Linux-Hardware Digest #278, Volume #13           Sat, 22 Jul 00 10:13:09 EDT

  Sound card, S/PDIF out? (Ryan Lovett)
  Re: Adaptec 1130U2, Supported??? (Markus Kossmann)
  UDMA/66 HPT 366 ("Guillaume")
  Re: Please help me evaluate this hardware's compatability with Linux (phil ossifer)
  Re: Please help me evaluate this hardware's compatability with Linux (phil ossifer)
  Re: Please help me evaluate this hardware's compatability with Linux (phil ossifer)
  IBM Drive Fitness Test Utility (x86) (Tim Moore)
  Viewsonic Fraud Alert - Rebates ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  CBQ or traffic shaping on Pentium 66? Recommendations? (SysCrash)
  bt848 Driver with Intel YC66 Cam (estaga)
  Re: How to setup using Promise Ultra100 ("Ozetechnology")
  Re: Problem with missing RAM (Alan Mackenzie)
  can't mount exernal panasonic cd-writer (Markus Klein)
  Problem with 3C509 network card ("News Club-Internet")
  Please help!    L 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 10 10 10 10 04 10ILO (Auto Cat +++ Auto 
  Re: on-board sound? ("Frank Isaacs")
  Re: M$ IntelliMouse (William M. Perry)
  Re: Please help!    L 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 10 10 10 10 04 10ILO (Dances With 


From: Ryan Lovett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Sound card, S/PDIF out?
Date: Fri, 21 Jul 2000 22:15:55 -0700

Are there any sound cards with linux drivers that support S/PDIF output?



From: Markus Kossmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Adaptec 1130U2, Supported???
Date: Sat, 22 Jul 2000 06:43:21 +0200

Jay Bivens wrote:
> After looking through some of the documentation of the 2.2.16 kernel I'm
> under the impression that the Adaptec 1130U2 raid card is supported by
> Linux.
Did you read the kernel configuration help for the aic7xxx driver ? 
It says , that the AIC7810 ( which is AFAIK the chip on the 1130 card)
is not supported . 
Markus Kossmann                                    


From: "Guillaume" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: UDMA/66 HPT 366
Date: Sat, 22 Jul 2000 01:50:23 -0400

Hi, I'm using an Abit BE6 (uses the HPT 366) with a IBM DeskStar Ultra DMA
66 (45GB) and it is not reconized by My SuSe Linux 6.2.

The problem is that I've not installed it yet and it's all on CD.

I don't know if ther's a way to get a new Boot Disk that could reconize my
drive or if there's a way to copy the CD's on my hard Drive then patch the
Linux Kernel ...

Anyway, I'd like to have some help with this ...


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (phil ossifer)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: Please help me evaluate this hardware's compatability with Linux
Date: Sat, 22 Jul 2000 05:53:36 GMT

On 18 Jul 2000 19:36:27 -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (David C.) wrote:

 > > Is there such a thing as a "winmotherboard, a
 > > winchipset, a winbios", and if there is did I just buy one?
 > Not that I know of.

 > As for the BIOS and chipset, absolutely not.  How could you have one
 > that requires an OS.  These parts must be active and working before the
 > OS loads.  That's how your computer boots.

Well, the motherboard comes with a bunch of (W9x/NT -only) utilities and
drivers.  One of the drivers is for busmastering (if I recall   it
was needed to get the best performanc out of the on-board hard drive controller.
Others presumably access the "soft off" feature (where the system can be awoken
by a modem ring, or at a specific time, etc.)   I guess there's  utilities to
set various BIOS options.   As I said, VIA had a DOS version of the busmastering
driver on its web site, but no mention of anything for Linux.    What I fear is
the same kind of stonewalling on the information to write configuration
utilities and drivers that the guys wanting to write Linux drivers for winmodems
ran into.

