On Mon, Jun 21, 2004 at 10:45:18PM +0300, Muli Ben-Yehuda wrote:
> And you're correct here, but the obfuscation was done by the compiler,
> not the programmer. Standard C++ name mangling, something about
> QAction and QObject. There is a nifty utility to undo the mangling and
> give you the function's signature, but I don't recall its name. 

The utility is called c++filt (from 'binutils' package):

$ c++filt _ZN7QActionC1EP7QObjectPKc
QAction::QAction(QObject*, char const*)

The reason for the error is either:
1. You having an old version of Qt.
Solution: Upgrade your Qt to the version which Skype claims it requires.
2. You having a version of Qt compiled with an old compiler (g++
pre-3.0). You can find it out by doing:
objdump -T /usr/lib/libqt.so.3 | grep _ZN7QActionC1EP7QObjectPKc
and checking if there's any output. If there's no output, this is the
Solution: Use Qt which was compiled with g++ 3.0 or higher.

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