Hi Dorit,

On Sat, 6 Nov 1999, Dorit Ben-Shalom wrote:

> Again, what I am 
> wondering about
> is what will happen to
> 'simple' linux calls.

  Well, I don't know what you consider simple, but I've known people to
lose their heads about installation of sshd :-)
In any case, I don't belive that they will start charging for things that
take about 2 minutes to give you a pointer and lead you the way. Second, I
think that what they are trying to establish is a support center for
business use. For example, a business that has a linux based server or
servers installation, and they might need help with it.
  For example, lets take a very simple office that wants to have its own
domain name, mail server, FW but they don't want to pay for 8 IP
addresses, and they have about 20 PC's. So that business would need help
configuring IP Masq, FW, Sendmail, sshd, ftp, and apache. On a very simple
installation process, from our point of view as Linux experts (if we can
call ourselves expert, I don't like the superlative my self), may look in
the eyes of the customer as a virtually impossible task. 
  Also, need I remind you that a lot of companies use linux cause it
doesn't cost money, but they pay heaps of money for a pay/kill
administrator (such as myself or other people on the list). In their case,
the support center would be a cheap and efficient way to deal with small
problems, that don't require a linux "expert", so to speak.
  I know that I sound like I'm pro Netvision, but I'm really not. I'm very
supportive to any firm who would offer Linux support. I admit that actcom
were the first (I think), and amir is a good friend of mine (we've been
working on Linux Installation parties in the Technion for 2 years now).
But again, I must remain objective and weigh all the information in an
objective view, and from my point of view, it is a good thing.

Best regards,
  Nir Simionovich
  Artnet Experts, Ltd
  Netcom Group

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