Linux-Hardware Digest #786, Volume #14           Thu, 17 May 01 14:13:06 EDT

  Re: Mandrake 8.0 ("Justin Mahn")
  Old Mitsumi CD-ROM: "open failed", but install routine can access it (Jens-Uwe Korff)
  Re: Hercules Game Theatre XP (Andrew Nesbit)
  presario stuck in sleep mode? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Tape, Travans and Misery (Leejay Wu)
  Re: Linux LCD problem ("Jerry Wong")
  Re: Hercules Game Theatre XP (Andrew Nesbit)
  Re: Tape, Travans and Misery ("John Chewter")
  Re: Compaq DVD-R drive (Matthew Fleming)
  Re: USB - modem (Karl Scheel)
  Re: PCMCIA Modem and Linuix ("TitoAnee")
  Re: Tape, Travans and Misery ("Corey W. Clamp")
  yes, 2 SGI 1600sw LCD panels DO work in linux in dualhead mode! (Bryan)


From: "Justin Mahn" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Mandrake 8.0
Date: Thu, 17 May 2001 09:13:49 -0500

would you say that 90% of those 99% pride themselves at reading source code?

"Natalie Foster" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> you might want to repost your msg in TEXT instead of HTML
> and you will get faster response. 99% of the people here
> don't read newsgroup in html :)
> > Jerr Wong wrote:
> >
> > I have installed it. However, there are some proble m:
> >
> >   1. Every time when I want to exit the Xwindows, it stops. I can only
> >      exit by CTL+ATL+backspace.
> >   2. Cannot show the chinese character (big5) in the headings of
> >      Newsgroup message.
> >   3. Although it can display chinese character (big5) properly, the
> >      printing is unsuccessfull.
> >   4. The 3D screensaver not work. (may be Mesa not install?)
> >
> > --
> >
> > (In Chinese Big 5)
> >
> >
> > (In English)


From: Jens-Uwe Korff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Old Mitsumi CD-ROM: "open failed", but install routine can access it
Date: Thu, 17 May 2001 16:22:31 +0200

Hi folks,

I am using an old Mitsumi FX001 CD-ROM drive with proprietary
adapter (0x300, 10) in an EIDE system with SuSe Linux 7.1, kernel

The installation routine detects this drive after I've loaded the
module together with the parameter mcd=0x300,10.

However, when I boot the system from harddisk, the kernel only detects
drive ("kernel: mcd: Mitsumi Double Speed CD-ROM at port=0x300,
irq=10") but cannot access it ("kernel: cdrom: open failed" in the very

I have worked myself through the excellent CD-ROM HowTo:
cat /proc/devices shows the drive under "block devices",
cat /proc/filesystems shows iso9660,
cat /proc/ioports shows 0x300-something.

But when I try
dd if=/dev/cdrom of=/dev/null bs=2048
the system hangs completely, no chance with Ctrl-C! I have to use
console to continue working. I even cannot properly reboot the system,
because when it's "sending the TERM signal" to all processes it won't

I would have assumed that the drive is dead, but how come the
routine can access it?

Thank you for your help (please cc to [EMAIL PROTECTED]),



Subject: Re: Hercules Game Theatre XP
From: Andrew Nesbit <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thu, 17 May 2001 14:58:02 GMT

David Balazic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>> So which sound card should I get which *is* properly supported under Linux,
>> and will give good audio fidelity, and *no crackling*???

>Ensoniq AudioPCI

>last time it was sold a Creative soundblaster 64 PCI

>It is a cool 4 speaker card.
>There are even descriptions on the net to add digital input and output !

>Linux support is 100 % AFAICT

>I have such a card and have no issues with it.
>Note that it has no synthesis support  ( for playing MIDI )

>It will be probably hard to find this card today,
>because it is good and cheap , so it is a threat to Live!
>which is crap and expensive :-) and Creative does everything
>possible to kill it...