 > > Do I have a winharddrive, a wincdrom, a wimvideo board?  
 > Aside from modems, the only common "windows only" devices out there are
 > printers.
Well  if the manufacurers are mute about how to access their "acceleration"
features, higher than standard VGA resolutions,  and other features of the card,
and there are only W9x/NT drivers for the card, that effectively makes it a
winvideocard, no?   No doubt Linux could use it as a dumb VGA card, but who the
hell is going to be satisfied with unaccellerated 640x400 VGA?  (That is the
situation I am now in with Win3.x on this system  unaccellerated VGA 640x400
only.  Bleeach...)

Thanks for the response



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (phil ossifer)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: Please help me evaluate this hardware's compatability with Linux
Date: Sat, 22 Jul 2000 06:01:28 GMT

On Sun, 16 Jul 2000 07:24:35 -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (B'ichela) wrote:

 >      Have you tried install Suse on it yet? If you have did it
 > work? what hardware did not get recognized?

No.  I spent the first week on getting the hardware to work (2 1/2 days --
bad/incompatable ram)  then trying to get DOS and Win3.x up and all my stuff
working.   The second week was to be Linux (Corel), but then a family emergency
came up that ate up the last week.  I have no time to play "adventure"  (try
this..   try that...) .   I just got back and have about 18 hours to make a
decision (and get some sleep...) .

 >      ok as for the network card driver. have you ever used GCC
 > before? what does the instructions for the driver say? 

Nope, only MS, Datalight, and Borland C.

 > Makefiles?

Yep, but not Unix ones.

 > INSTALL text files?

Thanks for the response.   Given time I'm sure I could work it out.   But Fry's
has not been "understanding".   Decision time is tommorow.    Tic... tic...

Thanks for the response



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (phil ossifer)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: Please help me evaluate this hardware's compatability with Linux
Date: Sat, 22 Jul 2000 06:55:44 GMT

On Sun, 16 Jul 2000 14:08:34 -0400, kSniNe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

 > Make a boot disk and fire that bastard up. 

I thought I made it clear:  real-world time constraints make that impractical.

 >  If you get to an install
 > screen, your are pretty much set, as most hardware runs at least in a
 > "basic/standard" mode. Then you can hunt down the drivers/settings to
 > tune her up.
Well, not to put too fine a point on it, I've been running basic/standard
486/sx25 for a _long_ time now.   Now that I take the plunge an cough up a few
thou for a 2000 system, I'm not going to be satisfied with running it in
"basic/standard" mode.   These modern systems are finally getting things right
(like "soft off" mode (with awaking by time, LAN, modem ring, etc) ,  save to
ram,  (all power down except ram refresh, come back where you left off)  Bus
mastering, video acceleration, etc.  I am not going to be sarisfied with an
operating system that makes me use this like a fast version of a 1986 386

I realize that with the source I can tune the system.  That is Linux's main
alure to me.  But not if the hardward features are shrouded by the mfgr and his
only support for them are W95 utilities/drivers.

 > 95% hardware will work if you are willing to experiment. 

Well, I'm willing, just not able.   But MOST PC users will not be willing.  The
Linux community must face this or Linux will go the way of OS/2  ( IBM's fatal
last words on the issue of drivers:  "drivers are the hardware manufacturer's
responsibility".   WRONG.   Drivers are the responsibility of whoever is trying
to close a sale.  And now it is Linux that wants the "sale".   It needs the new
users.   Most new users don't need it.   Certainly hardware manufacturers don't
need it any more than they needed OS/2.

 > The best approach is to build your system around Linux, rather than
 > build Linux around your system.
 > -kSniNe
Well, for a 100% true-blue died in the wool Linux user, sure.   But what's a
fella who wants to try out Linux to do?   Build a whole new system?   I _want_
to run Linux.  I _want_ it to succeed.   But, frankly, I wanted to run OS/2.  I
wanted it to succeed.   No disrespect, but the responses I have received so far
to my _very_ _fundamental_ question (here is my hardware, will the system you
espouse run on it?)  have been _very_ reminicent to the responses similiar
questions got in 1992-1993 regarding OS/2.  And the attitudes are almost
identical.    I realize this is more attuned to an advocacy group, but as long
as the response is "go play adventure" or "buy different hardware",  then Linux
will become as dead-end as OS/2 is.


