Muli Ben-Yehuda wrote:
On Fri, Dec 27, 2002 at 10:12:13AM +0200, Hetz Ben-Hamo wrote:

Is "Hamakor" is talking about Open Source or Linux? if Open Source, then why do you have the Tux logo?

The amuta, as mentioned in the FAQ, is about free software and open
source. As it happens, the most "visible" single project in that field
is GNU/Linux, so the Amuta obviously pays a lot of attention to
GNU/Linux and its users. Of course, if anyone wants to organize a BSD
conference, we are all for it as well.
We like camels too.
I'd appreciate one (maybe stepping on a snake ? ;-) on


ps. you can fetch the one on that one is a free camel.

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