Linux-Hardware Digest #599, Volume #12            Mon, 3 Apr 00 04:13:09 EDT

  Re: 128MB memory problem and cache problem (Joe Pfeiffer)
  Re: 128MB memory problem and cache problem (Dances With Crows)
  Re: EZONICS EZ CAM (USB) Support? ("Joseph C. Kopec")
  lm-sensors, some progress ("Gene Heskett")
  Re: HELP! SB 128 PCI won't work! (john)
  Q: Jumper settings on Diam.Sup.Exp. 56i v.90? ("Wraith")
  Re: Jumper settings on Diam.Sup.Exp. 56i v.90? ("Wraith")
  motherboard (Michael P Davison)
  help with devices (billy)
  Rage Fury PRO and Linux support (David Szlucha)
  help with hardware (billy)
  Re: i-opener that can be modified, where can I get one? (Karlo Szabo)
  CTX 950VL with XF86 (John Larmour)
  Re: cpuinfo reports no cache on PIII coppermine ("Robert L. McCormick")
  how to move a raid array ? (michael branton)
  Re: Best Video Card w/tv/mpeg2/dvd/capture for SuSE /FreeBSD? ("Epsilon USA, Ltd.")
  init_module: Device or resource busy?  Dlink 530TX card... (David V)
  Re: winmodem confusion !! (Johan Kullstam)
  'Domain Not Bound' ? What's This Error ?? (Lucky)
  Re: help with hardware ("Kim Robinson")
  Re: Guys,Guys BeOS For Linux Is Here !! (Rod Smith)
  Re: Guys,Guys BeOS For Linux Is Here !! (Lucky)
  Re: Guys,Guys BeOS For Linux Is Here !! (Lucky)


From: Joe Pfeiffer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: 128MB memory problem and cache problem
Date: 02 Apr 2000 17:56:43 -0600

"nick hanno" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Does anyone have or know of any memory test programs that thoroughly test
> the whole RAM space??

Joseph J. Pfeiffer, Jr., Ph.D.       Phone -- (505) 646-1605
Department of Computer Science       FAX   -- (505) 646-1002
New Mexico State University
VL 2000 Homepage:


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Dances With Crows)
Subject: Re: 128MB memory problem and cache problem
Date: 02 Apr 2000 20:07:18 EDT

On Mon, 3 Apr 2000 09:06:10 +1000, nick hanno 
<<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> shouted forth into the ether:
>extra 64MB, so now it show's 128MB, that's fine, but now I seem to be
>crashing all the time, not the OS, just most of the apps I run (and X
>doesn't even start at all anymore! with 64MB everything was OK)... Errors
>include 'Segmentation fault', 'Illegal Instruction', etc. Some programs (eg.

I'd think it's bad RAM; do as the other poster suggested and try

>Also, as someone else mentioned, /proc/cpuinfo shows 0KB cache when i know
>it's got 256K (this can also be seen by the BogoMIPS rating which is around
>5XX (similar to Processor MHz rating), but on my old 166MHz MMX the BogoMIPS
>showed double (around 300 or so)..... what's going on??

Bogomips has NOTHING to do with processor performance.  My K6-2 400 shows
799.54 Bogomips; a friend's PII-400 shows about half that.  His seems to
perform a bit faster for many things.  There's a Mini-HOWTO about Bogomips
at .

Matt G / Dances With Crows              \###| Programmers are playwrights
There is no Darkness in Eternity         \##| Computers are lousy actors
But only Light too dim for us to see      \#| Lusers are vicious drama critics
(Unless, of course, you're working with NT)\| BOFHen burn down theatres.


From: "Joseph C. Kopec" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: EZONICS EZ CAM (USB) Support?
Date: Mon, 03 Apr 2000 00:17:47 GMT

Try "CPiA webcam drivers for Linux" -- --
and "The v2.2 Linux USB drivers backport -- .  I just got an Aiptek
Hyper Vcam Fun, which uses the same CPi driver as the EZCam, so I am
currently plotting my attack on the same problem.

Young4ert wrote:
> Hi,
> Can anyone please tell me if the EZONICS EZ CAM (USB) is supported under
> Lnux?  If so, where can I get the software for the CAM under Linux?
> TIA.
> --
> PS> Remove the "4" from e-mail address to respond.