From: Tim Moore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: IBM Drive Fitness Test Utility (x86)
Date: Sat, 22 Jul 2000 07:15:58 GMT

   The Drive Fitness Test image file (dft-v152img.bin) includes IBM
   DOS2000 and the IBM Drive Fitness Test. Running the Linux Disk Dump (DD)
   creates an IBM DOS 2000 bootable diskette that contains the Drive Fitness
Test Utility.
   A formatted 1.44 MB diskette is required to create the diskette.



Subject: Viewsonic Fraud Alert - Rebates
Date: Sat, 22 Jul 2000 07:15:01 GMT

This company contracted its rebate promotion program with some fraud
business based in Arizona. You will likely not see your rebate and if
persistent you will likely get a runaround of your life.

Sent via
Before you buy.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (SysCrash)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.networking,,aus.computers.linux
Subject: CBQ or traffic shaping on Pentium 66? Recommendations?
Date: Sat, 22 Jul 2000 07:52:49 GMT

I currently have a 10Base2 LAN consisting of 2 Winblows systems, one
FreeBSD/Windows system and one RedHat 5.2 system. The 5.2 box is a
Pentium 66 with 16MB of RAM and is currently using IP masquerading to
share a 56k-based modem connection (PPP) with the other systems.

Now, we're considering buying a cable modem, and I have determined
that I'll be able to get it working under linux. I'm planning on
upgrading the Pentium 66 to RedHat 6.2 and either running CBQ (Class
Based Queueing) or basic traffic shaping on it, so an individual user
can't hog the cable connection. (it's limited at 400kbit/s down,
128kbit/s up unfortunately).

My good ol' pentium has kept things going for a very long time and has
worked incredibly reliably, but my main question is -
What kind of a load would CBQ or traffic shaping put on a system like
this? Bear in mind there'll only be 4 systems on the LAN (including
the route/masqer/shaper itself).
Does anyone have an opinion on whether the Pentium will handle this
OK? Additionally, is packet shaping or CBQ known to work in
conjunction with IP masquerading?

Any info would be appreciated :-)



Subject: bt848 Driver with Intel YC66 Cam
From: estaga <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Sat, 22 Jul 2000 02:43:17 -0700


I just got a YC66 camera which plugs straight into the S-Video of
my Micron (it seems) Grabber. Hereis syslog identifying this:

Jul 22 12:18:03 blah kernel: bttv0: Brooktree Bt848 (rev 18) bus:
0, devfn: 120,
 irq: 5, memory: 0xf79ff000.
Jul 22 12:18:03 blah kernel: bttv: 1 Bt8xx card(s) found.
Jul 22 12:18:03 blah kernel: bttv0: NO fader chip: TEA6300
Jul 22 12:18:03 blah kernel: bttv0: model: BT848(Miro)

Before loading the modules, the camera's led is off. As soon as I
load the module the status led goes off (never to come on again).
I can use xawtv and use any input and I get the blue (nothing
happening) screen. ):
I plugged my digital camera into Composite1 and it works 100%,
and I managed to install the camera under Win98 without a
problem, so its nothing physical ):
Does any body have any hints&tips I can try to get this guy



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From: "Ozetechnology" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: How to setup using Promise Ultra100
Date: Sun, 23 Jul 2000 05:59:40 +1000

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, root <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am using Promise Ultra100 disk controller. But hard disk is not found
> in setup stage. How to solve it?
> Thanks a lot
> Stephen Loo

Have a look at for help with this one.


+++ New Images in the Gallery +++


From: Alan Mackenzie<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Problem with missing RAM
Date: Sat, 22 Jul 2000 09:32:43 +0000

Adrien Huvier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on Sat, 22 Jul 2000 04:45:20
> "Kenneth Rřrvik" wrote:

>> Getting serious for a moment, type "linux mem=396M" at the lilo prompt
>> and see what happens. If it works, add "append="mem=396M"" to your
>> image stanza in /etc/lilo.conf (could look like this:)

> I'm not sure 396MB is a credible capacity.
> I think it's 384MB (128+64). If not, I can't find where the remaining
> 12MB are hiding...

