Linux-Hardware Digest #648, Volume #13           Fri, 29 Sep 00 12:13:04 EDT

  Re: Q: VIA-KT133 VGA interrupt not listed (Bernhard =?iso-8859-1?Q?K=FCpper?=)
  Frame grabbing cards (Jens Christian Skibakk)
  Re: CPU or Motherboard more likely to crash system? (Michael Burian)
  Re: Frame grabbing cards (Martha H Adams)
  Re: Setting up printer (BJ200) (Rob Sykes)
  Re: Aureal Sound Cards (Joshua Baker-LePain)
  Re: Setting up printer (BJ200) ("Philo")
  Re: scsi card problem (Jennifer Hadley)
  Re: ATI Xpert (Rage 128, AGP) - RedHat 7 (Mogens Kjaer)
  Re: SCSI/CD-Writer problems (Dances With Crows)
  Re: Strange  NVIDIA_kernel 0.9-5  instalation problem... please help ! (Linus 
  Re: SCSI/CD-Writer problems (Jan Kreft)
  Reserved Memory Addresses ("Timothy Burgener \(Work\)")
  Re: Aureal Sound Cards ("Tommy")
  Re: sym8751SPE - low performance (Tom Assmuth)
  Re: Imagewriter II on a 486? (B'ichela)


From: Bernhard =?iso-8859-1?Q?K=FCpper?= <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Q: VIA-KT133 VGA interrupt not listed
Date: Fri, 29 Sep 2000 11:45:24 +0200

Dances With Crows wrote:
> >error before complaining the brand new EIZO F980 monitor.
>               ^^^^^^^^^^^
> ??  Ich nicht sprechen Deutsch, is this an idiom I've managed to miss?

I wanted to say that I have to reclaim (complain) the monitor
because it is broken.

> Anyway, video cards do not use interrupts under Linux.  The video card
> has an interrupt to enable a number of things that Xfree86 does not
> use, or at least that's what I read somewhere.

O.K. that makes sense.

> If the monitor isn't in the database of monitors you see with your X
> configuration program (SaX, Xconfigurator, XF86Setup, etc.) then you
> can get it to work fine--just look in the monitor's manual for the
> Hsync and Vsync ranges, and enter those (usually in the "advanced"
> dialog box of the program you're using.)

This is not a problem. The settings are well-known. I couldn't
get a sharp image on the monitor at higher resolutions/refresh
rates. But I tested it with windows and the correct drivers, same
bad image.

Bernhard Küpper                |Tel.: (49)-(30)-20192310 
AGr Quantenchemie              |Fax.: (49)-(30)-20192302
Humboldt-Universität           |Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Jägerstr. 10/11, D-10117 Berlin|WWW:


From: Jens Christian Skibakk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Frame grabbing cards
Date: Fri, 29 Sep 2000 13:27:44 +0200

Does anyone knows about a video-card that can grab RGB pictures from an composite 
source, like a camera?

I need to grab the RGB-values in to a C-program, so it must be som sort of API to 
control it.

I also need to have to cards in my computer and i need to grabb from them 

Jens-Christian Skibakk


From: Michael Burian <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: CPU or Motherboard more likely to crash system?
Date: Fri, 29 Sep 2000 13:43:01 +0200


see the
for other reasons why computers may crash, and what to do against it.

BTW: On my system it's impossible to compile the kernel in one run,
after a couple of minutes - crash. Consider yourself as lucky if this 
happens to you just once a month. 
(In my case it's most likely bad RAM)

try to compile the kernel and see how often you can do before system
crashes (use the script in the FAQ)

> My system crashes about once a month or so and I've narrowed it down
> to either the motherboard or cpu. Does anyone know which of the two
> are more likely to crash the system? I have an AMD 333mhz CPU and a
> rather generic motherboard - but both are pretty new.
> The system merely freezes for no apparent reason, and when it does
> this the screen sort of dims a bit with a greenish hue accompanying
> it as if losing colors, and Ctrl-alt-del does NOT work to reboot.
> When checking out the motherboard and cup prices at a local computer
> shop the guys laughed when I told them how often it crahsed "once a
> month?!". I told them that might be very common for windows users but
> I run linux ;)


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Martha H Adams)
Subject: Re: Frame grabbing cards
Date: Fri, 29 Sep 2000 11:44:32 GMT

I've got a crashy Linux machine here, and I think the problem is tin
memory contacts on (78-pin) simms in gold board connectors.  The machine
is about five years old now.