Date: 2 Apr 2000 19:23:54 -0500
From: "Gene Heskett" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: lm-sensors, some progress
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup

Unrot13 this;

I have made some small progress.  It seems the module gl518sm is not a
g1518sm!  So thats fixed, and I'm now getting readings for 3 of the psu
lines (but they're all zero) the sensors module is also modprobed into
the system.

Unforch, the cpu voltage and temps are the only things actually working.

The circuit must be noisier than all get out, the cpu voltage  is
reading as much as 1/2 a volt above what I can read with a meter, and
the cpu temps are showing in the high 60 to low 75's in centigrade, in
other words well above the alarm temp which is for obvious reasons,

The cpu has a new fan on it too, and after an hours worth of crunching
rc5 numbers, and data for setiathome,  no heat can be felt.  Nada, room

Anybody got any good ideas?.  I'm fresh out.

Cheers, Gene
  Gene Heskett, CET, UHK       |Amiga A2k Zeus040, Linux @ 400mhz 
    Ch. Eng. @ WDTV-5          |This Space for rent
         RC5-Moo! 350kkeys/sec, Seti@home 16 hrs a block
                        email gene underscore heskett at iolinc dot net
This messages reply content, but not any previously quoted material, is
© 2000 by Gene Heskett, all rights reserved.


From: john <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: HELP! SB 128 PCI won't work!
Date: Sun, 02 Apr 2000 21:00:53 -0400

Hi Jean
The following worked for me

Login as root

make backup copies of 2 files

use your favorite text editor and add this line to the end of
alias sound es1370

save the file

open this file
remove the comment # marker from the line
#/sbin/modprobe es1370

save the file

log off and re-boot this should load the sound module for the SB PCI128

I use slackware 7.0 version 2.2.14
if you are using something else the files might be named differently or
located somewhere else

PS make sure the volume is turned up I had that problem for 2 days


Jean-Sebastien Morisset wrote:
> I've tried searching Deja News, using the ALSA drivers, etc. The best I
> can do is get the modules to load. If I play something, no sound comes
> out. :-(
> Using Linux 2.2.12's es1370 I get "device busy", and using es1371, apps
> freeze when playing sounds. I then tried ALSA's driver; Apps (like xmms)
> seem to be playing, but nothing comes out (I didn't forget to unmute).
> I've tried different settings in /etc/conf.modules, but nothing helps.
> My current settings give me an error opening /dev/audio. :-(
> Here's my /etc/conf.modules:
> alias eth0 3c59x
> alias sound snd-card-ens1371
> And lsmod's output:
> Module                  Size  Used by
> 3c59x                  19112   1  (autoclean)
> snd-card-ens1371        1804   0  (unused)
> snd-ens1371             9292   0  [snd-card-ens1371]
> snd-pcm                30328   0  [snd-ens1371]
> snd-timer               8800   0  [snd-pcm]
> snd-ac97-codec         23104   0  [snd-ens1371]
> snd-mixer              27632   0  [snd-ens1371 snd-ac97-codec]
> snd-rawmidi             9624   0  [snd-ens1371]
> snd-seq-device          3272   0  [snd-rawmidi]
> snd                    37036   1  [snd-card-ens1371 snd-ens1371 snd-pcm
> snd-timer snd-ac97-codec snd-mixer snd-rawmidi snd-seq-device]
> soundcore               2372   2  [snd]
> What am I missing? Should I enter additional options in
> /etc/conf.modules?
> BTW, the sound card is in the lowest PCI slot. And the BIOS has it set
> for IRQ 11.
> Any suggestions would be *really* appreciated. :-)
> Thanks,
> js.
> --
> Jean-Sebastien Morisset, Sr. UNIX Admin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Reseau d'informations scientifiques du Quebec (RISQ) inc.


From: "Wraith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Q: Jumper settings on Diam.Sup.Exp. 56i v.90?
Date: Sun, 2 Apr 2000 20:00:54 -0500
Reply-To: "Wraith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hello to all!

My question involves proper configuration of the jumpers (if any) on a
Diamond Supra Express 56i (internal ISA) modem.  I've looked at a couple of
the modem-compatibility sites, and while this modem is not specifically
listed, there are other similar Supras listed there.  Hence I assume it
should work.  I also ran a search & found a chat-board post from an
individual regarding his use of this same modem----he has not responded to
an email query, so no luck there.

