Eli Marmor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> which of them (GNOME/KDE) is recommended?  

For me, mostly an issue of look and feel. 

> Last thing: There is an Axiom that RH is better for servers while
> Mandrake is better for clients. But from my humble opinion, I see
> the opposite, at least with the latest versions (MD7.1 vs. RH6.2):
> Mandrake supports features which are important for servers (e.g.
> ReiserFS, Paranoid security, etc.), while RH looks better for
> clients (e.g. easier installation, office apps, etc.). Am I wrong?

Red Hat is clearly mass-market oriented. However, they probably figure
they'll sell more to companies and geeks who are likely to put many
workstations on a LAN. So I think that historically the default Red
Hat configuration was geared towards a networked workstation rather
than a standalone home desktop. I don't know where the "server axiom"
comes from, though. I have too little experience with Mandrake to say

Oleg Goldshmidt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
"... We work but wit, and not by witchcraft;
 And wit depends on dilatory time." [Shakespeare]

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