This particular FAQ was meant to answer questions about the society itself, not about the things the society is trying to promote. It was meant as an introduction as to "who we are", and thus does not delve into definitions of "what is it we want to do". A broader FAQ will probably be along later, though I kinda like the seperation this one has.


Shaul Karl wrote:

On Fri, Dec 27, 2002 at 12:54:12AM +0200, Muli Ben-Yehuda wrote:

Howdy, everyone,
Gilad has put together a preliminary website for Hamakor, which is now
available at The website has a short FAQ,
and the amuta's takanon.
Please note that this website is a draft, and that the amuta is not
officially registered yet, but will be soon. If you have any questions
ro comments, let us know what you think!
Thanks, Muli. --
Muli Ben-Yehuda

"The speed of light really is too slow nowdays." -- Alan Cox

Another note about the FAQ or maybe even the TAKANON is an explanation why open source and free software are a good thing. In
particular, how is free software different from, for example, free cars,
free books and free music and why this freedom is not comparable to lack
of moral and other restraint.

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