The problem is this---there are 7 jumpers on the board (A0 - A6) but no
clear labeling of their function.  The modem is PnP under Win9x, showing up
as COM3: IRQ5  address 3E8.  However, all attempts to address it as ..S2 or
S02 under Linux fail.

Linux is correctly seeing the onboard COM1: COM2: ports, so I think the
Linux configuration is not at fault.

My question is: Does anyone have a listing or know the URL for a list of
these jumper assignments?  I'd like to manually configure the modem--I
suspect it's not responding because there isn't a specific IRQ/address being
reported.  The info I'm seeking doesn't appear to be on the CD with the
modem drivers, and I found diddly-squat on the Diamond site.

Oh, not that it should matter, but my system specs are:
Mandrake/RedHat 7.0
AMD-K62 @ 300Mhz (512k L2 cache)
96Mb Ram
SB -Live
Voodoo 3 PCI
-the afore-mentioned Supra Express 56i v.90sp ISA modem

Everything else is working great (except my HP 820cxi printer--need to
install the ppa-ps conversion).  Any and all suggestions are welcome.  If
there is something more obvious that I'm overlooking, please feel free to
respond/flame.  It just kills me that I have to reboot to Win9x to

Many thanks in advance,


From: "Wraith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Jumper settings on Diam.Sup.Exp. 56i v.90?
Date: Sun, 2 Apr 2000 20:09:15 -0500
Reply-To: "Wraith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Please note:  my reply-to is anti-spammed!  Post a response or you'll have
to manually edit out the 'munged.crap.' portion to email.



From: Michael P Davison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: motherboard
Date: Sun, 02 Apr 2000 19:21:16 -0600

Hi.  I've got to get a better computer, as I'm suffering now with an old
Cyrix.  Does anyone know a good dual K6-2 motherboard which takes 72pin
simms?  Thanks for any information.



From: billy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: help with devices
Date: Mon, 03 Apr 2000 01:30:17 GMT

  I am new to linux and I don`t know much about it. Recently I installed 
Linux on a AMD K6 II 500,but I can`t play music on my computer. I have my 
speakers pluged on the computer already. When I click on the Mixer, it 
says"Kmix: could not open mixer." does any body know why? please more 
  thank you so much

Posted via CNET


From: David Szlucha <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Rage Fury PRO and Linux support
Date: Mon, 03 Apr 2000 01:30:09 GMT

I'm trying to install Corel Linux 1.1 and/or Redhat 6.2 and the install 
for both locks up when going into the graphical part of the install. I'm 
assuming that the Rage Fury PRO is not supported in Xfree86 3.3.6 which I 
believe comes in each distribution. Does anyone know how to install either 
of these distributions for command line only, and, is there a driver out 
there somewhere for the Rage Fury PRO? Thanks.

David Szlucha

Posted via CNET


From: billy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: help with hardware
Date: Mon, 03 Apr 2000 01:30:14 GMT

  I am new to linux and I don`t know much about it. Recently I installed 
Linux on a AMD K6 II 500, but I dont know why the CD-ROMs and Floppy Drive 
don`t work. Everytime I try to click on the Icons on the desktop, it 
says"Mount wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on/dev/fd0, or too 
many mounted file system." does anybody know why? or how to slove it in 
    thank you so much

Posted via CNET


From: Karlo Szabo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: i-opener that can be modified, where can I get one?
Date: Mon, 03 Apr 2000 11:34:37 +1000

How about overseas shipping to australia?

> I am guessing that the ones shiped over the next few weeks will be able to
> be modified as posted on the net. If they make minor changes we will just
> have to make minor changes to our modification. Go for it and order a gray
> by phone. This should give you the fastest shipping date. Good luck!
> Karlo Szabo wrote:
> >
> > Hi
> >
> > This seems very cool, I want one
> >
> >
> > but after the 20th it reckons that they can't be modified anymore.
> >
> >
> > Can I get a modifiable one from somewhere????
> >
> >
> > TIA
> > karlo
> --
> Posted via CNET


From: John Larmour <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: CTX 950VL with XF86
Date: Mon, 03 Apr 2000 02:05:28 GMT

Anybody got some piece of magic that I am missing to get a decent
display on a CTX 950VL monitor?  It is capable of doing 1200x1600 under
Windoze, but I can't even get 1024x768 to work with RedHat 6.1


From: "Robert L. McCormick" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: cpuinfo reports no cache on PIII coppermine
Date: Sun, 02 Apr 2000 21:16:14 -0500

FYI,  I ran a Win95/98 benchmark utility that I found at, and
the utility claimed that it could not test my cache.

