
I havn't read the entire message, but I quickly reply:
Do not do 'dd if=/dev/fd0 of=/hdc bs=512 count=1' unless you know
_very_well_ what you are doing. You will erase your partition

On Wed, Oct 17, 2001 at 10:57:55AM +0200, Jeremy Hoyland wrote:
> Daniel,
> IIRC I have managed to boot without problems from /dev/hdb, /dev/hdc
> etc.
> Unless someone introduced a new limitation into lilo! Anyway, here are a
> few
> ideas.
> 1. The primary "slot"? I think you mean first IDE slot, no? In that
> case,
> you want to wire your disk as primary for the second IDE slot. This is 
> called /dev/hdc. I have booted REALLY old PCs from /dev/hdc with lilo.
> Make sure your BIOS can boot from the second slot (may require tweaking
> in the BIOS setup screens). 
> boot=/dev/hdc
> NB, to change fstab to reflect this, boot from a CD, mount the root
> partition and edit fstab.
> 2. The bios=0x80 trick is VERY chicken and egg. Try above first.
> 3. If you (eventually) fall back on a floppy boot, an interesting idea 
> (that works) is to write the boot sector to a partition and not to the
> MBR. use boot=/dev/hdc5. Now, strip this boot sector directly onto a
> floppy, like this:
> dd if=/dev/hdc5 of=/dev/fd0 bs=512 count=1
> Now, the ONLY thing that is read from the floppy is the boot sector.
> Everything else comes from the hard disk, so there's almost no speed
> penalty for booting from the floppy :-)
> You can use this trick to try lots of different lilo configurations
> without affecting your hard disk. Once you get it to work, strip the
> boot sector back to the MBR with
> dd if=/dev/fd0 of=/dev/hdc bs=512 count=1
> You can even put boot=/dev/fd0 if you just want to experiment ..
> 4. Don't forget the 1024 cylinder limitation! Old BIOSes won't boot
> beyond this even if you do have the latest lilo. Make a tiny /boot 
> partition that lies completely within 1024 cylinders, and boot from
> there.
> 5. Partition Magic 5.0 CAN partition 30 GB. Tried and Tested by yours
> truly. If you have a problem it may be BIOS related - try partitioning
> the disk on a different machine, and return it to your target machine 
> when your finished.
> > Date: Tue, 16 Oct 2001 20:54:07 +0200
> > From: Daniel Feiglin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Subject: Two system problems
> > 
> > Hi folks!
> <snip> 
> > 2. One of the "junk" systems I put together, has a P166 + 32Mb and a "dafuk" IDE 
> > primary slot (The machine originally had Win 95 on a 2Gb drive which booted OK 
> > from the the second IDE slot.) With Linux, I can only boot off a floppy, since 
> > lilo won't allow an IDE hard disk boot from anthing other than 
> > /dev/hda<something>. Upon examining the lilo.conf man page I found all sorts of 
> > interesting tricks for remapping the IDE drive ID's: e.g.
> > disk=/dev/hdc bios=0x80
> > or
> > map-drive=0x82 to=0x80
> > 
> > My root device is /dev/hdc5, and I boot from on /dev/fd0. I would like to use 
> > the above disk= ... mapping. I modified lilo.conf to root, /dev/hda5, boot from 
> > /dev/hda2 and put the boot sector on /dev/hda MBR. I also modified fstab to 
> > reflect the new arrangement. Of coure lilo failed, because the new arrangements 
> > are meaningless until I reboot, which I cannot do! What to do?
> > 
> > Thanks to the people who supplied the "junk". I'm still looking for Pentium 
> > stuff, MB with slot 7 or better.
> > 
> > Regards,
> > 
> > 
> > Dan Feiglin
> > 
> > 
> -- 
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
>          ______
>         /_____/\
>        /____ \\ \                    Jeremy Hoyland, System Architect
>       /_____\ \\ /                   Sun Israel Development Center
>      /_____/ \/ / /                  Sun Microsystems Israel, Ltd.
>     /_____/ /   \//\                 HaMenofim 9 ,POB 12610
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