Linux-Hardware Digest #788, Volume #10           Sun, 18 Jul 99 03:13:28 EDT

  Cheapest widely available sound card ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Help Configuring Modem
  Re: linux drivers for Digital camera (Jeffrey Chok)
  Re: About to build Linux RAID box.  Need advice. (Floyd Davidson)
  CRASH @  "starting hard drive optimizations on hda" ("Frank Palmer")
  Trying to set up X Server . . . VGA card not listed.  Need help ("jdm")
  Re: About to build Linux RAID box.  Need advice. (Floyd Davidson)
  Re: Mouse Problem! (Inspector #8)
  Re: Trying to set up X Server . . . VGA card not listed.  Need help (Bob Martin)
  Re: Trying to set up X Server . . . VGA card not listed.  Need help ("Dan 
  Re: SoundBlaster PCI128 (Stoney)
  Re: Yamaha DS-XG card ("Gene Heskett")
  Re: es1371 (Jeffrey Chok)
  Re: SoundBlaster PCI128 (Jeffrey Chok)
  Please Help!!! How To Configure The Modem
  PLIP and RH6.0 (Mandrake) ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  dead parallel port? (Steve Arnold)


Subject: Cheapest widely available sound card
Date: Sat, 17 Jul 1999 22:17:38 -0400

I seem to collect sound cards that are not supported under Linux. Could
someone recommend an "inexpensive" sound card that is fully supported
(even MIDI)?




Subject: Help Configuring Modem
Date: Sat, 17 Jul 1999 22:23:31 -0400

I'm new to Linux and after spending two weeks figuring out how to get X to
work, i've run into another problem.  Configuring the Modem, I can't seem to
find a tool to do it anywhere in KDE and in the console. Can anyone help me?
or re-direct me to a page that explains how? Thanks


From: Jeffrey Chok <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: linux drivers for Digital camera
Date: Sun, 18 Jul 1999 11:28:00 +0800

Drew Cutter wrote:
> looking for digital camera (drivers) for my laptop. What digital
> camera's are available to  use on redhat 6.0 ?

Try gPhoto at

They have a list of supported digital cameras and I must say that it's
quite a big list.  Haven't come round to testing it with my Kodak DC25



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Floyd Davidson)
Subject: Re: About to build Linux RAID box.  Need advice.
Date: 18 Jul 1999 02:29:08 GMT

Gene Heskett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> sa> Floyd Davidson ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> sa>: the total power per unit is about 40 watts, and 8 of them adds
> sa>: up to more than 250 watts!  Probably the best solution there is
> sa>: a pair of 250 watt supplies.
> sa>   Oohh ... now theres an idea I haven't thought of!  Use a pair of
> sa> 250watt power supplies.  I've been doing searches for power
> sa> supplies greater than 300W and those things are actually pretty
> sa> expensive (like close to $100 or even more)!  Using two 250W
> sa> supplies would definitely be cheaper.  Now, i wonder how I would
> sa> hook it up so one switch would power on both power supplies ...
> sa> doesn't sound too hard, but I'm no electrician.
>It also isn't terribly feasible.  The regulation is so tight that the

Actually, it isn't at all difficult and in fact _each_ drive could
have its own power supply.  But the power supplies are NOT run in
parallel supplying power to the same load.  He has 8 drives, and he
can easily power 4 of them from each power supply, which will have
a load of perhaps 160 watts each.

>supply with the higher voltage by even a millivolt will probably destroy
>itself trying to carry the load by itself.

If you want to run two supplies in parallel on the same load,
that is an entirely different beast.  It still isn't all that
hard to do though, but it requires a power supply with good
current limiting rather than a shutdown circuit for overload.
In other words, typical PC power supplies need not apply!

> I have 2 such pieces of
>gear, and trying to make them truely stable when the designer didn't
>understand the real world has made one of them into whats truely
>excedrin headache #3.  Some modicum of stability was finally achieved by
>raising the voltages a bit, adding 0.1 ohm resistors in the individual
>leads, and metering them to facilitate some semblance of load balancing.
>It takes about 10 minutes to adjust them by 100 millivolts without
>having one or the other go into convulsions.

You are fighting a losing battle on that one.

>Thats assuming the supplies are even adjustable.  Most aren't, and of
>course theres a vacuum resembling the outer reaches of the oort cloud
>where the docs on those things should be.

Ain't that the truth!


