Tzahi Fadida wrote:

> Exchange have a web interface so maybe ssh will suffice for all your activities.
> in addition its less intrusive since its already installed and would take for
> you time to set up the openVPN. i know how office regs can be some times.

It's called "Outlook Web Access" (although it's a part of Exchange; It
is just a web-emulation of Outlook).

As far as I remember, it supports SSL.

There have been always features of Outlook that were not supported by
Outlook Web Access, but if I recall correctly, Microsoft claims that
the Outlook Web Access of Exchange 2003 finally emulates Outlook

In addition, they claim that contrary to past versions, this one runs
under non Microsoft browsers, including thin clients such as smart
phones and PDAs. I guess it means that there is no dependency on
ActiveX etc.

Eli Marmor
CTO, Founder
Netmask (El-Mar) Internet Technologies Ltd.
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