This of course leads me to believe that the problem is not linux but my
hardware. My best guess is that my motherboard is not  fully compatible with
the latest coppermines. I'm going to return the motherboard tomorrow and
purchase a newer model.  If this works I will let you know.


nick hanno wrote:

> I have the same problem! This can also be seen by the BogoMIPS... They show
> a number similar to the processor speed, whereas my old 166MHz machine had
> over double (300 or more) the number of BogoMIPS... What's going on?
> Anyone?
> Robert L. McCormick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> > I just put together a new PIII 800 MHz machine.  /proc/cpuinfo reports
> > 0K of cache in my new processor.  However, the bios reports "256K
> > Enabled" when I boot.  Also, intel's utility for identifying processors
> > claims that I have 256K of cache.
> >
> > Here is a paste of the output from /cat/cpuinfo, does anyone know what
> > the problem might be? Also, the kernel version is 2.2.12 and I'm running
> >
> > RH 6.1.
> >
> >
> > processor       : 0
> > vendor_id       : GenuineIntel
> > cpu family      : 6
> > model           : 8
> > model name      : Pentium III (Coppermine)
> > stepping        : 3
> > cpu MHz         : 801.838416
> > cache size      : 0 KB
> > fdiv_bug        : no
> > hlt_bug         : no
> > sep_bug         : no
> > f00f_bug        : no
> > coma_bug        : no
> > fpu             : yes
> > fpu_exception   : yes
> > cpuid level     : 2
> > wp              : yes
> > flags           : fpu vme de pse tsc msr pae mce cx8 apic sep mtrr pge
> > mca
> > cmov pat pse36 mmx osfxsr kni
> > bogomips        : 799.54
> >
> >
> > Thanks for any info.
> >
> > Robert
> >
> >
> >


From: michael branton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup,comp.os.linux.misc
Subject: how to move a raid array ?
Date: Sun, 02 Apr 2000 22:29:25 -0400

i need to move ide drives in a software raid array on a redhat linux 6.1
system to  different ide controllers on the system. just changing
/etc/raidtab and restarting definitely doesn't do it. i always get only
the first drive listed being marked as up, no matter what order they are
listed  in. anybody know how to do this ?? if so, an email to
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  would be most greatly appreciated.


michael branton


From: "Epsilon USA, Ltd." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Best Video Card w/tv/mpeg2/dvd/capture for SuSE /FreeBSD?
Date: Sun, 2 Apr 2000 22:42:54 -0400

Did you try to play DVD movies on TV?
Do they take full TV screen ot only part with two inch black borders around?



"Alex Lam." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]...> Hi,
>      Building a new multi-media entertainment box.
>      What is the best and reasonable priced video card (around $
> for Linux kernel 2.2.x, or FreeBSD3.x?
>      My preferal linux distro is SuSE. (have official 6.3 CD set and
> FreeBSD 3.3 CD set.) But can't find info on either sites'  hardware db
> about the hauppauge based tv card - which I think is supported by linux
> at least.
>      How about ATI Rage Fury AGP 32MB 128BIT TV-OUT card?
>      Toshiba or Creative DVD drive? (play back mpeg movies with XMOVIE
> 1.3. Had an old Creative Dxr2-but it just dies.)
>      Or any other advice/suggestions are welcomed.
> Thx.
> Alex Lam.


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.networking
Subject: init_module: Device or resource busy?  Dlink 530TX card...
Date: 3 Apr 2000 03:32:52 GMT

Hello...  I'm trying to get my Dlink 530TX installed, but the module isn't 
loading properly.  I've compiled the driver following the instructions on 
D-link's canadian site (the us site doesn't have any instructions), and 
everytime I try to load the module, I get:

init_module: Device or resource busy

I've tried using RedHat 6.1 and 6.2.  The card itself works fine in 
Windows.  Suggestions?




