At 18:47 +0200 on 11/3/2003, Alon Altman wrote:

The question is- does it support MSIE 7.0? The answer: They don't know.

This question is the same for a standards-compliant site, because you don't know when one of the browsers is going to pick up on a new standard and ruin everything. This has happened to me lately: I've always used cookies for sessions, it's as standard as muck. Now marketing has asked me to put that site within a frame so that "the location bar will show our domain and nothing else". The frameset is in domain A, the frame within it is in domain B. So far, no standards broken, Mozilla works perfectly, MSIE 5.5 works, hunky dory.

But MSIE 6 doesn't accept my cookie. This is because is an early adopter of a W3C standard called P3P, which is a standard defining privacy policies. Apparently, in default mode MSIE 6 accepts cookies from the main domain of a given page (i.e. the frameset), but requires something called "Compact policy" to be sent over, in order for it to accept the cookie (which comes from domain B). Darn, now I have to study the P3P standard, study the part about compact policies, learn what I have to stick there (and nobody in marketing is going to tell me what our actual privacy policy is, because we don't actually have one) to make it work. In the meantime, many users can't register to our service. To them, the site is "broken" (unless we convince them to change the default security setting, and I don't like doing that).

So that argument is out the window as well.


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