Linux-Hardware Digest #903, Volume #13           Thu, 16 Nov 00 23:13:04 EST

  Sound Blaster Awe64 and Linux (res0457k)
  Printer Setup ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: video problem (Edward Lee)
  Re: Matrox g450 LE under Mandrake ("Oleksandr Moskalenko")
  4 IDE interfaces ("Xiaoqin Qiu")
  Agpgart module (Phil Millwee)
  Agpgart module (Phil Millwee)
  Re: Old School ("ascii7")
  SGI 1600SW flat panel display ("Sean Huang")
  Does Red Hat 7.0 support Pegas.USB 56k Modem ("Jürg Schär")
  QuickCam Express <Device or resource busy> ("feds")
  Any Yamaha 8x8x32 CD-RW successes?  ("Barry L. Kline")
  Re: USRobotics PCI 56K Modem (5610-rev1) with COM5 in Windows (Michael V. Ferranti)
  Re: Linux dies with new Athlon (Rowan Hughes)
  Re: Adaptec RAID (Kenneth Taylor)
  Re: 4 IDE interfaces ("David Beechum")
  Lost Interrupt ("David Beechum")
  Re: SCA -> 68Pins or 50Pins (B'ichela)
  Re: Any Yamaha 8x8x32 CD-RW successes? (Darrel Hankerson)
  Re: Looking for a modem card (Brian Craft)


From: res0457k <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Sound Blaster Awe64 and Linux
Date: Fri, 17 Nov 2000 00:36:13 GMT

   I have and Awe64 Gold and remember reading somewhere on a way to make
it work in Mandrake 7.2. If someone could point me in the right
direction I would appreciate it. Looked in some FAQs but may have
overlooked it.
ps. If you would reply to email I would appreciate it too, since I
search the newsgroups and again can overlook so much... again, Thanks


Subject: Printer Setup
Date: Fri, 17 Nov 2000 00:47:10 GMT

Hi, I am trying to setup my printer under linux. It's an Epson Stylus
440 and acording to the prinitng database it should be 100% compatible
with Linux. I have read around the forums and tryed a lot of things but
nothing works. Printtool simply does not find it.

When I do
/sbin/modprobe lp   I get:
/lib/modules/2.2.16-22/misc/lp.o: init_module: Device or resource busy
Hint: insmod errors can be caused by incorrect module parameters,
including invalid IO or IRQ parameters
/lib/modules/2.2.16-22/misc/lp.o: insmod
/lib/modules/2.2.16-22/misc/lp.o failed/lib/modules/2.2.16-22/misc/lp.o:
insmod lp failed

Under Windows it tells me that the IRQ is 5.

So my question:

1. Is there a default IRQ for the parallel port, like the COM ports and
what is it?
2. If there is a default IRQ and it is not 5, what can I do to configure
the module to look for the port at IRQ 5.

I read that PnP in the BIOS has to be disabled sometimes to be able to
print. Unfortunately, there is no such option in my BIOS, there are
several options for paralle port, namely compatible, bidirectional, ECP,
EPP, but I have tried them all and sitll had no success.

I will be thankful for any help!

Thanks in advance.


Sent via
Before you buy.


From: Edward Lee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: video problem
Date: Thu, 16 Nov 2000 16:53:20 -0800

"Paul S. Wilson" wrote:

> Hi Patrick,
>  I had the same problem when I first tried to install Linux on my old
> system. (Actually, could run Linux okay, just not X). I read somewhere
> that X does not work with on-board video (probably a chipset issue). My

That is a very general conclusion.  From my limited experiences, Xfree 3.3.6
supports on-board video such as Sis530 (Socket 7) and Ali TNT (Socket

> solution? I built a new system and got a video card with a chipset that
> was compatible. Red Hat has a hardware compatibility list on its web site

You can disable the 810 video port and use an add-on video card.

> that can help you identify video chipsets and video cards that are
> compatible with the version of Red Hat that you have.


