Quoting Shaul Karl, from the post of Tue, 11 Mar:
> 1. Should be cheaper to develop and maintain.

Sadly, I think we have reached the conclusion it's not exactly correct

but what annoys me is that banks (who for tax reasons are recognised as
"Malkar" in Israel!!!) boast multi-million dollar profits, Leumi in
particular just launched a 3-4 million $$$ campaign a while ago (remember
the "human bridge" ad on TV?), raise the amlot, lower the pakam
interest, and yet have the khuzpah to tell us they can't afford another
$15K (at a VERY extreme estimate!) to make the damn site standard.

> 2. Easier to support multiple languages: Hebrew + Arabic + Russian +
>    Rumanian + Portugaze (is this what is used in the Philippine)? +
>    Thai + ...

Portuguese is spoken in Macao, Angola, Mozambique, Cape Verde Portugal
and a tiny place called Brazil. In the Philippines you may find Ilocano
and Filipino. I don't think standard compliance will help porting the
site between LTR languages as such though, that's more of a question for
the application designers. LTR and RTL support of the same app IS a
question for the web designers as well :)

> 3. Should be faster and convenient to the clients at the expense of 
>    the site resources since, as far as I understand, delegating more
>    work to the clients is done in a sub standard ways.


> 4. Doesn't force the clients into specific browsers, which enhances
>    the clients freedom.

"Now that's crazy talk! we've tested and it works on MSIE5, 5.5 AND

and the excuse of "opera+gecko are only 3 promil, THEY are not the
standard" plays into their hands here.

ouch. in a world where MSIE is the de facto standard, it's hard to
convince any capitalist that the w3c are holier :(

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Ira Abramov

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