Linux-Hardware Digest #278, Volume #9            Wed, 27 Jan 99 02:13:41 EST

  Re: Lightweight Laptop (John Westerdale)
  Re: AIC 7890 SCSI Controller (BL)
  Installing SCSI adapter...HELP! (FlyingDog)
  Re: More on K6-2 300 and FIC PA2103 (BL)
  Re: partitioning woes (Philip Charles)
  vt1500 video card (Daniel Homm)
  Brother HL-1050 laser printer works well with Linux! (Phillip Deackes)
  Any Hardware FAQ's available? ("Matt Vrablik")
  Re: Diamond stelth II G460 whit Linux  X (TTs)
  Re: Wacom Woes... (Guus Zijlstra)
  Unable to boot after setup to Abit BH6 ("news")
  Re: AGP and Linux Networking ("al")
  SMP-machine freezes with high load (Thilo Salmon)
  Re: Bootup freezes at "LI..." ("Ben Goble, Lakewood Colorado")
  Re: Compatible CDRW Drive Recommendations?? ("Christopher Cox")
  Re: Can I run a DOS Device Driver in an emulator ("Frank T. Lofaro")
  Re: data acquisition (Andy Adams)
  Any Microcontollers can run the Linux OS (Nelson Yan)
  Re: AGP and Linux Networking (PC^God)
  Need modem and "sound" advice :-/ (dex)


From: John Westerdale <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Lightweight Laptop
Date: Wed, 27 Jan 1999 03:58:01 GMT

--- snip -----

>, comes with CD-ROM and (Win)modem as standard, 

What about the Win-modem-like thing? I guess you strap
a PCMCIA card modem to it?

(need some thing like this for a Hike that I heard about!)

#    Linux isn't really hard, it's just a lot.   #
# It isn't easy, but it is really, really simple #
*    mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] * Beer Food Unix     *


Subject: Re: AIC 7890 SCSI Controller
Date: 27 Jan 1999 05:23:49 GMT
Reply-To: no.spambots.please

the 7890 is NOT a 2940.  its the ultra2 driver - very different.

I just built a kernel from 2.0.36 and chose the 'Adaptec AIC7xxx support'

seems to work just fine on my supermicro embedded scsi mobo...

Alvaro A. Novo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
: Hi,

: I am trying to install RedHat 5.2 on my box which has a AIC 7890 SCSI 
: Controller, but I am running into the following problem after I select
: installation from "Local CD-ROM": 

: It probes the CD-ROM and asks me if I have a
: "SCSI or Other". I select SCSI and answer yes to "Do you have SCSI adapter?" 
: Then, I select from a list the Adaptec AHA 2940, but
: when I press the autoprobe tab, it locks the computer.
: No alt-ctrl-del, no power switch... unplug it is the solution.

: Apparently this hardware is supported, so what should I do? 

: Thanks in advance for your suggestions.

: Alvaro

: ps. Solutions attempted:

: 1) Latest boot images from redhat.
: 2) Disabled the "Extended BIOS transalation for DOS drives > 1 GByte"

:       --      --      --      --      --      --      --      --      
:                             Alvaro A. Novo
:                        2116 S. Orchard St., #304
:                            Urbana, IL 61801

:                             [EMAIL PROTECTED]
:                        [EMAIL PROTECTED]
:                              217-337-4893
:       --      --      --      --      --      --      --      --

AntiSpam: For email, change all 'zero' chars to letter 'o' chars.
bryan, http://www.Grateful.Net/


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (FlyingDog)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Installing SCSI adapter...HELP!
Date: Tue, 26 Jan 1999 16:07:34 -0500

I'm trying to install a SCSI adapter to my RH5.1 system. I've tried two 
different SCSI cards and both of them report 'scsi: 0 hosts ; scsi: 
detected total' on startup. I've tried both an Adaptec AHA-2940 (AIC 
7xxx) and a Future Domain TMC-1670, both with two drives attached. The 
drives are listed at the BIOS POST, so the card at least sees them. 
Compiling support for the adapters as modules and using insmod produces 
output listing the two drives. I can then access both drives through 
/dev/sda and /dev/sdb. With support for the adapter compiled directly 
into the kernel, I get the same '0 hosts' message.

My question is how do I get linux to recognize the adapter/drives on 
startup? TIA


Subject: Re: More on K6-2 300 and FIC PA2103
Date: 27 Jan 1999 05:25:03 GMT
Reply-To: no.spambots.please

have you tried the obvious- resetting your bios to ALL factory defaults and
going from there?

if the factory default timings (etc) still cause kernel compiles, I would try
new ram..