From: "Oleksandr Moskalenko" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux.mandrake
Subject: Re: Matrox g450 LE under Mandrake
Date: Thu, 16 Nov 2000 20:08:53 +0500

In article <8v0vf7$fll$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,

> Hi All,
> I've recently got a matrox g450 LE, the one with 16MB of
> SDR ram, instead of the DDR. After getting this working
> fine under win2k, I started a fresh install of Mandrake
> 7.2 on a new HD.
> All the nice graphical install worked, and the new
> graphical services starting screen worked, but when it
> came to X, nothing would work. I tried the settings it
> told me to use, and I got a blank screen.
> Fiddling with the settings using Xconfigurator has given
> me various things - Xfree 4.0.1 tends to lock the computer
> up when using the g400 driver
> (which is the same as the g450 I presume)
> Xfree 3.3.6 (I think) sometimes locks, sometimes doesn't.
> However, a development is that my monitor makes that
> lovely high pitch whizzing noise.
> I've tried pretty much all the types of monitors (I have
> an old 14 inch that does 640x480 at 70Hz, 800x600 at
> 60Hz), and different resolutions, but it's very difficult
> trying all of them because I pretty much have to reboot
> each time.
> One other thing is the settings in BIOS - would this have
> any effect - eg. Graphic aperture size, US/USCW all these
> sorts of things.
> Basically, it's a bit of a bad situation because now my
> main OS is win2k, and I don't want to have to go back
> because of a graphics card problem and X.
> Cheers for any help,
> Andrew.

 As I remember somebody had a suggestion on this newsgroup
that Matrox cards have a problem with some framebuffer
settings. I too got the blank screen during boot with my
G400 and fixed it by removing the "vga=xxx" line in
However, as I said somebody already suggested a better fix
by changing the  number in vga=xxx. Please do a search on
Deja if you won't be able to find that post. It's
framebuffer related as I remember. I'm sorry if this is
irrelevant. Just trying to help.



From: "Xiaoqin Qiu" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: 4 IDE interfaces
Date: 17 Nov 2000 01:31:11 GMT

Hi everyone,

We have a PC using Atari 8-bit mother board with 4 IDE interfaces and 2
CPUs on the board. Then we installed linux 2.2.14-5.0smp on this machine.
But when we boot the machine, we can only see 2 IDE interfaces (ide0 and
ide1) recognized by Linux.
Anyone has any idea about this problem?

Thank you very much!



From: Phil Millwee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Agpgart module
Date: Thu, 16 Nov 2000 20:05:52 -0600

Can anyone tell me where to get the agpgart module to add agp support to

my system.  Kernel is 2.2.14, XF86 4.0.1.  Also I need the Nvidia 095
that will run on 2.2.14.  The one i've got only runs on 2.2.12.  I'm
trying to
get my Geforce 2 out of VGA16 depth 4 640x480.  Thanks in advance.



From: Phil Millwee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Agpgart module
Date: Thu, 16 Nov 2000 20:06:15 -0600

Can anyone tell me where to get the agpgart module to add agp support to

my system.  Kernel is 2.2.14, XF86 4.0.1.  Also I need the Nvidia 095
that will run on 2.2.14.  The one i've got only runs on 2.2.12.  I'm
trying to
get my Geforce 2 out of VGA16 depth 4 640x480.  Thanks in advance.



From: "ascii7" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Old School
Date: Fri, 17 Nov 2000 02:20:43 GMT

Use Debian. It is better than redhat.
"Fireman (Nuclear Field) Gilt" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> I just got a new (old) computer; it looks like what they normally used
> in offices about 4-5 years ago, it's pretty nice. My question is would
> it be possible to install Linux on that bad boy. It has 2 processors; I
> don't know if that means anything or not... I've installed Linux on
> many-a-PC, but not a former windows NT machine.
> Also, what would be a good distribution? I wanted one with a lot of
> packages, and one that'd help me accomplish my main goal here: squeezing
> every penny out of "unlimited use." SuSE is pretty cool but I don't like
> the script-based startup. Slackware is probably my favorite, but I
> always have problems with the libraries. I'm kind of iffy about Redhat
> because........ it's gay-yyyyy......
> but I can change. Any advice would be appreciated,


From: "Sean Huang" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: SGI 1600SW flat panel display
Date: Thu, 16 Nov 2000 20:42:28 -0500

I have a SGI1600Sw flat panel display that I would like to use under Linux. Does
anybody know which graphics card I should get to make use of its native
resolution of 1600x1024? From what I read on, Number Nine Revolution
IV FP is only supported under Ver3.3.6. Matrox G400/DFP daughter board has a
Beta Linux driver but it is not clear if it supports SGI 1600SW's native
resolution. I'm not sure if Oxygen VX1-1600SW is supported under Linux.