Thanks for the tip David.  I'll keep my eyes peeled for one or more ;-)



Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.portable,comp.os.linux.misc,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: presario stuck in sleep mode?
Date: 17 May 2001 14:59:16 GMT

Hi, i have a compaq presario notebook 12xl300b and tried installing suse 7.1
on it and the instalation seemed to go well enough.  after installing i tried
shutting down (i don't quite remember if i did "reboot" "shutdown -h now" or
if it was part of the installation process... it was 2am <sorry>) and i
*know* it started shutting down and such but then i couldn't get it to

when i press power the hard drive spins up for sec (like it is waking up not
booting up) then sits there.  My screen stays blank i can't boot off a CD or
floppy, i have tried taking the battery out but it *seems* to remember it was
in sleep mode and tries to wake up (or it is flat busted though i can't
imagine why).

i tried calling compaq <and argued quite a bit after they almost refused to
help me since i had linux installed> they suggested holding the power button
down for a minute with the AC unplugged and battery out then replug it then
try to turn it on no luck... so they have (begrudgingly) offered to pick it
up and *fix* it for me by reinstalling windows ME (gee thanks) on there.

sooooooo, if anyone out there has had this problem and knows of any good fixes
(other than "ahh don't install that virus on my computer") i would
***reall*** appricate the help!!

thank you!


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From: Leejay Wu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Tape, Travans and Misery
Date: Thu, 17 May 2001 10:57:33 -0400

Excerpts from netnews.comp.os.linux.hardware: 17-May-101 Tape, Travans
and Misery by "John Chewter"@chewter.s 
> Linux new convert. Maybe I have missed some readily available 
> document?
> I have a Seagate Travan IDE ST8000 but It detects as a hard disk 
> /dev/hdd and refuses to work

Well, being detected as /dev/hdd is fine; at least the cables 
are probably in place.  Do you have 

  /dev/ht0        37, 0          (rewinding IDE tape #1)
  /dev/nht0       37, 128        (non-rewinding interface to same)

 (both are block devices)

?  If you don't have them, you probably have a MAKEDEV script;
failing that, mknod.

Also, "refuses to work":  

What command line are you using, and what error message are you

A basic

'mt -f /dev/ht0 rewind' 

should try to rewind the tape;

'mt -f /dev/ht0 status'

to check status; and

'tar -cvf /dev/ht0 /tmp'

should back up /tmp to the beginning of the inserted cartridge.
'tho for a full backup you may want more options regarding
blocking, volume label, et al.

If you're specifying /dev/hdd instead of /dev/ht0, it *might*
just be your problem, since ISTR that the major/minor numbers
are what's used to match to drivers -- and the IDE fixed disk
driver probably doesn't understand tape.  I'm not a kernel
hacker, 'tho.

> A search of the web (and this group) reveal a lot of people 
> with the same problem (also with scsi tape drives) - seems to 
> apply to HP Colorados as well.

Your problem description is a bit vague to tell...


> So, could some kind guru possibly describe (step by step) how 
> to install an ATAPI tape drive and possibly turn it into a 
> HowTo / Faq?

Well, your cabling is quite probably correct if it detects.  You
could always check /proc/ide (IIRC) and see what devices it knows

> ide-tape is in the kernal

...and that should be the other major requirement.  Incidentally,
ISTR that ide-tape can give verbose debugging messages to the
same buffer used by dmesg, but you might have to edit


(search for

   #define IDETAPE_DEBUG_INFO              0
   #define IDETAPE_DEBUG_LOG               1
   #define IDETAPE_DEBUG_LOG_VERBOSE       0
   #define IDETAPE_DEBUG_BUGS              1

perhaps turn both 0s into 1s.

> All tape software tried says there is no tape.

A third possibility is hardware failure.  When you insert a tape,
does it end up churning back and forth repeatedly, making grinding
noises, and eventually report IO errors?  And has the tape drive
been exposed to a strong magnetic field or vibrations?  



From: "Jerry Wong" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Linux LCD problem
Date: Thu, 17 May 2001 23:09:06 +0800

Can anybody help?

X_ESP ¼¶¼g©ó¤å³¹ <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>I am using CTX PV520 LCD monitor...
>after I installed Linux 7.0, I cannot use graphical login....
>I tried all the generic monitor type in Xconfigurator but it didn't
>Please help me ...thanks a lot


Subject: Re: Hercules Game Theatre XP
From: Andrew Nesbit <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thu, 17 May 2001 15:21:59 GMT

Kris Kersey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:


>If you are looking for a great soundcard the plain ES1371 from Ensoniq
>is a great choice.  We recently did a soundcard roundup at
> where we tested 4 soundcards under Linux and found
>that the ES1371 produced the best sound quality without the crackling
>found in the Live.  You can find the full review here:
>Also included in the review is the Game Theater.  We found that with the
>currently released stable drivers that there are many issues.  Read the
>review for the full low-down.  Also for an update on performance with
>the bleeding-edge drivers look here:

Thankyou very much!  That's jsut the sort of info I was looking for.
So just let me confirm this though... according to the update for the
Hercules GTXP, it works fine now?  And the external amp *does* work
properly?  (I've really got my heart set on the Herc, but I don't want
to make a big mistake by investing money into it, and then finding out
that I can't do anything with it under Linux.)

