On Thursday 18 March 2004 11:25, Yonah Russ wrote:
> ... Let's try to make the script 
> to run these updates part of standard distributions, part of the same 
> rpm that distributes the TZ files in the first place maybe. Let it add a 
> couple cronjobs/year which check: am I set to Israeli time, if yes- 
> update zicfile, if no- exit.
> why shouldn't this be transparent to linux users?

Now you reach something more interesting. At least on RedHat the zoneinfo
directory is part of the glibc-common RPM. Someone (Amos?) sugested
that people would simply keep their glibc up-to-date. But this solution is
not good:
  - Maybe someone cannot upgrade the software (e.g: compatibility with
    some applications)
  - Is it logical for the distro to issue a new release for a huge package
    (glibc) just because the timezone data where changed somewhere on the

The solution is simple -- distros should have the zoneinfo data as a separate
package (how is it on debian?):
  - The package would contain the zoneinfo files (for all timezones)
  - The post-install of the package would run zic as required.
  - The package version should be properly maintained (e.g: 2004.3.18-2)

This way we can use the normal distribution methods (apt-get, up2date, urpmi,

Anyone want to issue a "feature-request" to FC or Mandrake?

Oron Peled                             Voice/Fax: +972-4-8228492
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                  http://www.actcom.co.il/~oron

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