On 10/4/05, Tzafrir Cohen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Are you the only one providing support? What about the rest of the
> family?

Unfortunatly I'm not in a position to provide her all the support by myself
so I have to rely on other's help sometimes, and they don't know anything
about Linux (hardly much about windows).

> > >
> > >My feeling is that the main reason people "prefer" Windows is first and
> > >foremost because this is what they get with their computer and 99.999%
> > >of the time it's also the only system they ever heard of, let alone saw or
> > >(gasp) used. The original poster's situation falls under that explenation
> > >because his father saw Windows (and ONLY windows) in his office and
> > >wanted the same thing.
> >
> > You don't get Windows automatically with your computer.  You buy it.
> You buy it automatically with your computer.

You could get a computer without Windows (and pay about 500 NIS
less) in clubmarket. But that's besides the point.

> > Compatibility is a big issue.  At the end of the day we're communicating
> > with people, not with computers.  And don't tell me Open Office is
> > compatible with MS Office - it isn't.  At least not 100% compatible.  I
> > checked.

OO is good enough to open virtually any MS document I get sent (most
of them in Hebrew) and to create MS documents when such a format
is required by organizations.

> Right. And MS is about to move to a different format once again soon.

Yet another reason not to take MS's arguments seriously.
Another one - they have just admitted to ignoring user's requests for
PDF support for years until the competition overtook them.


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