From: "Jürg Schär" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Does Red Hat 7.0 support Pegas.USB 56k Modem
Date: Wed, 15 Nov 2000 23:15:18 +0100


Can anyone tell me if this USB Modem is supported and how to make it


From: "feds" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: QuickCam Express <Device or resource busy>
Date: Fri, 17 Nov 2000 02:44:56 GMT


I have a QuickCam Express that works fine with the modules written by Georg
Acher ( 
The problem comes when I want to through Video4Linux into the mix.

I downloaded, compiled and inserted the modules from (which is
Video4Linux aware), but I get the following error when I run xawtv:

[root@jdssoft quick]# xawtv
This is xawtv-3.23, running on Linux/i586 (2.2.17)
visual: id=0x22 class=4 (TrueColor), depth=24
x11: 1024x768, 32 bit/pixel, 4096 byte/scanline, DGA
waitpid: No child processes
v4l-conf had some trouble, trying to continue anyway
open /dev/video: Device or resource busy
can't open /dev/video: Device or resource busy
waitpid: No child processes
v4l-conf had some trouble, trying to continue anyway
open /dev/video: Device or resource busy
no video grabber device available

I tried removing the char devices (/dev/video, and /dev/video0) and
re-creating them, but had no luck. Any body who accomplished this task, I
would like to know how they did it.



Date: Thu, 16 Nov 2000 21:52:01 -0500
From: "Barry L. Kline" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Any Yamaha 8x8x32 CD-RW successes? 

 I have a Yamaha SCSI CD writer attached to my dual PII-Xeon machine. 
The writer and IBM 18G drive are attached to an Adaptec Ultra 160
controller. The machine is running RH 6.2 with the 2.2.16smp kernel. 
I have downloaded and compiled the CDRECORD tools.  When I try to rip
audio using cdda2wav I get success only through the point where I
start actually receiving audio data.  I may then be successful in
getting the first track but eventually, the system just dies.

I have finally figured out the eventually I get a SCSI command
timeout.  So, to try different fixes, I've exchanged the CD rom drive
with a new one of the same model.  I've tried terminating the CD with
its own terminator as well as using an external one.  I still have the
same problem.

Is there anyone out there who's successfully used this drive?




From: Michael V. Ferranti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: USRobotics PCI 56K Modem (5610-rev1) with COM5 in Windows
Date: Fri, 17 Nov 2000 03:05:12 +0000

And "Jon Tilson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> spoke thusly:

>Forgive me for jumping on this thread but I have a similar problem with a
>Hayes ISA bus modem which is on /dev/ttyS2 or COM3....It too takes ages to
>respond to commands and pppd/chat times out before the ISP connection

        Is your mouse is sharing the same IRQ?  I've had problems doing that
since day one...slow modem response, carrier drops from moving the mouse,
crashing Windows <grins>, etc.

--               Michael V. Ferranti [blades&inreach*com]
Warning: The Surgeon General has deemed that excessive displays of warning
labels and public service announcements produce stress and shortens lives.


From: Rowan Hughes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Linux dies with new Athlon
Date: Fri, 17 Nov 2000 13:23:42 +1000

Jim Bonadeo wrote:
> I recently built a system consisting of a 900mhz Athlon (Thunderbird) with a
> Abits KT7 motherboard, every once in awhile (3 times in 4
> days), the whole computer locks up and I have to hit the reset button to

Replace your SDRAM and try some tests, such as a few kernel compiles.
I've had very similar experiences with a Celeron system. Turned out to
the SDRAM stick. Several kernel compiles in a row is a really good test
for faulty RAM/CPU.
Dr Rowan Hughes               [EMAIL PROTECTED]


From: Kenneth Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Adaptec RAID
Date: Fri, 17 Nov 2000 03:02:05 GMT

If it is like most AMI or Compaq controllers, once you set the logical
drive up it should be OS independant.

You may have to set it up with provided DOS utilities to do this.

I believe having looked at Adaptecs web site that the NT and Novell
utilities are if you want to monitor performance and change tuning
parameters, as well as a GUI for setup. Adaptecs older RAID cards (ARO
and AAA) used to have DOS utilites to set them up.

I do not have this card, but have been interested because of price in
getting one and the issues I have faced are similiar since I run
multiple OS's and need a "common" or OS invisible solution.


