > supported and has GPL drivers etc. Is the ATI Xpert98 any good?
> > 
> > i have a matrox millenium ii.  it works great.  prices should be
> > reasonable these days.
> Given a Millenium-II is two video card generations old, yeah prices
> should be reasonable assuming you can find it anywhere (like a flea
> market).  It was an ok video card.

yes, but consider that you will be using it in linux.  xfree86
drivers tend to lag the introduction of new cards by a fair amount and
support varies somewhat with the helpfulness of the vendor.[1]

browsing <URL:> seems to indicate
that the matrox millenium ii remains a respectable performer and has a
track record of stability.  my picture is very sharp and the colors
look good.

when you factor in that it can be picked up for a song (like at a flea
market or computer show), i think it makes a compelling choice.

if you have another recommendation, please let us know.  i see the
creative labs graphics blaster and matrox g200 doing well on the
latest xbenches.  how do these stack up?

[1] not a slam against xfree86, it is just a reality that vendors do
not immediately release an X driver like they do for microsoft

J o h a n  K u l l s t a m
Don't Fear the Penguin!


From: Rajesh Radhakrishnan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Problems with XFree86 and Monitor
Date: Sat, 26 Jun 1999 16:26:05 -0400


 I am trying to install RedHat5.2 on my 486 PC.   I have a Philips
Magnavox 7BM749 (VGA -Monochrome) monitor and an ET4000  video card. I
am unable to
 get the X-windows working. I ran XF86Setup. I  selected ET4000
(generic) card  and selected Mono (under detailed setup) . I entered the
correct  horiz
  and vertical frequencies (got from for my model)
and the modeselection as 640x480.  I saved the 'xvditune' settings and

 'startx' just crashes on me and gives me an error message " 640x480
mode not found. ...... No valid modes found "

 I  selected VGA16 and SVGA server for the ET4000 card but I get the
same error.

 Anyone have any ideas what I should do.

 Thanks in advance.


Subject: Re: Tecra 8000 hardware config
From: Michael Meissner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 26 Jun 1999 15:33:05 -0400


> Like many others I am having problems with the Tecra and the included
> hardware.  I am very new to Linux so some of these problems may be
> easily solved but I haven't seen an answer yet. I am running Redhat 6

I'm currently running RedHat 5.2 + 2.2.6 kernel on mine.  I've been meaning to

> 1) I cannot get sound to work.  The internal speaker is fine but the
> soundcard does not work.  I have been to the Linux on laptops site and
> they don't even mention this as an issue.

Hmmm, I haven't had problems on mine.  I have the following lines in my
/etc/conf.modules file:

        options opl3 io=0x388
        options ad1848 io=0x530 irq=5 dma=1 dma2=0

and /etc/pcmica/config.opts has following irq lines:

        exclude irq 4
        reserve irq 3
        exclude irq 5

Under DOS I think I set the sound system to IRQ 5.  Note, I believe all of this
was in the Toshiba Tecra Howto off of the laptops page.  Before I switched to
the alpha June 11th version of pcmcia-cs-3.0.13--, I could not get the 3com
3CCe589ET card to work on any irq except 10, so I had to reserve additional
irq's, so that the first irq pcmcia choose was 10.  The #!% card would also use
a random # for the ethernet address, which made fixed IP dhcp support dicey.
It now works with the hokeyness.

In my kernel, under the sound section, I have the following options compiled as
modules (probably could eliminate a few):

        Sound card support
        OSS sound modules
        100% sound Blaster compatibles
        Generic OPL2/OPL3 FM sythesizer
        MPU-401 support
        PSS (AD1848, ADSP-2115, ESC614) support
        Microsoft Sound System support
        Ensoniq SoundScape support
        Support for crystal CS4232 based (PnP) cards
        Support for AD1816(A) based cards
        SoftOSS software wave table engine
        FM synthesizer (YM3812/OPL-3) support
        Loopback MIDI device support

> 2) I have read that these laptop modems will not work.  Is this true?

Yep.  I found that the Xircom creditcard ethernet + modem 28.8 that I had in my
old laptop worked fine for modem support in the new one.

> 3) I have the infamous 3c574 ethernet card.  I have added the module to
> the conf.module file and running a modprobe shows that it is there but
> it also shows a strange entry reading "alias eth0 off" Where is it
> getting this info?

Note pcmcia-3.0.12 has fixes in it for the 3c574 card.  You might want to
delete the alias eth0 entry.

Michael Meissner, Cygnus Solutions
PMB 198, 174 Littleton Road #3, Westford, Massachusetts 01886
email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]      phone: 978-486-9304     fax: 978-692-4482


Subject: Re: USB Scanner
From: Michael Meissner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 26 Jun 1999 15:38:47 -0400

Ron Denis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I have an HP 6200 flatbed scanner and can only currently use it in WinDoze.
> I would love to use it with the Gimp in linux.  The problem is that I only
> have the USB interface.  My system doesn't currently have a SCSI card.
> Should I expect that the I will soon be able to use my scanner via USB in
> linux (say by the end of summer) or should I break down and buy a SCSI card?

I must say, you shouldn't sit back and assume somebody else is working on the
problem.  Because they might not after be....  A better way is asking if
anybody needs help in either coding it up, and/or testing the work that
somebody else has down.  If nobody is working on it, start a project yourself.

Michael Meissner, Cygnus Solutions
PMB 198, 174 Littleton Road #3, Westford, Massachusetts 01886
email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]      phone: 978-486-9304     fax: 978-692-4482


From: "Dusty Rhodes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: chi.general,chi.internet
Subject: Re: Looking for vendor for a Linux box
Date: Sat, 26 Jun 1999 14:20:45 -0500

Andy Lester <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
news:7krara$del$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> I'm looking to buy/build a barebones box to run as a Linux server.
> order from trusty old Gateway, but everything always comes with Win98
> Office and all that stuff that's going to get erased anyway.

Dell will allow you to custom build your Linux box online. They build
great machines. Odds are the shipping will be a lot less than what you'd
pay in sales tax.




From: Natalia Viana Fargasch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Iomega ZIP Drive...?
Date: Sat, 26 Jun 1999 16:53:09 -0300

Thanks for all the advices, but I had tried those too... what finally
worked was to change
the BIOS setting for my parallel port from ECP/EPP  to ECP only. The error
message I
had was "device or resource busy" when I tried to install the module 'ppa'
(my zip is
the old one, so I don't use 'imm'). I'm just replying again, so if there's
anyone with the
same problem again, that's something to try out.
Thanks again,



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