On Wed, 22 Jan 2003, Ira Abramov wrote:

> Quoting Shoshannah Forbes, from the post of Wed, 22 Jan:
> > >I'm adore lynx. Am I fit into standards?
> >
> > If the site is built well, it should degrade gracefully. Lynx is not
> > 100% standard compliant, but standard sites work better with it then
> > non- standard ones.
> I'm not sure how much better links is over lynks, but w3m excells over
> the two in tables, frames and doublebyte chars (I'm not into chinese,
> but I believe it should handle UTF-8 Hebrew, haven't tried)

Try viewing a Hebrew UTF-8 page from a ISO-8859-8 terminal (and tell lynx
that the terminal is indeed such!). Hebrew chars should show up just fine.

Try viewing a page with accented latin charaters on a Hebrew terminal, and
you'll get the original letters, without the accesnts (latin1->ascii

Lynx certainly has pretty good multi-lingual support.

Tzafrir Cohen

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