Quoth Yonah Russ:

> Google is a bunch of Anti-Semites. You can read the details on my blog:
> http://www.yonahruss.com/2006/04/google-supports-terrorism.html

[rest of Epistulum Yonae snipped]

Dear Yonah.

  How happy am I that in you we find such a staunch and vociferous
supporter of Israel's right to be ON the Map and, YHWH forbid, under the
Map. Such superb and idignant rhetoric will surely cause every Google
Untermensch to tremble in his swinish lederhosen, afeared lest you strike
him down with your righteous rage and furious anger.

  Allow me to express my sincerest and most abject thanks that you struck,
continue to strike and shall continue to strike blows against that nest of
capitalistic iniquity which ineffably undermines the wholesomeness and
wellbeing of our small, yet glorious and brave, very brave state.

  I shall waste no time in untimely contemplation of my zygotic yet
reprehensible Id, but gird my loins in the a of diaphanous latex and show
them Googlemenschen that my Jewish and Israeli pride is screwed on at the
right angle!

                     With The Most Invenial Transgress,

                     I am your komrade in indignashun.

                             Marc A. Volovic
Marc A. Volovic                                         [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Swiftouch, LTD                                             +972-544-676764

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