I have had the simms in and out a few times.  In several tries, I seem
to get an unreliable fix lasting up to a few days.  Once my machine
crashed while booting and it munged a tree that has grown up to around
105 MB over the past fifteen years or so: that got my attention.  (But I
had an up-to-the-minute backup.)  I'm using this machine for serious and
large text work.

I'm wary of a real polishing operation because I don't want to kill the
simm chips thru static electricity provoked by the friction.  I have
however, thought of polishing with a small rolled wad of brown paper bag
paper, after dampening the wad with water.  

My copy of Scott Mueller's `Upgrading and Repairing PCs', Linux Edition,
2000, page 451+, describes a tin-gold problem where the tin atoms
migrate into the gold, creating an alloy of tin and gold which degrades
the electrical connection.  The remedy Mueller suggests (apart from a
new motherboard and new memory) is application of a contact lubricant,
Stabilant 22, made by DW Electrochemicals in Canada.

So I tried local computer and supply stores, and while some seemed to
have heard of Stabilant 22, none had it for sale.  So then I tried Radio
Shack and found some stuff labelled "Edge connector cleaner and
protector".  But when I tested this on a piece of paper, I found it
leaves no residue when it dries, so it can't be some variation on the
Stabilant 22.  Maybe it "protects" by cleaning: I've had some experience
with Radio Shack and that is why I test what I get from them.  So their
stuff isn't what I'm looking for.

So I'm in a jam.  I'm watching out for a Stabilant 22 supplier, but I am
also looking for word from someone with more experience than mine.  Has
someone found something that works for tin/gold contact problems?  Is
Stabilant 22 available locally or almost locally near Boston; is there
an alternative resource for this?

One person has suggested a very thin film of WD40 on the simm contacts.
This sounds like a possibility but has anyone else had experience with
WD40 or other materials?  I'd like to know more before I glop up my
hardware with WD40.

He also suggests the simms themselves could be the problem.  I think
that is not here, because my machine seems so responsive to my tinkering
with the simms.

If you've some ideas, please post here so everyone can find it, since I
suspect others would like to know something on this topic.

Thanks -- Martha Adams



From: Rob Sykes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: Setting up printer (BJ200)
Date: Fri, 29 Sep 2000 13:18:47 +0100

On Thu, 14 Sep 2000 21:13:10 +0100, a computer cruelly manipulated by
"Rob Sykes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> barfed thusly:

>Hi all,
>Am trying to setup my printer (still) under Suse 6.4
>The installation seems to work fine but nothing prints
>All queues, etc appear to be running as they should
>I found these messages at the end of /var/log/messages
>Sep 14 20:55:44 linux kernel: i810_configure<6>parport0: PC-style at 0x378
>Sep 14 20:55:44 linux kernel: parport_probe: failed
>Sep 14 20:55:44 linux kernel: parport0: no IEEE-1284 device present.
>Sep 14 20:55:44 linux kernel: lp0: using parport0 (polling).
>Sep 14 20:55:51 linux kernel: lp0 off-line
>Any clues, anyone ?
>Rob Sykes

The story continues (after some time off). If I load the modules
manually (parport parport_pc and lp) using no parameters I am
able to do:

cat /etc/passwd > /dev/lp0

as many times as I like and I get printout. If I try /lpr/ or GUI
front ends then nothing prints. /lpd/ is running (no error messages
that I can find). Things end up in the queue, but no printing. My
brain hurts....

Configuring X to work with a 10 year old monitor was a piece of p***
compared to this!

