On Fri, Jul 08, 2005 at 12:02:12AM +0300, Shlomo Solomon wrote:
> strange - I sent 2 messages to the list, but only the 2nd one got througt - 
> so 
> here's the 1st one again.
> On Tuesday 05 July 2005 22:59, Shlomo Solomon wrote:
> > On Tuesday 05 July 2005 19:52, Yedidyah Bar-David wrote:
> > > OK. Let's start from the very beginning.
> > > First, start from a clean known state. Either after a reboot, or try to
> >
> > For completely unrelated reasons, re-booting is not an option today. I hope
> > I'll be able to do the tests you recommended in a day or two and I'll let
> > you know what happens - thanks.
> On thinking it over again, and after a few more of my own experiments, I 
> can't 
> see how my problem will be solved by re-booting. After all, that's not really 
> the LINUX way, is it :-)

Can you at least rmmod visor and usb_serial (and modprobe them if
needed), then repeat the tests?

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