Linux-Hardware Digest #788, Volume #12            Tue, 2 May 00 17:13:12 EDT

  Can a HP 700/RX X-Terminal be used with a Linux box? ("Jan")
  Re: cacheability of motherboard (Dances With Crows)
  Re: Linux on a notebook with an ATI Rage Mobility? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  hardware problem?? ("Simon")
  Re: Video Card Probs in Rh6 ("L. Friedman")
  Re: Can a HP 700/RX X-Terminal be used with a Linux box? (David A. Lethe)
  Re: cacheability of motherboard (D G)
  Re: Flat-panel displays -- recommendations? (D G)
  Re: Linux woes (Compaq for one) on the horizon ("Patrick")
  Re: Kensington Scroll Mouse under Linux (Edwin Chacon)
  Re: SideWinder (Edwin Chacon)
  Sound Card - Turtle Beach Monte Carlo (julien mills)
  Re: xfree86config help on HP8360 ("Dale_Robinson")
  Re: Flat-panel displays -- recommendations? (Rod Smith)
  Re: hardware problem?? ("Nathan Appleton")
  Dell Perc3 RAID Controller (Aaron Smith)
  Re: Int 13h Device Not Found, BIOS not installed ("Folkert Rienstra")
  pci isdn card problem ("m.nine.six")
  Re: Q: Imagic Prism (AMD K6-2-500) and Linux (Mary)
  Re: Kernel Panic with >64M ("Robert L.")
  Re: poweroff failure ? (Bruce Stephens)
  SCSI Ultra2 support (Chris Webster)


Subject: Can a HP 700/RX X-Terminal be used with a Linux box?
Date: Tue, 2 May 2000 19:17:33 +0100


Does anyone know if the above X-Terminal can be logged onto a Linux box?  It
requires HP ENWARE to boot from a server but there are reports (unconfirmed)
that ENWARE binaries can be loaded into Linux for booting.  Does anyone know
more details?

Many thanks.



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Dances With Crows)
Subject: Re: cacheability of motherboard
Date: 02 May 2000 14:19:33 EDT

On 2 May 2000 17:10:12 GMT, Robie Basak 
<<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> shouted forth into the ether:
>>Some processors (like the K6-2) don't have built-in L2 cache.  Systems
>>based on those processors have their limits set by the cache controller
>>chips on the motherboard.
>512 MB? If the board can cache that much, it must have 512MB of RAM,
>surely. So what's the point of the memory, then?

Look again at your predecessor's post.

I'm typing this on a K6-2 system with an Epox motherboard capable of
caching 256M.  There's only 96M worth of RAM in the DIMM slots, because
RAM is expensive these days.  The 256M limit on caching here is because
there's a limited amount of what they call "cache tag RAM" soldered on to
the motherboard.  The tag RAM tells the memory management hardware which
pieces of main RAM are stored in the L2 cache.  Tag RAM has to be fast, so
it's expensive, and the hardware to make it do the right thing is a bit
complex, so it's also expensive.  Hence motherboards having a limit of
128/256/512M limit on the amount they can cache.

There was a time when Pentium-class boards could only cache 32 or 64M.  
Adding more than to the board would make the machine run extremely slowly,
since any info not stored in the 64M cachable area would have to be
retrieved through the ultra-slow FSB rather than the mostly-fast L2
cache.  More info on this can be found somewhere on

Matt G / Dances With Crows              \###| You have me mixed up with more
There is no Darkness in Eternity         \##| creative ways of being stupid,
But only Light too dim for us to see      \#| as I have to run nothing but a
(Unless, of course, you're working with NT)\| burp in the butt.  --MegaHAL


Subject: Re: Linux on a notebook with an ATI Rage Mobility?
Date: Tue, 02 May 2000 18:23:21 GMT

I use this X config for my Gateway 9300 CX Portable with
Rage Mobility P  running XFree 3.3.6  :

