On Mon, 3 Jul 2000, Eli Marmor wrote:

> In addition, it is not easy to patch existing kernels with the
> secure-linux patches, because usually these kernels (especially RH
> and Mandrake) already contain many other patches, and are already

I never recompile their sources anyway, I DL and compile my own.

> Regarding GNOME vs. KDE: I didn't ask which is better; It's a
> religious question, and involves personal taste, etc. I only asked
> if one of them is more suitable to RH while another one is more

define "suitable" then? they are not different operating systems, just
slightly different RPMs, collections of utilities, and default desktop

oh, and Mandrake finally followed SuSE and Debian with a mechanism to
let any RPM remove or add itself to all the menues (and not have a GNOME
menu in KDE and vice versa either). I'm not sure RH got there yet (the
guys at Aduva may be more up to date)

> What should I do? If it doesn't support NFS, then it's useless. Not
> only for my needs, but for 90% of the people. And what is the

I have two machines at home but I don't use NFS. the NFS itself is
buggy, why trust it over a beta FS when I don't trust it over a stable

> chance for such a damage with ReiserFS is much lower.

you don't know that, the failure statistics are not there yet.

> I think I'll adopt Ira's suggestion, and try it.

I wish I had the time myself. I'm sure there's no problem with two
machines (server and mounter), the problems begin with 4 mounting
clients and up accessing the same files, I don't have the resources to
build and test such a network.

Ira Abramov, GNU/Linux advocate.
(@-  "message passing as the fundamental operation of the OS is 
//\  just an excercise in computer science masturbation. It may 
v_/_ feel good, but you don't actually get anything DONE."
                                -- Linus on Microkernels.

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