>>>>> "Schlomo" == Schlomo Schapiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    Schlomo> Hi,
    Schlomo> I am working at HUJI and know that the G. Ram campus is literally full of
    Schlomo> Linux people. I talked to some of them over the time and most people told
    Schlomo> me similar reasons for not taking part in ILUG:
    Schlomo> - too much uninteresting mail
    Schlomo> - too many simple help requests as opposed to interesting problems
    Schlomo> - no time to read all of it
    Schlomo> - don't like SPAM
    Schlomo> - "Doesn't touch me what they talk about"
    Schlomo> ..

    Schlomo> That says it all, doesn't it ?

Actually the situation as I know it is a little different (in HUJI and
other places).  A lot of people are aware of Linux, use it on regular
basis, even curse Microsoft occasionally, but do not actually regard
Linux as an important part of their life, don't think much about it
and simply use it - thus no participation in ILUG activities (also
don't forget the free time which almost every one of us lacks).

This is both positive and negative.  Negative since it is always good
to have as many enthusiastic people as possible.  Positive since this
shows that Linux has gained some recognition and become a part of
everyday life.  Just recall the three steps each new trend must pass: 
        1. This is nonsense!
        2. There's something in it...
        3. Who doesn't know it?

Of course nothing is really black-or-white, but we are moving steadily
to the third step.


#                       Andre E. Bar'yudin                     #
#           Home page: http://www.cs.huji.ac.il/~baryudin      #
#                  E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]             #
#                      Phone: (972)-53-812-026                 #

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