In article <8emm7r$dup$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
  force <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Andy Bristow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> : I'm using RH 6.2 on a DELL with a Rage Mobility M1 (8Mb) chip. I had
> : choose the text install method, but X works fine using the Mach64
> : at 1024x768x32bpp.
> :
> : RH 6.2 includes XFree 3.3.6
> I'm trying to get my Rage Mobility (4Mb) on my HP Omnibook to work
> Xfree86 but I'm not having much luck. I've tried 3.3.6, a modified
3.3.6 by
> a Dell user as well as 4.0 and what I get is an overlayed picture of
> screen (i.e see two xterms on each side of the screen) with lots of
noise and
> distortion.
> The image is fine using the VGA16 server. Perhaps I've got my modeline
> wrong? Anyone have any suggestions for a new HP Omnibook 900's
> (WinNT reports its running at 1024x768x60Hz) or can point me to some
> documentation where I can try and work it out?
> BTW: I'm using Slackware 7 + any X server that works.
> Thanks.

Sent via
Before you buy.


From: "Simon" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: hardware problem??
Date: Tue, 2 May 2000 19:45:36 +0100


 I have a Pentium 166mhz pc with a Cirrus Logic CL-GD5446 graphics card,
does anyone know if this card is suitable for Linux, I have tried everything
to configure the card and monitor and with no success, I am using SuSE
Linux, when I try to run SAX, the screen goes funny and I can not see
anything on the screen. I have tried using XFree86 and this will not solve
the problem, on SuSE's website it says it has no information on the above
mentioned graphics card.

Can someone help me here ??





From: "L. Friedman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Video Card Probs in Rh6
Date: Tue, 02 May 2000 14:42:01 -0400

Why are RedHat problems getting posted in a Caldera NG??

Daezz wrote:
> I have just installed Red Hat 6.0 Hedwig i686... all new to this linux
> stuff.. know the very basics... i cannot start Xwindows.. it boots the
> server and gives me the login but from there i cannot enter into Xwindows...
> with Red Hat comes the Xconfigurator to configure the video card.. i am
> running ATI Xpert99 128... it is not listed in there.. anyone know what
> video card i should choose and the rest of the specs!!! i get the following
> error message when trying xwindows
> "None of the configured defices was detected"
> I have been suggested to install Xfree86 4.0 or 3.5.. not sure where to get
> it or how to install it..
> Please help... i am in major need of help
> Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Daezz


L. Friedman                       [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The alt.os.linux.caldera FAQ:
Step-by-step help for common COL problems:

  2:40pm  up 9 min,  0 users,  load average: 0.23, 0.23, 0.11


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (David A. Lethe)
Subject: Re: Can a HP 700/RX X-Terminal be used with a Linux box?
Date: Tue, 02 May 2000 18:49:58 GMT

On Tue, 2 May 2000 19:17:33 +0100, "Jan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Does anyone know if the above X-Terminal can be logged onto a Linux box?  It
>requires HP ENWARE to boot from a server but there are reports (unconfirmed)
>that ENWARE binaries can be loaded into Linux for booting.  Does anyone know
>more details?
>Many thanks.
Upon power-up the xterm has enough smarts for uploading the firmware
via tftp, or other means.  You either need the firmware in electronic
format which can be uploaded upon power-on, or get one of their boot
rom sets which already have the firmware.  I always configured the
upload with tftp, and it worked on any O/S that had tftp server
support (I even configured Netware as a server for a client, so LINUX
will certainly be doable).

When I was selling these things years ago, the software was sold
separately for $400.00. I don't remember the licensing mechanism so
you will have to do some homework.

Thats my $0.02, I hope it was helpful.