Rob Sykes


From: Joshua Baker-LePain <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: Aureal Sound Cards
Date: 29 Sep 2000 13:36:10 GMT

In comp.os.linux.hardware Mox Fulder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I've been trying without success to get my Aureal AudioPCI sound card
> working under Linux for a couple of months.  I've tried all of the
> versions of the drivers provided by, but none have
> worked.  When I install the drivers, they compile correctly and the
> modules are installed, and XMMS ceases to complain that the sound card is
> incorrectly configured.  However, I can't get any sound at all, in any

Are the modules being loaded?  Check via '/sbin/lsmod'.

Err, is the volume turned up?  Check via 'xmixer'.

Joshua Baker-LePain
Department of Biomedical Engineering
Duke University


From: "Philo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: Setting up printer (BJ200)
Date: Fri, 29 Sep 2000 08:37:08 -0500

according to your is not detecting your printer (configured on
if your printer is really on should have been detected...
i have a different canon printer which *was* detected and identified...only
to find out there is *no* support for it...
so there could still be some bugs in the OS as far as canon printers go...
hopefull someone will post a fix


From: Jennifer Hadley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: scsi card problem
Date: Fri, 29 Sep 2000 08:08:26 -0600

Everything boots fine, it recognizes the 2 scsi hosts and the onstream
tape as a scsi
mt -f /dev/nst0 erase gives an input/output error


Tom Assmuth wrote:

> Jennifer Hadley wrote:
> I do not know your hardware, but ...
> > I can't seem to find any information on this type of problem, can
> > someone help me?
> > Here are the error messages I get
> >
> > [computer]# mt -f /dev/nst0 rewind
> > /dev/nst0: Input/output error
> how is the load of the machine at this time
> did you try reboot?
> > boot/chain.b
> > tar: /dev/st0: Cannot write: Input/output error
> > tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now
> maybe there is a error with the tape.
> did you try erase the tape
> it sometimes helps:
> mtst  -f /dev/nst0 erase
> > [computer]# mt -f /dev/nst0 status
> > SCSI 2 tape drive:
> > File number=0, block number=0, partition=0.
> > Tape block size 32768 bytes. Density code 0x0 (default).
> > Soft error count since last status=0
> > General status bits on (41010000):
> sounds not too wrong
> --
> ___________  __  ____          ___    _____________________________
>  / _   __   /_/ ( (   /|/| / / /  /_/                         __o
> / (_) ///  / / __)_) /   |/_/ /  / /                        _`\<,_
> _________ [EMAIL PROTECTED] ______________(_)/ (_)
> begin  paper-clip-add-on.txt.vbs
> Hi, I'm a .signature virus. Feel free to copy me into your .signature
> and help me spread! MS outlook will never run out of paper-clips
> End


From: Mogens Kjaer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: ATI Xpert (Rage 128, AGP) - RedHat 7
Date: Fri, 29 Sep 2000 09:53:08 +0200

Brian wrote:
> > Are you sure that you actually run XFree 4.0.1?
> Well I guess I don't know... I thought that was what RedHat 7 used by
> default...  Well then, I wonder why the video card isn't working properly...
> hmmm....

Where does the symlink /etc/X11/X point to?

Try change it into /usr/X11R6/bin/XFree86:

cd /etc/X11
rm X
ln -s /usr/X11R6/bin/XFree86 X

What does your /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 contain? Note
the extra "-4", this is the config file for XFree-4.0.1.