Floyd L. Davidson                          [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Ukpeagvik (Barrow, Alaska)


From: "Frank Palmer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: CRASH @  "starting hard drive optimizations on hda"
Date: Sat, 17 Jul 1999 23:26:19 -0400

Hello all!


At boot time, I get the message starting hard drive optimisations on hda"
and my machine locks up.  I can not get to a linux prompt.  Any Ideas?




I have a new copy of "The Complete LINUX", Mandrake LINUX, based on Red Hat

I want to run LINUX on a very old 486-dx 25, 8 meg ram, 1 gig hard drive.
It's a notebook, to be used as a portable IP maquing server.

The notebook does not have a CDROM, so I plugged the notebook HD into a
machine with a CDROM, installed linux, and plugged the notebook HD back into
the notebook.

Now I get the optimisations on hda and lock ups.  How do I turn of HD



From: "jdm" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Trying to set up X Server . . . VGA card not listed.  Need help
Date: Sat, 17 Jul 1999 22:07:34 -0500

I have succesfully installed SuSE Linux on my older pentium system,
but my ancient (1994) ISA VESA VGA card is not listed in the list of
supported cards in the X11R6 configuration utility.  It was made in
Taiwan by Joytech Computer, and has a Cirrus Logic chipset with the
numbers CL-GD5428-80QCA and CL-GD5904-20DC-A1.   I have no idea what
the clock settings and other low-level configuration options might be
on this card.  Does anyone have any suggestions on what would be the
safest way to configure X for this card?

My monitor is a Sony Multiscan 200ES.



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Floyd Davidson)
Subject: Re: About to build Linux RAID box.  Need advice.
Date: 18 Jul 1999 02:18:51 GMT

[emailed and posted]
sincero arcadio <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Floyd Davidson ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
>: the total power per unit is about 40 watts, and 8 of them adds up to
>: more than 250 watts!  Probably the best solution there is a pair of 250
>: watt supplies.
>       Oohh ... now theres an idea I haven't thought of!  Use a pair of
>250watt power supplies.  I've been doing searches for power supplies
>greater than 300W and those things are actually pretty expensive (like
>close to $100 or even more)!  Using two 250W supplies would definitely be
>cheaper.  Now, i wonder how I would hook it up so one switch would power
>on both power supplies ... doesn't sound too hard, but I'm no electrician.

Wellll...  if you are talking full height drives, then even
mounting them is a problem!  Finding a box to put them in won't
be easy.  Enclosures that can handle three FH drives are easy to
find, but enclosures for four or more are difficult to locate.
You will probably want to use at least two different enclosures,
each with a 250w power supply.  Then plug them all into a power
strip with a switch on it. (Get one with surge suppression too!)

If you do happen to have a huge box that will mount all of them,
stick with AT style power supplies (vs. ATX), and it will be
possible to wire one switch to turn on multiple supplies.
However, if electic circuits aren't your thing, find someone who
does know what they are doing to wire it for you.


Floyd L. Davidson                          [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Ukpeagvik (Barrow, Alaska)


From: Inspector #8 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Mouse Problem!
Date: Sun, 18 Jul 1999 03:42:03 GMT

BGS wrote:
> My Kensington Expert mouse will not work in RH 5.2. It will quickly jump to
> the upper right of my screen when touched. In both console mode and in X. If
> you move the ball it acts like you are clicking the mouse button.
> It is set for a PS/2 mouse and I have tried all the different options in the
> mouseconfig.
> Anyone had this type of problem?
> Should I upgrade to RH 6? If so how?
> Should I try to install GPM again, could that be my problem(I know that X
> doesn't use GPM)
> Advice would be great.
> Thanks
> Brian
 startup X and try xmseconfig& I think there are more options ( I think
! )
if it's PS/2 set the device to /dev/psaux and try the modes and timings
till you get it going ( with any luck at all )
        Good luck


From: Bob Martin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Trying to set up X Server . . . VGA card not listed.  Need help
Date: Sun, 18 Jul 1999 04:16:47 +0000

jdm wrote:
> I have succesfully installed SuSE Linux on my older pentium system,
> but my ancient (1994) ISA VESA VGA card is not listed in the list of
> supported cards in the X11R6 configuration utility.  It was made in
> Taiwan by Joytech Computer, and has a Cirrus Logic chipset with the
> numbers CL-GD5428-80QCA and CL-GD5904-20DC-A1.   I have no idea what
> the clock settings and other low-level configuration options might be
> on this card.  Does anyone have any suggestions on what would be the
> safest way to configure X for this card?
> My monitor is a Sony Multiscan 200ES.
> jdm
knowing the chipset is more important than the card, if it does svga the
XF86_SVGA server should work