Pranab Nag <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
: Sometime ago I posted saying that I was getting signal 7 installing RH
: 5.2 on this machine:
: FIC PA2013 (rev 2.0), K6-2 300Mhz. I could install if i turned off ext
: cache just for the installation of OS.

: I ran kernel compile tests afterwards. A series of 100 compiles. The
: computer freezes after about 12-18 compiles. I tried a few conservative
: settings in BIOS but with same result. 

: I would like to exchange notes here with other owners of similar systems
: expecially BIOS settings they are using. 

: One peculiar thin I noticed in BIOS screen. I only see the setting for
: enabling the video bios shadow. I do not see the other io addresses to
: be shadowed or not. The manual shows that there should be some 8 more
: lines of IO addresses for enabling/disabling shadow.

: -Pranab

AntiSpam: For email, change all 'zero' chars to letter 'o' chars.
bryan, http://www.Grateful.Net/


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Philip Charles)
Subject: Re: partitioning woes
Date: 24 Jan 1999 22:42:28 GMT

On 23 Jan 1999 16:22:23 GMT, Aaron Birkland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>I am sorry to post what is probably a very basic question on this 
>newsgroup, but I am soon going to attempt to install Linux (of the Debian 
>persuasion) on its own partition on my hard drive, which right now is one 
>large 6.4 GB FAT32 partition.  I would have loved to defragment the drive so 
>that I have a continuous block of free space which I could split with FIPS, and 
>then format and play with as I like.  There is one caveat, however.  As it 
>turns out, Win98 has been putting something on the last cylinder of the drive 
>that it does not want moved.  I have no idea exactly what it is or why it is 
>there, but I sure don't like it there.  So far, I haven't been able to find an 
>answer, although I stumbled across one theory that if you get rid of the hidden 
>and system file attributes, Defrag will move the data off the last cylinder.  I 
>haven't actually done that yet, but am working on a batch file that would take 
>away the attributes, and another one to restore them once the deed is done.

Did do this some time ago, Win coughed, spluttered and recovered.


>       If changing the attributes doesn't work (and many people have said that 
>it wouldn't), I will probably be faced with the task of wiping out everything 
>and starting from scratch (I don't want to shell out for something like 
>partition Magic).  Has anybody out there dealt with a similar situation?  and 
>if so, is there a way to create the partition nondestructively?  
>       Thanks,
>       Aaron Birkland

Philip Charles.  My home page:-


From: Daniel Homm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: vt1500 video card
Date: Sun, 24 Jan 1999 23:45:08 +0100


I just dowloaded the driver for my TV Card from
and I couldn't compile it. I'm running a 2.0.36 Kernel with gcc-
Is there someone out there who can help me with a newer driver ?

Thank you,



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Phillip Deackes)
Subject: Brother HL-1050 laser printer works well with Linux!
Date: 24 Jan 1999 21:13:15 GMT

I have just bought a Brother HL-1050 b&w laser printer and am currently
using it successfully under Linux.

Thought I'd post this because before I purchased the printer I searched
DejaNews and could not find anything to confirm that it would work OK.
Maybe others will find this post and it will help them.

I use MagicFilter with the ljet-4 filter. I get 600 dpi with print
quality just as good as I get under Windows using Brother's Windows

The key is that the printer can use PCL6 emulation - it automatically
sets itself to match the incoming signal. PCL6 is basically the same
as you would get with a recent HP printer.
Phillip Deackes
Debian Linux v.2.0 


From: "Matt Vrablik" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Any Hardware FAQ's available?
Date: Sun, 24 Jan 1999 13:44:04 -0800

I'm building a box from scratch, to run windows/linux/fusion, and I'm
getting confused on good choices for cards (video/modem/etc).
    Is there a good FAQ on the internet, assisting people with good hardware
choices for Linux?



Subject: Re: Diamond stelth II G460 whit Linux  X
Date: 24 Jan 1999 12:46:51 -0800

In article <5prq2.34719$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "Jonas says...
>I am trying to install a Diamond card but i can`t find any driver
>for it.
>Using Red Hat Linux.
>Thank you.

Xfree86 do not suport the Intel chipset os this card... I am using myne with
  a comercial X server, AcceleratedX.


Date: Sun, 24 Jan 1999 22:50:42 +0100
From: Guus Zijlstra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: Wacom Woes...

Yep, that's it. I confused ttyS1 and COM1.
I must have been asleep, because I know...
Thanks for all the help!