Mogens Kjaer, Carlsberg Laboratory, Dept. of Chemistry
Gamle Carlsberg Vej 10, DK-2500 Valby, Denmark
Phone: +45 33 27 53 25, Fax: +45 33 27 47 08
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Homepage:


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Dances With Crows)
Subject: Re: SCSI/CD-Writer problems
Date: 29 Sep 2000 14:30:30 GMT

On 28 Sep 2000 15:49:22 GMT, Jan Kreft wrote:
>I bought an Adaptec 2940U2W SCSI card and an external Plextor CD-R
>PX-W124TS and just can't get them to work.
>I have already updated all software that I can think of, to no avail.
>Updated firmware of SCSI card and CD-R, compiled latest kernel
>2.4.0-test8, cdrecord 1.9.
>I can occasionally mount a normal CDROM in the CD-R, but most of the
>time this fails.  If it does succeed, I can copy the stuff on the cd
>onto the harddisk without problems.  So I guess the hardware should be

Nope.  Intermittent problems like the one you describe mean that there
is something *wrong*.  Check your SCSI termination; the card should have
auto-termination enabled, and the CD-RW should have termination enabled
if it's the last (or only) device on the bus.  Also, check your cabling.
If you have a flaky cable, these things will happen.

I presume you already tried kernel 2.2.17 with no better luck, but
remember that the dev kernels can break in subtle and devious ways.

>Also, I can write onto CD-RW in -dummy mode of cdrecord, but it fails
>when fixating. Trying the same without -dummy mode, it fails at the
>beginning of the write procedure.

This is a bit strange, but also could be related to cabling/termination.
There are usually a number of special features available on a card, like
disconnect/reconnect, that some devices don't like.  You can disable
these on most Adaptec cards by pressing a special key (Ctrl-A?) as the
machine POSTs before booting.  You may wish to try that....

Matt G|There is no Darkness in Eternity/But only Light too dim for us to see
Brainbench MVP for Linux Admin /  Those who do not understand Unix are     /   condemned to reinvent it, poorly.
=============================/           ==Henry Spencer


From: Linus Harling <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Strange  NVIDIA_kernel 0.9-5  instalation problem... please help !
Date: Fri, 29 Sep 2000 16:40:19 +0200

Dont know much about redhat, but I had the exact same problem in
Slackware7.0; in my case it was that slackware has an alternate module
configuration file called /etc/rc.d/rc.modules , i just had to add
"modprobe NVdriver" at the end of that file (and reeboot) to get it
working. I looked in the different (uncompiled) driverfiles to get the

hope it helps / Linus Harling

John Labbat wrote:
> Hi all,
>         I am running redhat 6.1 with XFree86 4.01 . The video card is
> a Geforce DDR. My current nv_drv.o , wich came with the redhat distro,
> works fine.
>          I installed   NVIDIA kernel 0.9-5 src rpm ( had to build
> because of kernel mismatch... ) , took care of old mesa files and
> links , then installed NVIDIA_GLX-0.9-5.i386.rpm . I changed the
> xconfig so it would call driver "nvidia" , then when I would start x,
> and get an error saying it could not open /dev/nvidia0 ( my /dev dir
> does contain that file..) and a  message that my NVdriver kernel
> appears to not have been installed properly !
>         lsmod list the NVdriver as used by (autoclean) ... I also made
> sure the  line alias char-major-195 NVdriver  is in my conf.modules
> file.  I then tryed to install the NVdriver again by using the
> tarball.. . same result ..
>         If anyone has could help me out  I would greatly appreciate !
> Dan


From: Jan Kreft <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: SCSI/CD-Writer problems
Date: Fri, 29 Sep 2000 16:08:27 +0100

Thanks to all who have responded.

The termination was set to on on the CD-Burner (it's the only device in 
that chain) and I confirmed the right termination on the SCSI card with
the SCSI Select Utility you can enter by pressing Ctrl-A at boot.

Now I have borrowed an external SCSI slide scanner and it worked without
problems, so I guess the SCSI card is OK. Have also tried different cables
but of course they could all be faulty. Attaching the writer to other PCs
which are known to work with internal SCSI CD-Writers gave the same result
as on my PC.

So now I believe that the CD-Writer is faulty and will send it off for

Thanks again for your suggestions, Jan.