Subject: Re: cacheability of motherboard
Date: Tue, 02 May 2000 11:46:46 -0700

"David C." wrote:
> D G <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >
> > I want to add more memory to keep linux from swapping.
> >
> > I have an i810 based motherboard capable of holding 2dimms for 512MB of
> > memory.  According to intel, the celeron can cache much more than 512MB
> > of memory.  Is there any reason the i810 chipset on the motherboard
> > might limit the cacheability to less than 512MB?
> Many processors (including the P2 and Celeron) have their cache circuits
> built-in to the CPU package.  The amount of memory they can cache is
> independant of the motherboard.
> Some processors (like the K6-2) don't have built-in L2 cache.  Systems
> based on those processors have their limits set by the cache controller
> chips on the motherboard.
> As for the 810 chipset, it might be able to cache more than 512M.
> Intel's web site probably has spec sheets that would tell you the chip's
> actual capabilities.  But the motherboard manufacturer might have chosen
> to impose a lower limit.  It might make the board design easier, or
> reduce heat dissipation, or something else.

The spec sheets unfortunately don't mention anything about cache.  So
I'm hoping it just lets the CPU do all the work.  Is there any way in
Linux to find out how much memory is cacheable (through /proc or
something similar)?

> Finally, the limit might not really exist.  If your borad has only two
> DIMM sockets, and the largest DIMMs manufactured are 256M each - then
> your limit is 512M.  When 512M DIMMs come into existance, it might be
> possible to use a pair of them on that motherboard, but the manufacturer
> isn't going to make any such claims because they can't test such a
> configuration until after the DIMMs become available.


e-mail is: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
(remove the Z's--they're what I do when I read SPAM!)


Subject: Re: Flat-panel displays -- recommendations?
Date: Tue, 02 May 2000 11:51:58 -0700

> My main concerns are as follows.
>      1.  Screen size versus cost.  I don't want
> something as
>          small as the laptop's display, but I
> don't want to
>          end up paying as much as I would for a
> small car!
>          I would like at least a 17"-er.

Models I have seen run about $1000 for 15" (though you might find better
deals--$800 maybe).  For the same $1000 you can buy a really nice
flat-screen 21" CRT monitor and probably even a 24".  The only advantage
to the flat-panel is the size and weight.

e-mail is: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
(remove the Z's--they're what I do when I read SPAM!)


From: "Patrick" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.linux,comp.os.linux.misc,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: Linux woes (Compaq for one) on the horizon
Date: Tue, 2 May 2000 15:19:38 -0000
Reply-To: "Patrick" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I understand your frustration.  The Compaq comes with a weird
Windows which will not work on another computer.  If I am not
mistaken, the installation of windows is not done in the "normal"
way - it's done using a "refresh" or "restore" disk which adds a
whole lot of other software as well as the drivers for keyboard,
modem ect - usually a huge install (takes FOREVER) because of all
the shit they add.  I have an HP which uses the same OS
installation method.  It says on the "restore" CD that it will
not work on another computer.  I found out (much to my chagrin,
that a format, then install a "normal" Windows, it does not work.
If I partitioned the HD and put the "restore" version of win on
the first part and a regular version on the second (just to test
things) everything works fine.  I believe there is something in
the BIOS which detects the presence of the HP version of Windows.
My roommate is the IT guy for a local company with a bunch of
Compaq's and he told me that the OS is quirky when trying to use
dual boots.

> I urge you to try install RHLinux on a Presario 5834 (or some
thing similar) to
> verify what I'm saying.
> Its not so much a conspiracy against Linux. But this is for
their profit, I guess.


From: Edwin Chacon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Kensington Scroll Mouse under Linux
Date: Tue, 02 May 2000 19:32:47 GMT

yes there is...go to


> Regards all,
> Has anyone had experience setting up the Kensington Scroll mouse under
> Linux so teh scroll feature is available?  Any suggestions or links
> would be appriciated!
> Scott


From: Edwin Chacon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: SideWinder
Date: Tue, 02 May 2000 19:35:08 GMT

get a logitech...stick  they are linux

Chris Ream wrote:

> Hello!
>  I am clueless on how to get a Microshaft Sidewinder working on my Linux box, I
> am running Redhat 6.2, and can't seem to find any support or help for this
> anywhere!
> Thankx!


