Actually, Ilan has a point here.

1. His salesmanship skills could use a small upgrade - by presenting the
   argument of avoiding MS-Windows in the first place, he'd get more
   cooperation than flames.

2. If Linus allows use of closed code Kernel modules with Linux and they
   probably are obfuscation champions of the Linux world, then Ilan should
   be entitled to ask about the subject.

3. And, as Ilan said, the Linux-IL mailing list is Linux-IL, not GNU-IL
   (or GPL-IL), RMS's insistence upon the term GNU/Linux withstanding.

On Sun, 16 Nov 2003, Ilan Finci wrote:

> >>Is there a way to protect such executable/library, so it will be hard to
> >>do reverse engineering and find out what the algorithms we use? Of
> >>course, we protect ourself with patents, but we would like something in
> >>the level of protecting the code itself.
> >
> >
> > This is off topic, as has already been said, but I must add that if the
> > company tries to hide a patented algorithm, the best thing to dois to
> > dissolve the company immediately.
> >
> >
> Sorry if you see it off topic, I thought that's this list is also the
> extend the use of linux in israel, not only about open source. My
> question was intended to find out if there is a way to do something in
> linux before my managers force us to switch to windows where they know
> about things to do what I've asked about.
> And as to dissolve the company - why? Can we protect _OUR_ algorithms???
> we don't use OTHERS patented algorithms but _OURS_.

                                             --- Omer
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