On Tuesday 17 September 2002 14:41, Ariel Biener wrote:
> > As for support - I called them few times at 3:00 AM and there was always
> > someone there. Sure, those windows supporters sucks when it comes to
> > Linux, but you should ask for the manager who's in charge.
> And the manager will also be mostly clueless.
Netvision CLAIMS TO FULLY SUPPORT connection of Linux boxes as in "We 
guarantee that you will always be able to connect to our service using 
Linux". They don't go any further but consider their support finished after 
you're connected. NNTP service comes to mind - there was some problem for 
cable subscribers to connect to NNTP servers around July. I called Netvision, 
and oh those Windows monkeys!!! 
"I've got a problem connecting to the news server"
"Please press the Start button"
"I use Linux"
"We don't support it"
"Ok, can you check if there is some problem with the news server? Here is an 
error code I receive"
"There is no problem with the news server, I'm fully able to connect from 
"Ok, just a second, I'm going to switch to Windows. Here is Outlook Express 
error code, no connection as well".
"I don't know, no problem here".
"Ok, can you forward me to Linux support person?"

And after the Linux support guy called me back : 
"I've got a problem connecting to the news server"
"Press the Start button..."
"Can you just tell me at large, what you want? I'm a computer professional"
"What is the error you receive?"
"This one in Windows and that one in Linux. The problem is definitely on your 
"Ok, I'll check... You're right, there is a problem for cable subscribers to 
connect, it will be solved in several hours".
> > Most of the time you can see the problem in your /var/log/messages -
> > sometimes the TACACT server "forget" to unregister you before you dial
> > again or their server doesn't answer - you can explain that to the
> > supporter. If you don't like the supporter - then ask his manager...
> The supporter will ignore your questions, saying that they do not support
> Linux etc etc. The manager wont be much more helpful. 
Ask for Linux support person. The real problem is that there are too few of 
them in Netvision, not even a person per shift, and they are constantly busy.
>Also, the attitude
> of "why turn to support, you can fix your own problems" is not really what
> I would call flattering to the ISP you are trying to defend here... ;)
> .. To conclude, an ISP you connect you should provide you with a service
> that is as closely as possible tailored to your needs. If in order to
> receive such service you need to bend over backwards, and also you need to
> replace part of that ISPs solutions with bandaids, and if the answer to
> the fact their support is unhelpful in the materia you need to go and fix
> stuff yourself, I'd say he needs to switch ISPs.
>    Disclaimer: I work for a University (whatever that means).
> --Ariel


Alex Chudnovsky
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