On 29 Sep 2000, Dances With Crows wrote:

> On 28 Sep 2000 15:49:22 GMT, Jan Kreft wrote:
> >I bought an Adaptec 2940U2W SCSI card and an external Plextor CD-R
> >PX-W124TS and just can't get them to work.
> >I have already updated all software that I can think of, to no avail.
> >Updated firmware of SCSI card and CD-R, compiled latest kernel
> >2.4.0-test8, cdrecord 1.9.
> >I can occasionally mount a normal CDROM in the CD-R, but most of the
> >time this fails.  If it does succeed, I can copy the stuff on the cd
> >onto the harddisk without problems.  So I guess the hardware should be
> >OK?
> Nope.  Intermittent problems like the one you describe mean that there
> is something *wrong*.  Check your SCSI termination; the card should have
> auto-termination enabled, and the CD-RW should have termination enabled
> if it's the last (or only) device on the bus.  Also, check your cabling.
> If you have a flaky cable, these things will happen.
> I presume you already tried kernel 2.2.17 with no better luck, but
> remember that the dev kernels can break in subtle and devious ways.
> >Also, I can write onto CD-RW in -dummy mode of cdrecord, but it fails
> >when fixating. Trying the same without -dummy mode, it fails at the
> >beginning of the write procedure.
> This is a bit strange, but also could be related to cabling/termination.
> There are usually a number of special features available on a card, like
> disconnect/reconnect, that some devices don't like.  You can disable
> these on most Adaptec cards by pressing a special key (Ctrl-A?) as the
> machine POSTs before booting.  You may wish to try that....
> -- 
> Matt G|There is no Darkness in Eternity/But only Light too dim for us to see
> Brainbench MVP for Linux Admin /  Those who do not understand Unix are
>     /   condemned to reinvent it, poorly.
> -----------------------------/           --Henry Spencer


From: "Timothy Burgener \(Work\)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Reserved Memory Addresses
Date: Fri, 29 Sep 2000 10:29:43 -0500

Remember MSD (Microsoft Diagnostics) under DOS 6.1?  If not, this little
utility would give you a full map of used memory in the 1M section, and info
about the pages of EMS or XMS in higher memory.  It would tell you
everything about if mem addresses such as E000-EFFF were assigned to ROM, or
shadowed, or whatever.  Was B000-B7FF usable or not? etc.

Under linux, I can
cat /proc/ioports
to get a detailed listing of io assignments.  How can I do this for memory?
Since I'm running Linux on a good ol' PC architechture (like most of you),
my system stores video rom and system rom in various places (not always
reported by BIOS, and surprise surprise, BIOS doesn't always ACCURATELY
report it when it does....empirical knowledge).

I *NEED* to see what's being used where, and where the linux video driver is
accessing stuff, etc.  I know, you're saying, why not just move whatever I'm
doing out of suspect areas and into someplace safe like D000.  Problem is,
I'm trying to get 14 ISA cards to work together (don't ask... special
project... custom boards), and we NEED to assign some of them to the A800
area or the E800 to fit everything in memory space.  We're cramming all we
can now, so at this point it is blind hunt and peck, and that only works so

Thanks for any info....



From: "Tommy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: Aureal Sound Cards
Date: Fri, 29 Sep 2000 10:35:39 -0500

I tried a while back to do the same. All I found was an experimental driver.
Did not have any luck getting it to work. There is possibly a newer one out
by now.


"Joshua Baker-LePain" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
news:8r25sa$nmu$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> In comp.os.linux.hardware Mox Fulder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I've been trying without success to get my Aureal AudioPCI sound card
> > working under Linux for a couple of months.  I've tried all of the
> > versions of the drivers provided by, but none have
> > worked.  When I install the drivers, they compile correctly and the
> > modules are installed, and XMMS ceases to complain that the sound card
> > incorrectly configured.  However, I can't get any sound at all, in any
> Are the modules being loaded?  Check via '/sbin/lsmod'.
> Err, is the volume turned up?  Check via 'xmixer'.
> --
> Joshua Baker-LePain
> Department of Biomedical Engineering
> Duke University


From: Tom Assmuth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: sym8751SPE - low performance
Date: Fri, 29 Sep 2000 17:39:16 +0200

