Given the realities of Customer Support as presented by Nir (isn't it
wonderful to have access to someone who actually knows what is going on
with customers? :-) ), I am amending my suggestion so that PPP
configuration scripts (and other technical support scripts) would have a
version which doesn't need X-Window.

On Mon, 8 Nov 1999, Nir Simionovich (Rin Solo) wrote:

> Hi Omer,
> On Mon, 8 Nov 1999, Omer Zak wrote:
> > Suggestion for a project for a youngster who is looking for a niche which
> > would give him satisfaction, fame and riches:
> > How about developing PPP configuration scripts for the other
> > distributions?
> > Then the Technical Support would need only to tell the newbie to download
> > the script from their Web site and run it and answer its questions (of
> > course, presented in a nice GUI - which Tk and Python can easily provide).
>   Your idea in it self is wonderful, but I see a small snag about it. In
> general terms, all login scripts for all ISPs in Israel should be the
> same. As they are all compatible to the Windows 95 login scheme. If we are
> to take ISDN connections for example, I've configured kisdn with no
> special parameters, and it worked like a charm both connecting to Actcom,
> Netvision, Internet Gold and the Technion, without changing anything.
>   Now, as far as I can recall, each of the X-windows envs, has it's own
> modem and dial-up configuration program that users can use. But the real
> problem isn't getting them connected via that tool, the problem is as
> follows. Imagine the following Tech support phone call:
> Tech: Hello, how may I help you ?
> Cust: Hi there, I would like to configure my modem under RedHat 6.0.
> Tech: Are you currently running in X-Windows ?
> Cust: No, I can't start my X, it says something about a missing X-Server.
>       I don't have an X-Server in my network.
> Tech: No, No, and X-Server is ..... you need to install it. What is your
>       display adapter ? 

[... snipped ...]

                                             --- Omer
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