>>>>> "Ira" == Ira Abramov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    Ira> On 3 Dec 1999, Andre E. Bar'yudin wrote:
    >> other places).  A lot of people are aware of Linux, use it on regular
    >> basis, even curse Microsoft occasionally, but do not actually regard
    >> Linux as an important part of their life, don't think much about it
    >> and simply use it - thus no participation in ILUG activities (also

    Ira> oops... maybe I'm on the wrong list... am I on the linux USERS group or
    Ira> the Linux ZEALOTS group?

Your intentions are totally lost for me here: was it a joke or an
insult?  I didn't talk about *MY* opinion or position, but about
opinions and positions of some people I (personally) know.

    Ira> you don't have to be a zealot to use Linux anymore, it's true, but it
    Ira> doesn't mean linux used as a workstation is common either. those people
    Ira> at HUJI are tech people or scientists and students, and I suppose a
    Ira> little lecture about filesystem design or the bazaar development models
    Ira> are interesting and not yet fully covered by the standard university
    Ira> courses, so one guy can give a lecture about his speciality and the next
    Ira> day he will learn fron someone else in the group.

Either I wasn't clear or you didn't read my mail.  I never said that
those people know everything and don't have to learn any more.  For
most their knowledge is limited to a set of programs that they
*actually* need and use and that's all.  The point is - they do their
work and do not feel an urge to learn anything beyon the required for
this.  The good and bad sides of this are described in my previous

    Ira> Ury here prepared a little lecture about kernel
    Ira> installations, after


    Ira> meeting the people who showed up at maddog's session he understood it
    Ira> was aiming too low and we have some really professional people
    Ira> attending, we will therefore tune accordingly. nothing is stopping us
    Ira> from doing even 2 lectures a month - one for new users and another for
    Ira> the rest of the eggheads. consider the following topics for the
    Ira> beginners' rounds:

    Ira> compiling and installing a new kernel
    Ira> bootloaders galore - when to use lilo/loadlin/chos/system commander
    Ira> securing your system before dialing out to the world
    Ira> configuring a proxy and masquarader to let the whole family connect on
    Ira>              one line.
    Ira> configuring and running samba
    Ira> basic system administration (process management and standard script
    Ira>       files)
    Ira> etc...

    Ira> and stuff I'd love to see for the "pro" rounds:

    Ira> a look at the new journaled reiserfs
    Ira> an bit-and-byte look into Mosix and how it works
    Ira> PHP workshop    or - 
    Ira> making Apache, PHP and mySQL work together - installation and pitfalls
    Ira> comperative session: Perl or Python?

OCaml :-)

    Ira> and I think you will agree we have a lot of interested
    Ira> audience for both types of lectures, and we probably have the
    Ira> knowledgable people that will be able to enlighten us on the
    Ira> subjects. I dare you not to come :-)

Only if this will take place in Jerusalem... sigh.


#                       Andre E. Bar'yudin                     #
#           Home page: http://www.cs.huji.ac.il/~baryudin      #
#                  E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]             #
#                      Phone: (972)-53-812-026                 #

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