To say nothing of the other 204 MB unaccounted for. :-)

It's wierd how difficult arithmetic becomes when the numbers involved are
high powers of 2, or small multiples of them. :-)

> It should then be mem=384M

> --
> - Un arbre c'est pas forcément connexe,
>   il peut y avoir des feuilles mortes!
> - Oui, mais les feuilles mortes, tu les laisses tomber...

Alan Mackenzie (Munich, Germany)
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; to decode, wherever there is a repeated letter
(like "aa"), remove one of them (leaving, say, "a").


From: Markus Klein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: can't mount exernal panasonic cd-writer
Date: Sat, 22 Jul 2000 12:45:14 +0200

  Does anybody know if there is a problem with the Panasonic KXL-RW10A?
  managed to get the pcmcia-scsi adapter
  work. At boot-up I get the messages (not exactly like I write it
  socket1: Workbit Ninja SCSI3
  executing: insmod ....nin_cs.o
  executing scsi start scd0
  With these messages the cd-writer makes some noise, lights flash, all

  The modules seem to be there in the running system
  # lsmod
  Module Size Used by
  ppp_deflate 40300 1 (autoclean)
  bsd_comp 4020 0 (autoclean)
  ppp 20908 2 (autoclean) [ppp_deflate bsd_comp]
  slhc 4440 1 (autoclean) [ppp]
  adlib_card 900 0 (autoclean)
  opl3 11304 0 (autoclean) [adlib_card]
  sb 34580 0 (autoclean)
  uart401 6320 0 (autoclean) [sb]
  sound 57432 0 (autoclean) [adlib_card opl3 sb uart401]
  soundlow 344 0 (autoclean) [sound]
  soundcore 2564 6 (autoclean) [sb sound]
  nin_cs 13144 0
  ds 6568 2 [nin_cs]
  i82365 22128 2
  pcmcia_core 45184 0 [nin_cs ds i82365]
  serial 42612 2 (autoclean)
  memstat 1476 0 (unused)
  nls_iso8859-1 2268 1 (autoclean)

  The filesystems should be no problem:

  # cat /proc/filesystems
  nodev proc
  nodev nfs
  nodev devpts

  If I let communicate the kernel with the drive, it looks like this:

  # dd if=3D/dev/scd0 of=3D/dev/null bs=3D2048
  1+0 records in
  1+0 records out

  cdrecord finds the drive:

   # cdrecord -scanbus
  Cdrecord 1.8 (i686-pc-linux-gnu) Copyright (C) 1995-2000 J=F6rg
  Using libscg version 'schily-0.1'
          1,0,0   100) *
          1,1,0   101) *
          1,2,0   102) *
          1,3,0   103) *
          1,4,0   104) 'MATSHITA' 'CDRRW01         ' '1.34' Removable
          1,5,0   105) *
          1,6,0   106) *
          1,7,0   107) *

  But if I try to mount the drive under the mountpoint which I have
  then it doesn't work:

  # mount /dev/scd0 -t iso9660 -r /cdwriter
  mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/scd0,
  or too many mounted file systems
  # mount /dev/scd0 -t auto -r /cdwriter
  /dev/scd0: Success
  mount: you must specify the filesystem type

  The disk in the drive is OK (iso9660). Everything works just fine

  What could be the problem here? Anybody with ideas?

  system infos:
  kernel 2.2.14 , Suse6.4 , Notebook Siemens PCD-5ND 75Mhz, 64MB


From: "News Club-Internet" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Problem with 3C509 network card
Date: Sat, 22 Jul 2000 13:17:00 +0100

Hi all

 I've a problem with a 3C509 Ethernet Card.
 I've a little network of 2 PCs one under w98 and the other under Linux
Redhat 6.1
connected througth a Hub.

 The problem is that my network card seem to be unable to exchange data.
I've already
have got a pb with this card under this linux dsitribution with redhat 5.2.
I have reinstall
completely the distribution and the pb reapear now :((
 All seem to be configurated correctly :

 The netmask is
 The W98 pc has the Ip Adress ans Linux as the

 My network is recognise by my Linux kernel.

