Tzafrir Cohen wrote:

On Sat, 4 Oct 2003, Eran Tromer wrote:

On 2003/10/03 19:44, Alexander Maryanovsky wrote:

> It's absolutely perfect as far as I can see.
> [...] mixed RTL and numbers, dashes etc. etc. -
> all work exactly as expected.

OOe 1.1 seems to have the usual hebrew-hyphen-number problem
("H-5" renders as "H5-"), which necessitates typing of the logically
incorrect "H5-" and causes bad importing of newer MS Word documents.

What's the proper way to handle this? Using "hebrew hyphens" or
something of the sorts?

In addition to what Ilya wrote:

It is not a bug. It a feature (standard conformance).

Well, maybe it's a feature of OpenOffice. It's still a bug in the standard.

Being as it is that there is no legacy way of producing a hyphen, the Unicode standard must accept that minus is used instead. Any attempt to insist on it being "correct" in the face of real life is simply absurd.

If standard purity was what Unicode mandated, they should have only defined 22 characters for Hebrew, like they did for Arabic (28). Put the final forms in some god-forsaken place, and have the display engine render them. They didn't do that, because real life dictates the fact that, practically, people use 27 characters for Hebrew, and changing that would break far too many existing applications.


Shachar Shemesh
Open Source integration consultant
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