On Wed, Oct 05, 2005 at 11:29:33AM +0300, Peter wrote:
> For each of the about 100 documents/day produced in a small office, over 
> the last cca. 3-4 years, including those on backup disks from the 
> previous 3-4 years, and the Einstein documents since before that ?

About once a month, I see requests on other lists from people who need to
"convert" 5 1/4" disks with Einstein documents on them, to 3 1/2" disks
with Word documents on them.

I can do the media conversion, but no one I know of can convert the
documents themselves. It seems that Einstein had some advanced features
that are now in Word and OO, that never made it to anything that read
Einstein documents. :-(

No, Dagesh/Accent will import Einstein files, but not these. :-(

I believe that Einstein had output filters ("save as") that worked,
but I also know of no one that has a running copy of it.

That's why I keep a copy of WordStar 3.3. This the original MS/DOS version 
that for you trivia fans was created by running the CPM 8080 ASM files through
a 8080 to 8088 assembly language covertor provided by Intel.

To keep this part relevant to Linux, I think it will run under freedos using
DOSEMU. What is missing however, probably due to lack of demand, is a 
program to read CP/M diskettes under Linux.


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