Yonah Russ wrote:
That is the exact opposite point of the Internet- no offense.
You have no clue who is browsing your website. The person could be color blind, or totally blind, or deaf or dyslexic, or motorically challenged, or just Old. Everyone sees a web page differently. Are they using 640x480, 800x600, 1024x768? True, it's nice to make a nice looking website but your goal has to be the information in the website - not the way the website looks. The design should be a secondary factor.

People that are interested in changing the size of the text on your website may be using screen magnifiers, or may be using personal style sheets to overide your styles. They may be hearing your webpage instead of reading it. They may have the pictures turned off.

I know.  But I want my website to look good even for these people.  I
don't want them to think that my website is ugly just because it looks
ugly on their browser, even though they could use Opera (for example) to
zoom it the whole site.  Compare it to a painting or a movie.  The
author or the painting or movie wants people to see his work as it is.
He doesn't want people to change the way it looks when they see it.  So
the same it with the web graphic designer and webmaster.  I checked (for
example) how my website looks with "no style" and it looks terrible.  I
don't want anybody to see my website this way!

The basic questions you need to ask are:
1) is all the information there without the pictures.
2) is all the information there without sound (if you have a narrarated flash intro- use subtitles) 3) is the information organized in a logical manner (using tables for design often breaks this) 3) lastly - does it look good in default installations of IE 5+, Mozilla 1.6+, Firefox, Opera, Safari

I can't check each page with all the 5 browsers.  Time is not infinite,
you know.  So I think there should be a standard - much like in PDF.  In
PDF you can't change text size, but you can zoom in and out.  I think
this is the correct way to handle it.

Sometimes the information can't be there without pictures.  For example,
a website about paintings.  The pictures ARE the information!

Best Regards,

Uri Even-Chen
Speedy Net
Raanana, Israel.

Phone: +972-9-7715013
Website: www.uri.co.il

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