 But when I try to ping one machine from the other then the ping fail !!
 From the W98 I look for with arp -a to see if it was able to take the
adress of the card and the hardware address is here ! But the arp -a command
under linux
return me : incomplete adress for the IP requested !
 I don't understand why and what to do !!! ANyone has any ideas ??

 Very thanks to you !

Jacky Buyck


From: Auto Cat +++ Auto Cat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Please help!    L 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 10 10 10 10 04 10ILO
Date: Sat, 22 Jul 2000 21:42:38 -0700

Please help!

I sometime get the below message and cannot boot Linux.
Had I done something wrong with LILO?

L 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 10 10 10 10 04 10ILO

Welcome to the LILO Boot Loader!

Please enter the name of the partition you would like to boot
at the promt below. The choices are:

DOS   - DOS (FAT/FAT32 partition)
Linux - Linux (ext2fs partition)



From: "Frank Isaacs" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: on-board sound?
Date: Sat, 22 Jul 2000 13:46:35 GMT

This is what happens when I post when I'm really tired...of course, you're

I have Caldera OpenLinux eServer 2.4, and an ABit VA6 motherboard with a VIA
chipset. I'm running KDE.

As for what I've tried, the answer is "not much." I'm a complete, total,
clueless newbie to Linux. On the advice of someone else (and you, too, I
see), I went to, and downloaded something that looked
appropriate, but it's in .bz2 format, which I know nothing about. (Plus, I
was hoping to do it with the distribution, but I suppose that's not
necessarily going to happen...)

TIA for any additional help you might offer...


"Duane" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Frank Isaacs wrote:
> >
> > Any pointers to some information on this subject? I am not getting any
> > out of the speakers.
> It might be helpful if you gave just slightly more information! Like
> what Linux distribution you have, what onboard sound chip you have, and
> what you have tried. A very basic thing that people sometimes miss is
> that under gnome you have to (as far as I know) open an audio mixer and
> set the controls before you get any sound. Without more info on your
> part, it is hard to guess much further.
> My onboard VIA VT82C686A sound required me to get the ALSA sound driver
> to run under Redhat 6.1. There is other info on sound on their website:
> --
> My real email is (or something like that).


Subject: Re: M$ IntelliMouse
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (William M. Perry)
Date: Sat, 22 Jul 2000 13:46:39 GMT

Christian Weihs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> "William M. Perry" wrote:
> > Set your mouse type in XF86Config to 'imps/2' and it should work fine. =
> > NOT turn on emulate3buttons or it will screw you royally.
> >=20

> I tried this (I evt. found this info in the xf86 docs).  Ok, the
> middlemousebutton (MMB) works but it=B4s a bit ... strange.  Especially in
> Netscape. When I press the MMB, Netscape starts loading another page.  It
> seems the MMB click inserts the clipboard contents into the
> url-field. Hmm.  Maybe thats just what it=B4s supposed to do. Well, I can
> live with this. I`ll try some other things.

This is standard netscape behaviour.  If you paste text into the body of
netscape (or drag & drop it) it will try to do a search on it.  Lame?
Yes.  IntelliMouse specific?  No. :)



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Dances With Crows)
Subject: Re: Please help!    L 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 10 10 10 10 04 10ILO
Date: 22 Jul 2000 14:05:31 GMT

On Sat, 22 Jul 2000 21:42:38 -0700, Auto Cat +++ Auto Cat 
>I sometime get the below message and cannot boot Linux.
>Had I done something wrong with LILO?
>L 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 04 10 10 10 10 04 10ILO

0x04:  sector not found, typically indicating a geometry mismatch
0x10:  CRC error--LILO's loading map has been put somewhere that
contains bad blocks.  Try re-running LILO to put the map somewhere else
on the disk.

If this happens occasionally, it probably means your hard drive's going
bad.  See about replacing/upgrading it--if it's under warranty, call the
manufacturer/OEM.  If not, well, hard drives are cheap these days.

Matt G|There is no Darkness in Eternity/But only Light too dim for us to see
Brainbench MVP for Linux Admin/   That which does not kill us    /    makes us stranger.
============================/            ==Trevor Goodchild



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