From: "Dan Shackelford" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Trying to set up X Server . . . VGA card not listed.  Need help
Date: Sat, 17 Jul 1999 21:12:53 -0700

Try SuperProbe to identify the card ... if that doesnt work, manually
configure it in XF86Setup as using the Cirrus Logic 5428 chipset (CL05428)
and see if that works.

jdm wrote in message ...
>I have succesfully installed SuSE Linux on my older pentium system,
>but my ancient (1994) ISA VESA VGA card is not listed in the list of
>supported cards in the X11R6 configuration utility.  It was made in
>Taiwan by Joytech Computer, and has a Cirrus Logic chipset with the
>numbers CL-GD5428-80QCA and CL-GD5904-20DC-A1.   I have no idea what
>the clock settings and other low-level configuration options might be
>on this card.  Does anyone have any suggestions on what would be the
>safest way to configure X for this card?
>My monitor is a Sony Multiscan 200ES.


From: Stoney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: SoundBlaster PCI128
Date: Sat, 17 Jul 1999 23:28:57 -0400

Jose Santiago wrote:
> Anyone have any tips on getting the SoundBlaster PCI128 to work under
> Linux without having to pay for the OSS drivers?
> --
> Jose Santiago
This is the same card I have.  Did you run /usr/sbin/sndconfig?  It
detected my card and gave me PCM ability.  This lets WAV files and
CDs be played.  MIDI support is not available with OSS/FREE, which
comes with RH6.

To get MIDI support, even from the KDE MIDI player (Kmidi), you'll
need a MIDI synthesizer, such as softOss, which you get for your $30
with OSS/Commercial.  The ALSA site says that one is in development,
but the OSS driver works now.

I also put a much longer explicative article on the creative
news server ( and in comp.os.linux.setup.



Date: 18 Jul 99 00:21:45 -0500
From: "Gene Heskett" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Yamaha DS-XG card

Unrot13 this;

Gene Heskett sends Greetings to degackz ;

> (or 4front?? ) Spend $30 and spend 2 hours setting
> it up and tweaking controls and you'll have sound!! good luck

Yes, but how do we know it will work?  The freebie has no support for
this card whatsoever, requiring you to off with an extra tenner to get
it. The extra tenner isn't the problem but the lack of any demo at all
spooks me, bad enough I think I'll pitch this card in the trash and get
a sounblaster or similar.

I bought the card based on what the box said it could do, but so far my
experiments with various drivers have me  convinced its the only card in
the world capable of bringing linux to a halt.  The end of the song its
playing, when you can get it to play one, is always, 100% of the time, a
locked machine, recoverable only by the reset or power switches.

So I'll stop the bleeding, and maybe give it to some windoze user or

> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>   Steve Maughan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Does anyone know how to set up the Yamaha DS-XG sound card under
>> linux? I've been playing around in the sound config utility but so
>> far it hasn't worked... Any ideas would be much appreciated.

Cheers, Gene
  Gene Heskett, CET, UHK       |Amiga A2k Zeus040 50 megs fast/2 megs chip
    Ch. Eng. @ WDTV-5          |A2091,GuruRom,1g Seagate,CDROM,Multiface III
                               |Buddha + 4 gig WDC drive, 525 meg tape
                               |Stylus Pro, EnPrint, Picasso-II, 17" vga
         RC5-Moo! 690kkeys/sec isn't much, but it all helps
email gene underscore heskett at iolinc dot net


From: Jeffrey Chok <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: es1371
Date: Sun, 18 Jul 1999 11:12:50 +0800

alessa & ricky wrote:
> I have redhat 6.0 and I have a tyan motherboard that has a es1371 chip
> on the board.  I run sndconfig and it finds teh card but when I go to
> play the test sound I get the following error:


I noticed that your error was "Generated by ALSACONF".  Why not check
out their site to see if there's any help or updates.

I haven't tried ALSA as my soundcard is using Aureal's Vortex 1 chip
which is not supported :-(  BTW, ALSA is GPL.