From: julien mills <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Sound Card - Turtle Beach Monte Carlo
Date: Tue, 02 May 2000 15:40:44 -0400


Let me ask again: 

Has anyone gotton a Turtle Beach Monte Carlo working?  And
if so how did you do it?  It is listed as supported in the
hardware HOWTO, but I don't know where to get drivers, etc.



From: "Dale_Robinson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: xfree86config help on HP8360
Date: Tue, 2 May 2000 21:05:34 +0100

Use the 'Xvidtune' utility in usr/X11/bin


"Steve" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
news:OSjP4.12100$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> I have an HP8360 Pavilion 333 pentium II Intel 440 EX chipset.
> Video adaptor is onboard ATI VT 264, with 2M video memory.
> Monitor is 15in HP M50 (not M500),
>  1024x768 @ 60Hz, 800x600 @ 85Hz.
> I've tried installing Corel, Mandrake, and Red-Hat Linux.
> 2 problems with all 3:
> 1) Image is about 2 inches East of where it should be
>    (big black area on the left side of my screen,
>    can't see the right side of my desktop).
>    Image is clear where it starts on the left,
>    becomes wavy with horizontal snow towards the right
>    becoming unreadable around center screen.
> 2) I can find no setup info on this monitor on any of the
>    sites in the FAQ, or from HP. However, according to HP
>    literature most Pavilion packages sold during the past
>    2 years include it. I realize the above could have much
>    to do with this, but I've tried xf86config or XF86Setup
>    with several different monitors and I see the same thing.
> Anyone out there have any idea what's wrong? Or any monitor config info?
> Regards,
> Steve
> Steve


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Rod Smith)
Subject: Re: Flat-panel displays -- recommendations?
Date: Tue, 02 May 2000 20:09:55 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
        D G <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> My main concerns are as follows.
>>      1.  Screen size versus cost.  I don't want
>> something as
>>          small as the laptop's display, but I
>> don't want to
>>          end up paying as much as I would for a
>> small car!
>>          I would like at least a 17"-er.
> Models I have seen run about $1000 for 15" (though you might find better
> deals--$800 maybe).  For the same $1000 you can buy a really nice
> flat-screen 21" CRT monitor and probably even a 24".  The only advantage
> to the flat-panel is the size and weight.

And lower power consumption, and an absolutely flat display, and freedom
from geometric distortions, and improved resistance to magnetic
artifacts, and so on. These things might or might not be important to you
personally, but even if they're not, they may be important to others.
(Likewise, of course, there are advantages to CRTs over LCDs, like wider
viewing angles and an ability to work at more resolutions without weird

Author of books on Linux networking & multi-OS configuration


From: "Nathan Appleton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: hardware problem??
Date: Tue, 2 May 2000 13:13:52 -0700

When/If you get the CL-GD5446 working, post your solution/workaround/drivers
to Linux Hardware Database for future reference.

"Simon" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
news:8en77j$i2e$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> Hi,
>  I have a Pentium 166mhz pc with a Cirrus Logic CL-GD5446 graphics card,
> does anyone know if this card is suitable for Linux, I have tried
> to configure the card and monitor and with no success, I am using SuSE
> Linux, when I try to run SAX, the screen goes funny and I can not see
> anything on the screen. I have tried using XFree86 and this will not solve
> the problem, on SuSE's website it says it has no information on the above
> mentioned graphics card.
> Can someone help me here ??
> Thanks
> Simon.


Date: Tue, 02 May 2000 16:10:06 -0400
From: Aaron Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Dell Perc3 RAID Controller

    I have a Dell 4400 server that has a Perc3 Hardware Raid

Controller.  This controller is apparently made by Adaptec.

