Quoting Kamal Dalal, from the post of Sat, 28 Dec:
> Congratulations!
> Does Hamakor distinguish between Open Source and Free Software?
> In :
> http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-software-for-freedom.html
> there is a clear distinction between the two movements.
> Where does Hamakor stand ?

as the FAQ and the thread mentions, the members of Hamakor see them as
publicly indistinguishable and therefore pointless to separate in its
activities, however, internally, since we know the community (in parts)
does do the distinction and we should represent both "camps" in case
some people out there still feels there is a seperation (do you? I
don't), so to be politically correct we included both terms in the
title. for the record, Nadav opposed that idea the most and I was the
one insisting on it. that way we don't insult Stallmanists and stay
"understood" by the public at large. If you look at the page you see
that the FSF admits it stands for basicly the same (if somewhat more
inclusive) definition, but it turned out to represent association with
other values which the FSF doesn't like to put in the center of the
table: "While free software by any other name would give you the same
freedom, it makes a big difference which name we use: different words
convey different ideas. (...) The term ``open source'' quickly became
associated with a different approach (...)".

in other words: no distinction, but politicly correct nontheless.

I, for example, don't like the seperetism. I use non-free software on my
linux machine. heck I even use Qmail which doesn't even fall entirely in
the OSD. some of it I use since it's practical (OSS values), and some I
chose to use for FSF-like ideal, like when I switched from pine to mutt.
I see the values of both camps as good and correct, and see no reason to
pick sides. I also see why in today's market it's not very possible to
eliminate proprietary software altogether, but I start by keeping it out
of my own systems for now.

The first, the last, and only line of defense
Ira Abramov

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