From: "David Beechum" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: 4 IDE interfaces
Date: Thu, 16 Nov 2000 21:31:39 -0600

actually yes, i can help......i am having a similar problem with a newer
motherboard, but the same work around should work.....(if i can ever get
mine to work, but that is a differnet story)

add the line:
append = "ide2=0xA,0xB,I ide3=0xC,0xD,I"
to the top of your lilo.conf file....where A,B,C,D represents the addresses
of the ide controllers. and I represents the IRQ of the ide controller. you
should be able to get that information by running:    cat /proc/pci
(atleast on my system anyway.)

after you edit the lilo.conf file, run:  /sbin/lilo   to activate the
changes. be sure you have a working boot floppy before you go mucking around
with the lilo.conf file though...don't say i didn't warn you. with that
said, check out the UDMA-MiniHow-To at for more info on
this. this howto is for newer hardware, but actually the workaround is just
let me know how it goes,
good luck,

"Xiaoqin Qiu" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
news:01c05036$0f95b760$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> Hi everyone,
> We have a PC using Atari 8-bit mother board with 4 IDE interfaces and 2
> CPUs on the board. Then we installed linux 2.2.14-5.0smp on this machine.
> But when we boot the machine, we can only see 2 IDE interfaces (ide0 and
> ide1) recognized by Linux.
> Anyone has any idea about this problem?
> Thank you very much!
> Xiaoqin


From: "David Beechum" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Lost Interrupt
Date: Thu, 16 Nov 2000 21:53:42 -0600

ok i have FINALLY just gotten RH7.0 distro kernel 2.2.16 to recognize my
HPT370 onboard UDMA controllers by adding the line:
append = "ide2=0xA,0xB,I ide3=0xC,0xD,I"
to my lilo.conf.........
where A,B,C,D represent the appropiate addresses and I is the
this case, it is 11 and it is shared by ide2 and ide3. when the kernel boots
it detects the drives connected to the controllers properly and gets there
names and model numbers, but when i trys to read the partion table (ie: hda1
hda5<hda6 hda7>)  it keeps saying lost interrupt...if i let it sit it will
eventually read the partions tables and continue to boot for a few secs and
then it will give the errors again. just have to reboot, thank the maker for
the boot floppy =)  i have tried patching the kernel with the disto source,
the offical 2.2.16 source and the offical 2.2.1 source---using the
appropriate patches for each version of course....the patches apply fine on
the offical versions, but make dies a few minutes in to compliation on both?
i have run make xconfig, make dep, make clean, make bzImage. in that order.
i also make modules and make modules-install. HELP =)
thanks inadvance


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (B'ichela)
Subject: Re: SCA -> 68Pins or 50Pins
Date: Thu, 16 Nov 2000 22:25:11 -0500

On Thu, 16 Nov 2000 10:08:17 -0400, The Old Bear <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Did you ever get your 10base2 network configured?  The the AE-2/c cards 
>work out for you?  Update would be appreciated.
>The Old Bear
        I responded to your reply via email. Look in your mailbox




From: Darrel Hankerson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Any Yamaha 8x8x32 CD-RW successes?
Date: 16 Nov 2000 21:38:15 -0600

"Barry L. Kline" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>  I have a Yamaha SCSI CD writer attached to my dual PII-Xeon machine. 
> The writer and IBM 18G drive are attached to an Adaptec Ultra 160
> ...
> I have finally figured out the eventually I get a SCSI command
> timeout.  So, to try different fixes, I've exchanged the CD rom drive
> with a new one of the same model.  I've tried terminating the CD with
> its own terminator as well as using an external one.  I still have the

In order to use the CRW8824S with an Adaptec 2940UW, I had to disable
tagged queueing.  Apparently, this is a well-known problem.  It was
not enough to disable only for the CD, although my testing was limited.

--Darrel Hankerson [EMAIL PROTECTED]


From: Brian Craft <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux,alt.os.linux.mandrake,comp.os.linux.portable
Subject: Re: Looking for a modem card
Date: Fri, 17 Nov 2000 04:09:17 GMT

I just bought a Zoom PCMCIA Dual Modem (dual in the sense of support for 
v.90 and K56 Flex protocols) for $89.00 and it works great.


avenegas wrote:

>     I have a Toshiba 1605 CSD notebook wich has a built in modem (Conexant
> K56 soft). I have a dual OS (Win98 and Linux), and i'm looking for a pcmcia
> modem card that i can use with linux (Mandrake 7.1).
>     Any help or advice would be higly welcome
> Thanks in advance,
> Aldo Venegas Arriagada
> Ingeniero Civil Industrial
> Unidad de Análisis y Gestión
> ENAP Magallanes

Brian Craft

Linux......the OS of Choice!



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