Signing off,

howie wrote:

> Guus Zijlstra wrote:
> >
> > X Error of failed request:  BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input
> DOUBLE check that your tablet is plugged into the correct
> serial port!  Remember that windows serial 1 = linux serial
> 0, windows serial 2 = linux serial 1.
> ---------------------howie


From: "news" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup,comp.os.linux
Subject: Unable to boot after setup to Abit BH6
Date: Sun, 24 Jan 1999 22:42:39 GMT

I'm running redhat 5.1 on a Pentium 2 350mhz using an abit bh6 motherboard.
I've installed linux (rh) on many pentiums, but this is my first p2.  My
problem is that upon completing setup, the machine shuts down and restarts
ok, until it comes time to boot from the hard drive.  I get the error:
"Disk Boot Failure: Insert a System Disk and Press Enter:"
I have a bit of experience with different os', but I have tried this using
the following ext2 linux partitions:
60 meg    /boot
127           Swap
1600+      /

And the machine has been unable to boot to IDE from the motherboard, SCSI
from a fireport, and SCSI from several adaptecs.  I have performed installs
each time for each different setup to no avail.  I've checked redhat's site
and they don't mention any probs. with the abit bh6.  I'm running redhat
5.1.  Help would be greatly appreciated.



From: "al" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux,aus.computers.linux,comp.os.linux
Subject: Re: AGP and Linux Networking
Date: Wed, 27 Jan 1999 16:53:46 +1100

the tnt has an alpha xserver but doesn't yet have 3d support under linux.
AGP is supported.the best supported comsumer cards are matox s including
millenium thru to G200   news on 3d support under linux    for opengl compatable library - to run quake/quake2 etc
under linux

A Nourai wrote in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>is AGP (esp in regards to TNT) supported?


From: Thilo Salmon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.misc
Subject: SMP-machine freezes with high load
Date: 27 Jan 1999 02:31:57 GMT


I'm running a slightly changed SuSE 5.3 distribution (kernel 2.0.35) on
a Dual-PII machine on the Internet. It runs a few virtual web servers
(apache) with moderate load. At times I use it to distribute a rather huge 
newsletter (SmartList). After being up for almost 2 month the machine froze
when I tried to send out my newsletter. The weird thing is that it handled
an average load of 1.5 quite well (peaks up to 4.0) for three hours and then
crashed. The same thing happened, when I temporarily ran a webserver with
quite some traffic (approx. 200.000 Hits a day, lots of perl-processing and
mysqld-queries) - it worked fine for one day and then crashed.

I tried to find something unusual in the logs, but everything looked just
normal. I have no clue where to look now. Am i facing hardware problems or is 
it a problem w/ the stability of SMP?

PGP-Mail welcome - finger [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Date: Tue, 26 Jan 1999 15:12:02 -0700
From: "Ben Goble, Lakewood Colorado" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Bootup freezes at "LI..."
discusses this problem.

> >Hey all,
> >
> >    I just got my HD question fixed, and now I'm
> >still stuck.  I'm installing Red Hat 5.1 on an
> >older machine.  I've got it all installed just
> >fine.  I ran lilo once I got everything
> >configured, but it only boots with a floppy.
> >Every time I boot, it freezes at "LI..."
> >
> >    I know I've seen this happen before, but I
> >can't remember how I fixed it.  Any ideas?  I
> >think my lilo.conf file is fine, and I've tried
> >rerunning lilo.  Will fdisk /mbr fix the problem?
> >Do I do fdisk /mbr then rerun lilo?  That doesn't
> >sound right.  What d'yall think?
> >
> >Matt
Ben Goble  Lakewood,  Colorado  USA
bgoble at uswest dot net  bgoble at nyx dot net
A Stranger and a Pilgrim on the Earth


From: "Christopher Cox" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Compatible CDRW Drive Recommendations??
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.networking
Date: Tue, 26 Jan 1999 12:47:08 GMT

Speaks loads about the process

Christopher Cox

Landen Stoker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in article
> I need to install a CDRW drive in a linux server this week, for backup
> purposes. Can anyone recommend a good reliable IDE drive. Also is there
> any problems commonly encountered installing CDRW under linux, and where
> can I find any more information about CDR's or CDRW's and Linux?
> Thanks
> Landen Stoker


From: "Frank T. Lofaro" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Can I run a DOS Device Driver in an emulator
Date: 27 Jan 1999 05:58:51 GMT

In comp.os.linux.development.system Gerard van der Sel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>"Norm Dresner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
># I have a special video card that needs to be initialized by a DOS device
># driver.  There's nothing else available (unless you count windoze).  (For
># the curious, it's a Targa+ overlay card.)
># Once the initialization is done, I could throw DOS away and run CP/M-86
># (only joking).
># I might be able to boot DOS, initialize the board, and then boot Linux, but
># that stinks, especially if I have to modify the settings.
># Is there any way that I can call (perhaps hack up a DOS-style
># load-device-driver-from-the-command-line program) the driver from a DOS
># emulator in Linux to do the job.
>#       All suggestions, hints, and even sympathy, gratefully accepted.
>#               Norm D.