I'll also look out for the es1371 too; sounds like a bargain.


>Kris Kersey
> Site Manager

>Andrew Luke Nesbit wrote:
>> In comp.os.linux.hardware you write:
>> >[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>> >> I am very seriously considering buying one of these cards because I am 
>completely fed up with my SB Live! and the unresolvable crackling problem. (I am 
>choosing this one over the SonicFury or Santa Cruz because
>> >> of the cool breakout box that it comes with.)
>> >> Can anybody verify that this card works properly under Linux? Are any of its 
>features lacking in support?
>> >You'll need a bleeding-edge kernel (and I do mean bleeding-edge:
>> >2.4.4ac4 or newer) to get intelligable output from it.
>> >I'm not sure how well anything other than 2-channel waveout/wavein is
>> >supported though..   I have one in one of my dual boot boxen right now,
>> >but that machine has severe stability (hardware) issues, so I don't use
>> >it much.
>> >As far as Linux support is concerned, the best (modern) card to get is
>> >the SBLive.  The GTXP should only get better, but it'll be a while
>> >before you can take advantage of its fancier features.  And Philips
>> >hasn't released any specs at all.  :)
>> I currently have an SB Live! and that is the very reason why I am looking
>> to buy a new card... it's giving me hell with its crackling and frequent
>> sound dropouts.  Apparently this is a very widely known problem, and in
>> most cases, is unfixable (especially when using it on a motherboard with
>> a VIA chipset, like I am).
>> My main priority is in getting a *clean* sound.  The subtler aspects of
>> audio fidelity are secondary in comparison to this, but still very
>> important to me.
>> So which sound card should I get which *is* properly supported under Linux,
>> and will give good audio fidelity, and *no crackling*???
>> -Andrew


From: "John Chewter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Tape, Travans and Misery
Date: Thu, 17 May 2001 16:28:58 GMT

Thanks very much for the pointers Very helpful. I will try that tomorrow.

BTW Hardware works fine on a Windoze Box

The machine is not to hand but I do not recall seeing any /dev/ht0 devices


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Matthew Fleming)
Subject: Re: Compaq DVD-R drive
Date: 17 May 2001 16:39:28 GMT

John McCabe ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

: --------------3E83F15A8FF187C5973F95E6
: Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
: Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

: You sure its not a combined CD, DVD, CDR drive????
: I'll be gobsmacked if its not..
: /John

Supposedly it is a combo CD reader, CD-RW, DVD reader, and DVD writer
(DVD-R, not DVD-RAM). It can definitely write DVD's, which can then be
read in ordinary DVD drives or players. Apple sells something similar; 
apparently they and Compaq got a good deal from Pioneer. Both Apple
and Compaq are marketing it for home users who want to mess around 
with video, but the drives can also be used for data storage. 

Matthew Fleming


From: Karl Scheel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: USB - modem
Date: Thu, 17 May 2001 13:02:19 -0400

Unfortunately, you cannot. I have read somewhere that for now, USB
modems are a type of winmodem, although I forget exactly where. However,
a conventional external serial modem should work just fine; I am
currently using my old Zoom V.32bis (i.e. 14.4K) for Linux connections
to the Internet using kppp. It is slow, but it works well. I had to
resort to this after learning that my internal 56K AOpen FM56-P is a
winmodem (I still use this modem when using Windows.), and thus is
incapable of operating from within Linux.

This is because winmodems, as a cost-reduction measure, use software
rather than hardware to allow the CPU and memory to implement the
functions that were originally implemented by the modems themselves;
they do this using an emulator program that is installed as part of the
modem driver for that particular modem. The small amount of hardware on
a winmodem is designed to talk to Windows only by way of this emulator.

Therefore, you need an emulator that was written for Linux for that
particular modem, USB or not. That emulator would have to be capable of
communicating with the Unix/Linux PPP daemon, which communicates with
the Linux dial-up adapter of your choice (e.g. kppp); it must fool the
modem into thinking that it is communicating with the Windows equivalent
to the PPP daemon (which communicates with the "Dial-Up Networking"
adapter in Windows).

Unfortunately, manufacturers of winmodems generally do not release their
specs to the public, so don't hold your breath. It is hard for Linux
programmers to obtain information on how a specific winmodem
communicates with Windows; perhaps it is because they cannot do this
without revealing a tiny piece of Windows sourcecode, and are worried
about potential lawsuits. These modem manufacturers could, in theory,
write their own Linux drivers, but seldomly do.

