On Sun, 2 Jul 2000, Eli Marmor wrote:

> Does the ResierFS version, *which is built in Mandrake-7.1*, support
> NFS and can be exported to other machines on the LAN?

as before, no one here has really tested for sure, you are welcome to
tell us how it works for you or join their devel list and see for
yourself. I'm right now in exams so I don't have time for too many
lists, I'll be able to make time for it only in 2 weeks.

> RH6.2). What do you recommend to use with 7.1, GNOME or KDE?And if

this is a religious war troll, the answer is try each for a day and
decide. you just login from GDM/KDM to the one you want. none of the
other opinions you will get here will be objective, or even relevant to
what YOU need.

> Last thing: There is an Axiom that RH is better for servers while
> Mandrake is better for clients. But from my humble opinion, I see


there are only minute (small) differences between Mandrake and RedHat,
the main one is the compiler pentium optimizations on Mandrake. other
than that there is nothing that makes them more suitable for either
client or server. the installation is also as friendly.

based on MAINLY that feature, I install ALL my clients AND servers on
mandrake, and never install RedHat (I haven't installed one in almost 2

-- Ira Abramov, GNU/Linux advocate. 
(@- "message passing as the fundamental operation of the OS is 
//\ just an excercise in computer science masturbation. It may 
v_/_ feel good, but you don't actually get an ything DONE."
                                -- Linus on Microkernels.

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