Nadav Har'El wrote:
Are the Hspell and WordNet databases available to use?  Can you send me
links?  I'll be glad to contribute if I can, but my focus is not on any

Of course, both are released with free software licenses:

Thanks! is a "like wikipedia (but for translations)",
but for individual words. Like people noted here time and again, this is
only a small step in the translation direction. Arguably, it is even a step
in the wrong direction (with the wordnet effort being more in the right
direction, because it translates individual word senses, rather than words).

I'm aware of it and I agree it's not in the right direction.  I need to
establish a database of words and phrases and their translation in
various languages.  This database should be good enough to do "search
and replace" for a text in one language into another language, so that
people who know only the target language will be able to understand most
of what the original text is about (it doesn't have to be perfect).
Then it will be improved over time (with feedback).

If there is any database I can use, which contains texts (or words,
phrases) and their translations, please let me know.  I would like to
start with something.

Again, wikitionary has this for words.
If you'll read some machine-translation literature, you'll find references
to a bunch of corpora which contain quality texts translated into several
languages, with an explicit correspondence between the sentences in each
language. For example, there is a corpus of EU laws translated into several
EU languages. And I believe there's also a UN corpus. Sorry, I don't have
any links.

And, for an interesting corpus, why not try... the bible? It has been
translated into countless languages, and a strict correspondence between
the verses has been observed. Of course, some of the translations features
some archaic language :-)

No thanks.  I think the bible it completely irrelevant.  It's archaic
language, religious words etc.  And I don't want to mess up with
God/Moses/Jesus/The Pope or whoever thinks he has copyrights on the
bible...  I would rather use modern language instead.

Best Regards,

Uri Even-Chen
Speedy Net
Raanana, Israel.

Phone: +972-9-7715013

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