Tzafrir Cohen wrote on 2003-10-04:

> On Sat, 4 Oct 2003, Eran Tromer wrote:
> > On 2003/10/03 19:44, Alexander Maryanovsky wrote:
> >
> > OOe 1.1 seems to have the usual hebrew-hyphen-number problem
> > ("H-5" renders as "H5-"), which necessitates typing of the logically
> > incorrect "H5-" and causes bad importing of newer MS Word documents.
> >
*All* software that I've ever seen, except geresh (and including all
MS Word versions I tried!), have this problem.

> >
> >
> > What's the proper way to handle this? Using "hebrew hyphens" or
> > something of the sorts?
> In addition to what Ilya wrote:
> It is not a bug. It a feature (standard conformance).  Anyway, try
> the keyboard variant "lyx" (available on XFree >= 4.3, 'setxkbmap
> -variant ,lyx us,il' ), and then press shift-y to get an RLM
> character. Type one after the minus.
RLM ugly.  Use maqaf.

> Better still: shift-minus should give a hyphen on that variant. This
> avoids the problem in the first place.
Shift-minus produces not simply a hyphen but 05BE;HEBREW PUNCTUATION
MAQAF, which is even better because it looks different from a western
hyphen (a maqaf is at the top of the characters) and AFAIK, it's the
correct character to use beween a letter and a number (and also as a
hyphen between hebrew letters).

So, please, in all editors, convert a minus to a maqaf if the
preceding character is a hebrew character (like in geresh), and the
problem will practically go away (and your documents will look

Beni Cherniavsky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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