On Thu, 13 Nov 2003, Ilan Finci wrote:

> The company I work with is creating executable code we give to potential 
> clients to test.
> The code comes as either an executable or a shared library (with a given 
> API the client use to connect it to his application).
> Is there a way to protect such executable/library, so it will be hard to 
> do reverse engineering and find out what the algorithms we use? Of 
> course, we protect ourself with patents, but we would like something in 
> the level of protecting the code itself.

This is off topic, as has already been said, but I must add that if the 
company tries to hide a patented algorithm, the best thing to do is to 
dissolve the company immediately.

Matan Ziv-Av.                         [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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