Having said this, however, their are a few "linmodem" drivers available
at (or maybe .com; I cannot remember exactly). Perhaps
as Linux grows in popularity, winmodem manufacturers will realize that
they could increase their market share by providing Linux drivers to
their customers.


GunnarH wrote:

> I have a Minivigor 128 TA, and I am running SuSE 7.1.
> Can I use this "thing" on my box, YaST2 did not find it.
> Gunnar


From: "TitoAnee" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.misc,comp.os.linux.setup,linux.redhat.misc
Subject: Re: PCMCIA Modem and Linuix
Date: Thu, 17 May 2001 17:28:50 GMT

HI All

Now PCMCIA works after using PCMICA Card Server 3.1.24 .

Warm Regads

"TitoAnee" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
news:y8HM6.87053$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> I have linux version 2.2.17, Redhat 6.1 and Pcmica Card Server 3.1.25 and
> getting follwing with modem card.
> May 16 18:57:56 TitoAnee kernel: Linux PCMCIA Card Services 3.1.25
> May 16 18:57:56 TitoAnee kernel:   kernel build: 2.2.17 #14 Wed Sep 27
> 09:36:38 EDT 2000
> May 16 18:57:56 TitoAnee kernel:   options:  [pci]
> May 16 18:57:56 TitoAnee kernel: Intel PCIC probe:
> May 16 18:57:56 TitoAnee kernel:   Intel i82365sl A step rev 00
> ISA-to-PCMCIA at port 0x3e0 ofs 0x00
> May 16 18:57:56 TitoAnee kernel:     host opts [0]: none
> May 16 18:57:56 TitoAnee kernel:     host opts [1]: none
> May 16 18:57:56 TitoAnee kernel:     ISA irqs (default) =
> 3,5,7,9,10,12,14,15 polling interval = 1000 ms
> [root@TitoAnee /dev]# May 16 18:57:57 TitoAnee cardmgr[1365]: starting,
> version is 3.1.25
> May 16 18:57:57 TitoAnee cardmgr[1365]: watching 2 sockets
> May 16 18:57:58 TitoAnee cardmgr[1365]: initializing socket 0
> May 16 18:57:58 TitoAnee cardmgr[1365]: socket 0: Serial or Modem
> May 16 18:57:58 TitoAnee kernel: cs: memory probe 0x0d0000-0x0dffff:
> clean.
> May 16 18:57:58 TitoAnee cardmgr[1365]: executing: 'modprobe serial_cs'
> May 16 18:57:59 TitoAnee cardmgr[1365]: bind 'serial_cs' to socket 0
> failed: Operation not permitted
> Any suggestions:
> Warm Regards
> TitoAnee


From: "Corey W. Clamp" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Tape, Travans and Misery
Date: Thu, 17 May 2001 17:33:40 GMT

You could also try loading the ide-scsi module and using the tape as
/dev/st0  and /dev/nst0

"John Chewter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
news:e%SM6.268534$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> Thanks very much for the pointers Very helpful. I will try that tomorrow.
> BTW Hardware works fine on a Windoze Box
> The machine is not to hand but I do not recall seeing any /dev/ht0 devices


Subject: yes, 2 SGI 1600sw LCD panels DO work in linux in dualhead mode!
Date: Thu, 17 May 2001 17:58:39 -0000

just got my 2nd 1600sw lcd display, and with the help of the author of
the xfree86 driver, I got both working in xinerama mode (single
logical display, 3200x1024).

the key is to use both agp and a pci cards, both from #9.  too bad
that company is out of business - I sure hope I never need service on
those cards...

but at any rate, I'm a happy camper with 2 of these displays on one pc
system.  its quite amazing to be able to drag a window opaquely across
from one screen to another; I've been doing that for a while on a pair
of CRTs and matrox cards, but this is my first time with a pair of
pure digital lcd's.  all I can say is ... wow!

since I was never able to get a confirmation from anyone in SGI (hmmm...)
that this will, in fact, work; I figured I'd post here and go on record
saying that it DOES work, if you are so inclined to buy and try this.

(now, if the brightness/contrast utility would only exist in opensource for
linux...  still not sure why SGI is keeping this proprietary; especially on
monitors they're discontinuing.  harumph!)

My email addr can be found on my web page:  http://www.snmp
 or try: sprintf(my_email, "%s@%s.%s", "brian", "snmptools", "org");

    Please DON'T send me email when you're posting a follow-up.



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