On Wed, 5 Oct 2005, Uri Even-Chen wrote:

Peter wrote:
Right. And public libraries, county registrars, notaries, lawyers, the courts, the police, the government standards office and three dozen other categories of people who keep records for slightly longer than 2-3 years (not to say more than 2000 years in certain cases) should use Word formats because they are 'compatible'. This year. What about next year ? We upgrade ? On taxpayer's money ? Suuure we do. How many times do you think this trick is going to work ? A visit from a nouveau riche 'illustrious' person and we give it another go ? Maybe not.

I am surprised that no opposition politicians have taken this small matter of squandering public funds on a pyramid scheme of 'upgrading' and done something about it in their political campaign. After all, there is a lot of money to be saved. Just think about how many licenses it costs to keep the .gov.il computers upgraded and 'compatible'.

I think there should be a standard for office file formats, and the
standard should not be owned by MS.  MS don't want a standard, they


don't want to be compatible with other softwares.  They own the market.
I think there should be a standard so people will choose their office
software for features and not for compatibility.  It's not good to the
market to have a monopoly.

Agree. But unless you want a committee to elaborate a standard (shudder) like H323 (re-shudder) then you need to pick the best solution that exists at the moment and standardize it. That is the proven way. That's the way it was done with C for example. And the standard has to be open, as in free beer.


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