The problem lies in the fact that Adaptec has not released

any source code for the driver and is not planning on releasing

it anytime soon.  Dell has provided me with RPM's (The box runs

Redhat 6.1) with pre-compiled binaries of the driver module,

percraid.o.  This module gets loaded from an initial ram

disk image as my root partitians are on the RAID arrays.  The Box

is currently running the 2.2.13-0.13 kernel.  However, a notice

came out recently regarding a possibility of data corruption when

the server was running at a very heavy load, and that the fix was

to upgrade to the 2.2.14-6.0.1 kernel.  A kernel installation rpm

was available as well as a new pre-compiled binary for the percraid

controller.  An installation of these two files results in a working

system with a stock redhat kernel.  However, I need to run a custom

kernel with a couple of modifications.  If I download the source

code rpm for 2.2.14-6.0.1 and compile a new kernel, the percraid module

will refuse to load and gives a long list of unresolved symbol errors.

    The interesting bit is that if I compiled a custom kernel

with the 2.2.13-0.13 sources back when I was running THAT kernel, the

percraid module would run just FINE with the custom kernel!!  This

sounds to me like a problem with the kernel version within the

module.  Are there any other Dell owners out there wrestling with this

problem?  Or, is there something I'm overlooking in my kernel installation?

Aaron Smith                                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
IT Manager, Change Technology                   616.381.9889 ext 17
EoExchange, Inc.                      
3506 Lovers Lane, Second Floor                  Kalamazoo, MI 49001

PGP Key:


From: "Folkert Rienstra" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.periphs.scsi
Subject: Re: Int 13h Device Not Found, BIOS not installed
Date: Tue, 2 May 2000 16:47:42 +0200

"M. Buchenrieder" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
| "Folkert Rienstra" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
| >"M. Buchenrieder" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
| >news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
| >| Right. You don't have any Int13h devices (aka harddisks)
| >Aka 'fixed diskdrives'.
| Oh, right.
| [...]
| >I believe that comes with v 1.24 which is not freely available.

Correction, from AHA-2940 Hardware Q & A :

Q: I cannot boot from my NT 4.0 CD-ROM although the BIOS Support for bootable CD-ROM 
is enabled.

A: The option was available in the V1.23 BIOS version, but due to changes in the 
standard from Microsoft, the CD would not boot.
This was corrected in the v1.25 BIOS version.

| >If you have access to an eprom burner you can hack a v2.20.0 bios to be able
| >to run it on your card.
| You may get it from Adaptec's website.

Not unless this page changed recently:

|ISTR a thread where people with
| similar problems posted about getting it to work with an EPROM burner,
| and they used a 1.24 BIOS.

Sorry, ISTR means what?

| >|
| >| If that message bugs you, go into the SCSI BIOS and disable it, or
| >| set the jumpers on the SCSI card to disabled.
| >No jumpers.
| Dunno. Adaptec's mysterious marketing division created tons of various,
| slightly different 2940 versions.

Alright, where can I find all those different manuals?

| Michael
| --
| Michael Buchenrieder * [EMAIL PROTECTED] *
|           Lumber Cartel Unit #456 (TINLC) & Official Netscum
|     Note: If you want me to send you email, don't munge your address.


From: "m.nine.six" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: pci isdn card problem
Date: Tue, 02 May 2000 22:28:53 +0200


i have an asuscom HFC-S pci ISDN card (i guess it's passive). i
installed isdn4kernel and compiled the the kernel with the option isdn
as module. so the hisax module have the options asuscom card and hfc pci
support (but i saw after the patch that the option asuscom is only for
isa cards so i removed it).

on the kernel doc (<kernel-source>/Documentation/isdn/README.HiSax) it
says that this card has the type 35 and i only to give as options beside
the type the io port (after the isdn4kernel patch no options is
required). but on modprobing it gives the error "HFC-PCI: No IRQ for PCI
card found" and fails to load the module.

i can see the the card with 'lsmod' and 'scanpci' also it is avaible in
/proc/pci so i guess the card is ok.

i also enabled the pnp support on bios and enabled the irq for isa/pci

i tried the original debian modules --> doesn't work
i tried the modules from --> doens't work
i tried the kernel patch for 2.2.14 form --> doesn't

MY SPECS: debian linux (potato), kernel 2.2.14

so what's the mistake that i made all the time?


have a nice day,
alias m.nine.six....


