"Nir Simionovich (Rin Solo)" wrote:

>   I know that I sound like I'm pro Netvision, but I'm really not. I'm very
> supportive to any firm who would offer Linux support. I admit that actcom
> were the first (I think), and amir is a good friend of mine (we've been
> working on Linux Installation parties in the Technion for 2 years now).
> But again, I must remain objective and weigh all the information in an
> objective view, and from my point of view, it is a good thing.

Having the "opportunity" to answer tech support questions from time to
time at GalaNet, a local ISP here in Jerusalem which I sysadm,
Anyway, I had by now few customers call up with questions about Linux.
Obviously they were newbiews. Guiding to install PPP via Linuxconf is
a good solution for RedHat, but some distros just don't have it. Yep,
I'm ashamed to admit I don't know the whole PPP scripting procedure by
hand but
it's kinda complicated to dictate such instructions to type in by phone,
having to explain how to launch an editor etc etc. As I understand, such
support should have large experience about the shortest/easiest way to
do common
tasks on different distros. Especially that we run all our servers on
I sometimes feel uncomfortable about not being able to answer such
easily. Pretty sure not as easy as Windows 95 tunning is.

Best regards,
Ilya Konstantinov a.k.a Toastie

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