From: Jeffrey Chok <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: SoundBlaster PCI128
Date: Sun, 18 Jul 1999 11:36:46 +0800

Jose Santiago wrote:
> Anyone have any tips on getting the SoundBlaster PCI128 to work under
> Linux without having to pay for the OSS drivers?

Another alternative is ALSA which is GPL

BTW, how is this card?  I'm thinking of getting a new soundcard for
Linux use.  Does it use the ES1370/1371 chip or something newer?



Subject: Please Help!!! How To Configure The Modem
Date: Sun, 18 Jul 1999 01:32:23 -0400

I'm new to linux and after spending a week of getting X to finally work
"properly" I came across the modem installation. After Configuring Kppp i
click on connect and it says "Modem Ready", then says "initializing modem"
and stays that way forever until i quit. Does anyone know what I have to do
, or where i can find information on this?


Subject: PLIP and RH6.0 (Mandrake)
Date: Mon, 12 Jul 1999 09:28:42 GMT

Ok....I'm trying to get PLIP up and running between two computers
running Mandrake 6.0.  I've got PLIP loadable as a module in both
computers, but neither computer will load it.  I have PLIP set to load
at boot and both computers create PLIP1 devices upon booting, but
neither seems to have loaded the module.  Running lsmod does not show
plip running.  When i try either 'insmod plip' or 'modprobe plip' I get
error messages on both comps.  If module PARPORT has been loaded I get a
        '/lib/modules/2.2.9-19mdk/net/plip.o: init_module: Device or resource
error.  If I unload PARPORT (and its relate modules parport_probe
etc...) I get a bunch of errors abour unresolved symbols and parports.
Any ideas on how to get this to work?

Sent via
Share what you know. Learn what you don't.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Steve Arnold)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: dead parallel port?
Date: Sun, 18 Jul 1999 06:12:56 GMT

Howdy all:

I've got a Xerox XJ6C, which does PCL3, but all I get is:

Unrecoverable error: rangecheck in .putdeviceprops (1488) op_array(486) 

and then the rest scrolls off the edge of the page.  I had it working on my 
main box (K6-350) in both RH5.2 (kernel 2.0.35) and windoze (OSR2.1).  Then I 
put it on my samba box (same version of RedHat), a pentium 100, 430FX board.  
I've tried setting the port as SPP, EPP, and ECP, with no luck.  The BIOS 
doesn't do 0x3BC, and 0x378 conflicts with the NIC, so 0x278 is my only 
choice.  I appended lilo.conf with "lp=0x278,7" and tunelp reports the same as 
the boot message, that lp0 is using IRQ 7.  There are no errors when using:

lpr "testfile"

nothing gets stuck in the queue, and the printer seems to respond and sucks in 
a sheet of paper, but then stops.  If I hit the formfeed button on the 
printer, I get the page with the above error message on it (or sometimes a 
blank page, or sometimes two).  There are no errors in the log file, lp is 
compiled in the kernel, and the printtool entry in printcap points to lp0.

lpc status:

        queuing is enabled
        printing is enabled
        no entries
        no daemon present


##PRINTTOOL3## LOCAL cdj550 300x300 letter {} DeskJet550 1 1

cat /proc/devices:

Character devices:
 1 mem
 2 pty
 3 ttyp
 4 ttyp
 5 cua
 6 lp
 7 vcs

Block devices:
 3 ide0
 8 sd

cat /proc/ioports:

0000-001f : dma1
0020-003f : pic1
0040-005f : timer
0060-006f : keyboard
0080-009f : dma page reg
00a0-00bf : pic2
00c0-00df : dma2
00f0-00ff : npu
01f0-01f7 : ide0
0278-027f : lp
02f8-02ff : serial(set)
0300-031f : NE2000
0360-037f : NE2000
03c0-03df : vga+
03f6-03f6 : ide0
03f8-03ff : serial(set)
3000-3007 : IDE DMA
6000-60ff : BusLogic BT-950

ls -l /dev/lp*:

crw-rw----   1 root     daemon     6,   0 May  5  1998 /dev/lp0
crw-rw----   1 root     daemon     6,   1 May  5  1998 /dev/lp1
crw-rw----   1 root     daemon     6,   2 May  5  1998 /dev/lp2

In system messages during boot up:

Jul 17 21:37:29 horton kernel: lp0 at 0x0278, (irq = 7)

Anybody got any answers/suggestions?  The only thing that makes sense is a 
dead port.



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