Subject: Re: winmodem confusion !!
From: Johan Kullstam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Mon, 03 Apr 2000 03:49:40 GMT

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Ray) writes:

> anyone out there that can tell me if there is such a thing as a
> winmodem that will work with linux(redhat 6.1 or mandrake 7.0)
> I don't have any spare ISA slots only PCI. Nd which do you feel is
> better to use for internet publishing. Mandrake or RedHat ?
> would appreciate input on these matters
> Thanks

don't get a winmodem.  they won't work with linux anyhow (unless it's
a certain lucent chipset).  don't use either ISA or PCI.  use your
*serial* port.  now that your mouse is on the ps/2 connector, you
should have two of these.  just get an external modem.

J o h a n  K u l l s t a m
Don't Fear the Penguin!


Subject: 'Domain Not Bound' ? What's This Error ??
Date: Sun, 02 Apr 2000 20:50:23 -0700

I just loaded up COL 2.4 When starting netscape it goes to sites
but I get an error that says :

                 YPBindProc_Domain: Domain not bound

On top I also get a little netscape error that says:

              "Netscape subprocess diagnostics: Stdout/Stderr

Anyone know what this error is and how to correct it?

* Sent from RemarQ The Internet's Discussion Network *
The fastest and easiest way to search and participate in Usenet - Free!


From: "Kim Robinson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: help with hardware
Date: Sat, 1 Apr 2000 00:13:06 -0800

What GUI are you using?  Post a copy of your /etc/fstab file and the results

cat /etc/mtab (this will tell you the devices that are already mounted)

Also, have you tried to mount these devices manually from an xterm, as root?

For the floppy drive (assuming device fd0)
mount -t <fstype which is usually either msdos or ext2> /dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy

For the cdrom drive
mount -t iso9660 /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom

You could also try

mount -a

Then try to launch your device options again.

It's a good idea to learn how to mount and unmount devices without the GUI
anyhow.  Hope this helps.

Kim Robinson

billy wrote in message ...
>  I am new to linux and I don`t know much about it. Recently I installed
>Linux on a AMD K6 II 500, but I dont know why the CD-ROMs and Floppy Drive
>don`t work. Everytime I try to click on the Icons on the desktop, it
>says"Mount wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on/dev/fd0, or too
>many mounted file system." does anybody know why? or how to slove it in
>    thank you so much
>Posted via CNET


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Rod Smith)
Subject: Re: Guys,Guys BeOS For Linux Is Here !!
Date: Mon, 03 Apr 2000 04:11:39 GMT

[Posted and mailed]

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
        "Toolman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> For some of us newbies, just what is BeOS and how is it used?

BeOS is an alternative to MacOS, Windows, Linux, etc. Much of its appeal
is that it was written from the ground up starting in the 1990s, without
trying to be compatible with previous OSs (aside from common standards
like TCP/IP networking). It therefore leaves behind much of the baggage
of earlier OSs. BeOS was originally designed for the little-known AT&T
Hobbit CPU, but that CPU was discontinued before Be could bring a
computer to market. Be therefore switched to the PowerPC CPU, and it's
now available both for PowerPC and x86. From the beginning, BeOS was
designed with multi-processing in mind, so it handles multi-CPU
configurations unusually well. (I've no personal experience with this
aspect of BeOS, though.) The original BeBox computers that Be sold all
used multiple CPUs, IIRC. (Be no longer sells computers, though, just the
OS, which is now free for personal use.)

As to how you use it, that's a pretty broad question. For a pretty broad
answer, try this: You use it much as you would any other OS, by
installing it on your computer and booting it. (If you want plenty more
information on multi-boot configurations, check my new book on the
subject, _The Multi-Boot Configuration Handbook_, One of BeOS's main problems is the
relative scarcity of native Be programs. A lot of GNU stuff has been
ported to BeOS, and there are Be-specific titles, but the selection is
pretty slim compared to what's available for MacOS, Windows, or Linux, to
name just three alternatives.

Check for more information on BeOS generally.

