On Mon, 10 Mar 2003, Shachar Shemesh wrote:

> Hi all,
> I am meeting the person in charge of the internet infrastructures for
> Leumi Bank in about two weeks. This is someone who seem ready to listen
> (though it doesn't sound as if it is going to be easy to convince), and
> has the authority to order a change if he is convinced.
> Now I need ammunition. Please help me with a set of reasons why making
> the site actually work with Mozilla is in their best interests.

  I suggest not talking about "supporing Mozilla" or "supporting Linux", but
rather a more general "supporting web standards" approach. The benefits of
this approach are apparent even if everybody only uses MSIE. Suppose MSIE
descides to drop or change some feature in a later version. This kind of
things have already occured and will occur in the future. Building for a
specific browser requires constant updating of the site to support changes
between versions of that browser.

  Furthermore, new wireless internet devices are appearing which enable
users to browse websites from anywhere. The richest and most connected
people will purchase these devices, and will be disappointed to know they
cannot wirelessly access their bank account. Some of them will switch banks.
Programming to standards lets you write the site once while letting all
users enjoy it, with almost no extra work. On the contrary, programming to
standards might be even easier.

  About styling, first - a standards-compliant site can be styled in very
appealing ways using Cascading Style Sheets (CSS). The style-sheets may be
changed on the user's end if (for example) the user is blind or using a
wireless device. Second - People don't access their bank account to see
pretty pictures. Look how many people are using ATM machines, which have a
very simple text-only interface. A simple design with easy access to all
features should be the guiding principle in designing a bank account access

  Another problem is security. The Windows operating system and MSIE web
browser are notorious for many security breaches. Combining this fact with
a remote access system to a bank account may lead to unpleasant results.
Some users do not agree to this kind of compromise, but still want to access
their account online. These users use alternate operating systems, and
paraodxially, currently cannot access their Leumi bank accounts.


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