Johan Kullstam wrote:

> here is what i've got set wrt my sym8751sp card
> # CONFIG_SCSI_NCR53C8XX is not set
> # CONFIG_SCSI_NCR53C8XX_PQS_PDS is not set
> you might want to set symbios compatibility since you aren't running
> an old ncr chipset.  this will enable some minor improvements and new
> capabilities of the 53c875 over an old revision of 53c810.

well I did 2 things and it works now: 14 MB/s:
1. I took a normal 2.2.14 kernel
2. I compiled with the following:

# CONFIG_SCSI_GENERIC_NCR53C400 is not set
# CONFIG_SCSI_G_NCR5380_MEM is not set
# CONFIG_SCSI_IZIP_EPP16 is not set
# CONFIG_SCSI_NCR53C406A is not set
# CONFIG_SCSI_SYM53C416 is not set
# CONFIG_SCSI_SIM710 is not set
# CONFIG_SCSI_NCR53C7xx is not set
# CONFIG_SCSI_NCR53C8XX is not set

that means that i explicitly ommited any similar modules. 
(i deleted the whole modules directory and made a 
"make modules_install" 

maybe there have been interactions especially with the 
CONFIG_SCSI_NCR53C7xx=m line, though i cannot imagine that this 
driver was loaded. lsmod did not show at all. 

> you might want to set symbios compatibility since you aren't running
> an old ncr chipset.  this will enable some minor improvements and new
> capabilities of the 53c875 over an old revision of 53c810.

But in the description: 

Your answer to this question is ignored if all your controllers
NVRAM, since the driver is able to detect the board type from
NVRAM format. 

mine has NVRAM. ...

btw - thanks 4 discussion. you brought me to the idea to solve the prob. 

> what are you using to measure performance?  hdparm, bonnie, bonnie++?

no neither one of this, (what is the advantage?)

quite simple, something like 
date ; tar -cpf - md0_dir | { cd /md1_dir ; tar -xpf - ;  } ; date
you have to know the size of md0_dir (du -s md0_dir) and then compute a
little ;-)

> have you checked the disk system performance in the usual, non-md mode?
as i remember it was about 5MB/sec but i have no single DNES any more.

another question:
did you ever experienced to work with a standard - Kernel and load 
the symbios-driver into the initial -ramdisk.
(it's done with mk_initrd and INITRD_MODULES="ncr53c8xx" in the 

It worked here, but also only slow (but i did not say kernel -
parameter) too.
I wonder how the kernel will know that he should go fast-20 and sync.

(as i use the kernel-parameter 
append="sym53c8xx=tags:8/t8t9t10t11q16,sync:40 mem=500M"
now, it could be said with this, but how to tell


___________  __  ____          ___    _____________________________
 / _   __   /_/ ( (   /|/| / / /  /_/                         __o  
/ (_) ///  / / __)_) /   |/_/ /  / /                        _`\<,_  
_________ [EMAIL PROTECTED] ______________(_)/ (_)


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (B'ichela)
Subject: Re: Imagewriter II on a 486?
Date: Fri, 29 Sep 2000 11:55:25 -0400

On Fri, 29 Sep 2000 00:42:02 -0400, FyreFiend <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Thanks, I'll try a null modem cable. 
>I know it RS-422 but I was afraid I might blow out my UART or the
> I I'm pretty sure it 9600bps but I could be wrong. I don't know about
>parity and stop bits but that's my next thing to find. If you want I
>can post that here or e-mail you when I find it.
        Cool! I thought mine is 2400 bps but then it was AGES since I
played with an imagewriter. Actually the one I have I never tried. I
got it for free. the one I tried on a C64 RS232 adaptor was from my
highschool. (they had the manuals then) but the only thing that stuck
out was the DTE thing. Since the printer does 8 bit graphics. The
likely settings are 8N1 with either CTS/RTS or DSR/DTR hardware flow
control and/or XON-XOFF. The Mac port does not do hardware flow
control from what I have read in my USR 14,400/fax modem manuals.





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