On Mon, Oct 10, 2005 at 09:53:27AM +0200, Erez D wrote:

> i just passed in a store and saw a mac with OS X
> it looks pretty, and i remembered i saw that a lot of linux
> programs can be ported to work on OS X.

That's because OSX consists of 2 parts. Darwin and OPEN SOURCE version of
BSD and AQUA a closed source GUI. Apple spent a lot of money on porting
Linux to their hardware but gave up because they prefered the BSD artistic
license to the GPL. 

There is an organized effort to port OPEN SOURCE programs to Darwin
see www.darwinports.org. There are over 2500 programs ported and more
in progress.

Since 10.3  (10.4) is current, you can run X windows and manage them
with Aqua, so that they are hard to distinguish from regular Mac programs.

> as i do not like windows, but i need it for various resons
> (ms office compatibility, sites that work only on explorer etc...)

The problem with that idea is that Microsoft uses the Mac as it's "test
bed" (more users with a clue about useability) and they are not 100% 
> i was wondering: is OS X the solution
> e.g. : can it function as both linux (including all linux apps, shells,
> daemons etc ...)
> and windows ( internet explorer, ms office etc ...)

There is also MOL, a FREE program that lets your run MacOS under Linux.
IMHO it's not very usefull unless you MUST run Linux, because allmost
everything you would want will run under MacOS.

I've even seen a tutorial for running Asterisk under MacOS to replace

> how is your impression ?

I prefer it to Linux because I don't like KDE. On the other hand, I happen
to be setting at a Windows/XP machine at the moment, using Putty, a program
that emulates an X-Term and ssh, to type this on a Linux machine with MUTT
and MicroEmacs (a very small Emacs clone).
> btw: can OS-X run on non mac hardware ?


The X86 version is not out yet. However once it comes out, it will not
run without a DRM chip and the proper "rights".

Since Darwin is open source, all of the pundits expect that this will
be "hacked" in a few weeks. They also claim that it will be a good thing
for Apple.

Meanwhile a used Mac capable of running OSX Tiger sells for 500-1000 NIS for
an slow but capable one. A new Mac MINI sells for under $600+VAT from Yeda.
It comes without keyboard, mouse or montior, but it will work with a
USB keyboard and mouse and a "VGA" monitor.


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