Author of books on Linux networking & WordPerfect for Linux


Subject: Re: Guys,Guys BeOS For Linux Is Here !!
Date: Sun, 02 Apr 2000 21:26:51 -0700

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Paul Lew) wrote:
>On Sun, 02 Apr 2000 Lucky  wrote:
>>In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Prasanth Kumar
>><[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>Lucky wrote:
>>>> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>>>> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>> >BeOS just
>>>> released Their FREE version 5 for the PC. But, it's
>>>> >alittle
>>>> know fact that they also released a free Linux
>>>> >version
>>>> >too.
>>>> This doesn't use the BeOS EB file system but your
>>>> >Linux ext2
>>>> system. The image is only 20mb. but the download is
>>>> >38mb
>>>I tried out this free BeOS and it looks nice but the major
>>>is poor hardware support... There is less supported hardware
>>>Linux had 2-3 years ago! The interesting thing is they have
>>>and all the gnu utilities in there and much of the Unixisms
>>even if
>>>only skin deep. Given that the MacOS is also now Unix based,
>>>looks like Microsoft is the only company without a Unix like
>>>Prasanth Kumar
>>Very true to a degree. I for one had absolutely no hardware
>>problems. If you go to Be's site they have a hardware
>>compatabilty list. Plus some hardware not on the list still
>>works in some cases.
>The "compatability" list is misleading as it may be for the
>version and NOT for the free version.  The free version doesn't
>the digital/tulip nics as it is not available to select; it is
>for people with the digital/tulip nics.
OK I had a Linksys NIC and the retail 4.5.2 version had tulip
drivers and NC clones. I got rid of it and I'm now running a
3Com 900b which it also supports very nicely. I'll have to check
and see if the free version does or doesn't. I find it hard to
believe Be wouldn't release the tulip drivers it already has in
the free version when they included new MP3 codecs in it.
Wouldn't make sense.

* Sent from RemarQ The Internet's Discussion Network *
The fastest and easiest way to search and participate in Usenet - Free!


Subject: Re: Guys,Guys BeOS For Linux Is Here !!
Date: Sun, 02 Apr 2000 21:32:36 -0700

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Ronald Bruck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Lucky
>:In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Prasanth Kumar
>:<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>:>Lucky wrote:
>:>> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>:>> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>:>> >BeOS just
>:>> released Their FREE version 5 for the PC. But, it's
>:>> >alittle
>:>> know fact that they also released a free Linux
>:>> >version
>:>> >too.
>:>> This doesn't use the BeOS EB file system but your
>:>> >Linux ext2
>:>> system. The image is only 20mb. but the download is
>:>> >38mb
>:>I tried out this free BeOS and it looks nice but the major
>:>is poor hardware support... There is less supported hardware
>:>Linux had 2-3 years ago! The interesting thing is they have
>:>and all the gnu utilities in there and much of the Unixisms
>:even if
>:>only skin deep. Given that the MacOS is also now Unix based,
>:>looks like Microsoft is the only company without a Unix like
>:>Prasanth Kumar
>:Very true to a degree. I for one had absolutely no hardware
>:problems. If you go to Be's site they have a hardware
>:compatabilty list. Plus some hardware not on the list still
>:works in some cases.
>I've tried BeOS on both the PowerPC and x86 platforms since the
>beginning.  It's a very well-built OS, and it's interesting to
>on what it would be like now had Apple bought IT instead of
>but--it just doesn't have enough productive applications to DO
>I put it on, play with it awhile, then recover the disk space
>something more useful.  Perhaps by now there are scads of
>programs, but I'm not very interested in spending another couple
thou on
>software which duplicates my Macintosh, Windows and Linux stuff.
>With Linux, out-of-the-box you get an enormous collection of
>games, word processors, spreadsheets, compilers, multimedia,
etc. etc.
>With BeOS you get a couple of demos.  In fact, there are fewer
>than with the original release for the PowerPC--at least, with
>Personal version under Win2K.  Better integrated than Linux, of
>course--if you have the right hardware.
>Supposedly BeOS scales VERY well with multiple processors.
Since I have
>an Athlon, for which no multiprocessor mainboards yet exist, I
>swear to this.  Has anybody any direct experience with running
BeOS and
>Linux side-by-side on a dual Pentium system?  How do they
>I had some hardware problems to start.  BeOS doesn't support my
>Pro 1000 card, and came up in 640x480 grayscale.  When I swapped
in a
>3dfx card, BeOS came up OK--but Win2K quit working.  Oh well.
>eventually coaxed Win2K back.)
>--Ron Bruck
>Due to University fiscal constraints, .sigs may not be exceed
If you go to there are hundreds of FREE third party
apps for you to choose from. Be only has about 70 people behind
the scenes. We need to support them for the sake of competition
and diversity. One day Linux will be the Microsoft of OS's and
we'll need an upstart to rock it's boat. Think about it...

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