Subject: Re: Q: Imagic Prism (AMD K6-2-500) and Linux
Date: Tue, 02 May 2000 20:30:02 GMT

Dragos-Anton Manolescu wrote:
> I'm waiting to receive one of these systems from TPI. I would like to
> find out how well it works with Linux since that's what I'll run. AGP
> video, sound and network and on-board (as well as the modem, but as
> far as I can tell it is a WinModem). Unfortunately, the information
> they provide about these systems is at the level of PowerPoint
> executives :-( Therefore I haven't managed to find details about
> VGA/network/sound chipsets and the motherboard.
> If you're familiar with these systems (or have one) and could shed
> more light over these details, I'd like to hear from you. Thanks!


Though you may like your system, Total PC - are the biggest bunch of rip-
off artists i've ever had the pleasure of working with!! -- My pc quit 
picking up the Monitor, (socket 7) sent it back, and it took over a month 
to get it back, they charged me 25$ for repacking that a ape could of done 
better doing. I have a K6-2 400 -- though i like the pc, the service total 
offers is the pitz!  Good Luck  MayKeg
> -Dragos

Posted via CNET


From: "Robert L." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Kernel Panic with >64M
Date: Tue, 02 May 2000 20:45:11 GMT

on the lilo boot: type
boot: linux mem=128M
if not working try
boot: linux mem=127M

I don't know your motherboard but, is there an onboard video card? If so,
substract the amount of memory used by your video card.
My system have 96Meg, 8Meg share video card, i have to put 88Meg to make it

Don't forget to put a M after the value, else it won't work. ( mem=128m
don't work ).

Thorsten Rene Stauber a écrit dans le message
>after buying a second 64M-stick for my Linux box I face some problems
>with it.
>I can force Linux to recognize the 128M due to the Kernel append line
>("mem=128"). But this either results in a Kernel Panic during the
>boot-process or a hanging system later on.
>I already tried to use less Memory (even only "mem=80M") but the
>bahaviour doesn´t change.
>I am sure that both sticks are ok. (Linux works fine with only one of
>them, regardless which one)
>Does anyone know something about this problem?
>I am suing a DFI K6/+33 Board and an AMD k6-II 450.
>Thorsten René Stauber
> __________________________________________
> -- Geyerspergerstr. 24, D-80689 München
> -- Tel.: +49(0)89 5803451
> __________________________________________


From: Bruce Stephens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: poweroff failure ?
Date: 02 May 2000 21:15:53 +0100

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Marc O. Gloor) writes:

> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, 
> > Yep.  IIRC 2.2.14 had the fix available, so try that if you're not ready
> > to make the jump to 2.3.99-pre6.  FWIW, 2.3.99-pre3 has been rock solid
> > for me so far.
> Cool, then I'll try 2.2.14...
> Hope it works.

The option you want is probably 

  Use real mode APM BIOS calls to switch off the computer. This is
  a work-around for a number of buggy BIOSes. Switch this option on if
  your computer crashes instead of powering off properly.

I don't think this is in 2.2.14.  I think you want to grab the most
recent pre-2.2.15 patch and go with that (from Alan Cox).


From: Chris Webster <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.misc
Subject: SCSI Ultra2 support
Date: Tue, 02 May 2000 15:06:34 -0600

I haven't been able to get UltraWide disks to work on Ultra2 adapters
(adaptec).  I get .5MB/sec write speeds, 6-7MB/sec read speed.  The
cable is 2 feet long blue twisted with a LVD/SE terminator.

I am able to get Ultra2 disks working on the Ultra2 adpaters.

I'm down to thinking it's Linux.  Anyone know anything or have data to
the contrary?




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