Uri Even-Chen wrote:

> Shachar Shemesh wrote:
>> Care to give specific examples, so we can form an independent opinion?
>> The articles you tried to fix, as well as the username you were using,
>> would be greatly appreciated.
> I prefer not to give specific examples.  I refer to Wikipedia in general
> and not to specific examples.

I'm sorry, Uri, but when raising such serious allegations, i.e. that you
were banned based on the fact that you tried to correct incorrect
information, I feel the specifics of the case had better be given light.
If you prefer not to, please understand that I will have to treat this
critisizm as hearsay, and thus unsubstantiated.

This is, of course, only speaking on my own behalf. From reading at
least what Tzafrir wrote, however, you can see that others seem to share
this opinion of mine. If Wikipedia is, indeed, sick, this is no way to
critisize it.


Shachar Shemesh
Lingnu Open Source Consulting ltd.
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