>See the Linux <-> Windows HOWTO.
>You can initialise any card in Dos/Windows and then use a batch file to
>start Linux.
>In short:
>Copy LoadLin.exe and the kernel "vmlinuz" to your DOS/Windows
>Make a batch file with the following contents:

>loadlin.exe vmlinuz root=<linux boot>

>for my system it is:
>e:\linux\loadlin.exe e:\linux\vmlinuz root=/dev/hdb8

>(I am using Red Hat 5.2, kernel 2.0.37)
>Met vriendelijke groet,

Please READ the post you are replying to.

He does NOT want to boot DOS or Windoze!

Except from an emulation session inside Linux, if needed.

I know it would be best if he got hardware docs...


From: Andy Adams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: data acquisition
Date: Tue, 26 Jan 1999 23:56:45 -0600

Lelii John wrote:

> : In <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> hat
> : Gilles Carte <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> geschrieben:
> : > Because I want to be abble to mesure a signal from its continuous
> : > component
> : > up to 1 kHz. And I don't think that this is possible with the input line
> : > of the sound card (such as the microphone line).
> : I always thought soundcards can sample up to 22kHz?
> I think the line-in input jack is what you want to use.  If you want to
> sample a continuous analog waveform up to 48kHz (most soundcards) that
> is the easiest thing to do. has the details forhte
> programming specs and your data is available in 16bit signed linear.
> You should refer to your sound cards' specs, but most cards have  good
> input impedance and have analog limits of +/- 300mV.  Check it for
> the real numbers.
> - John

Most sound cards sample at 44KHz.  Which means you can only
represent analog signals up to 22KHz (nyquist sampling theorm).
I'm not sure what kind of signal he is trying to measure, but the joystick
isn't really meant for this purpose.  I'm not sure how accurate of a
measurement you can get this way.  If he is going to use the potentiometer
to comvert a mechanical position to a signal,  I think the signal is going to
be much less than 1KHz.  (I can't imagine the pot twisting back and forth
1000 times per second).  My sound card has capacitively coupled inputs.
Which means that low frequencies are filtered out before the signal is
sampled.  I'm guessing anything below 30 or 40Hz is lost.  So for a LOW
freq signal the soundcard won't do the job, but the joystick method
sounds flaky too.   I would want to do a lot of calibration with the
joystick method before I would trust the results.



Date: Wed, 27 Jan 1999 14:36:55 +0800
From: Nelson Yan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Any Microcontollers can run the Linux OS


Can any one tell me which Microcontroller can run Linux OS and do
applications of it, like Calendar and scheduling



Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux,aus.computers.linux,comp.os.linux
Subject: Re: AGP and Linux Networking
Date: Wed, 27 Jan 1999 06:59:51 +0000

A Nourai wrote:
> If my linux system is networked to say a win98 system, can my win98 HD?
> Could I see a jazz drive installed in my win98 system through my linux box?
> is AGP (esp in regards to TNT) supported?
> pls reply to newgriup or preferabely via email disregarding the XXX

It is possible to see your win98 volumes with linux. What you need is
Samba on the linux box and file sharing enabled on the windows box. Read
the documentation for how to set it up.

As for the AGP TNT card, You should be able to use it at the console if
the BIOS can display with it (if it doesn't it's broken :-)  ). As for
X, you need to check the compatibility list at

-- PC^God --


Subject: Need modem and "sound" advice :-/
Date: Wed, 27 Jan 1999 01:31:20 -0500

I've installed and reinstalled Red Hat 5.1....and am having a great time
exploring the system. Only problems I've had so far are with the sound
card and modem.

First the modem--it is a V.34 Voice VV DP PnP which Win95 reports was
manufactured by Rockwell. I ran Isapnp after generating the script with
pnpdump...double checked it with setserial on my cua1 and got the proper
configuration. Still my modem would not dial out. So I booted in dos
mode, and tried an echo on Com2...didn't work, so I was afraid I had a
WinModem and didn't know it. To check this, I went to my bios setup, and
switched from using ICU to a manual configuration, then rebooted to dos
mode, finding now that my echo commands would work and succesfully
dialed out.

Confident that I had solved the problem, I fired linux back up and tried
both chat, and echo commands only to be disappointed by no dial tone
again. I really am running out of ideas, and would appreciate any help
someone could offer.

Think I'll wait on the sound card's really getting to be a
pain to have to go to Windows everytime I need to get on the net :-(

Thanks in advance for any help,




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End of Linux-Hardware Digest

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