How about:

yum install debian



On 5/31/06, Oded Arbel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On Wed, 2006-05-31 at 12:23 +0300, Gilboa Davara wrote:
> > I can see plenty of reasons to change RHEL to Fedora - only one of them
> > is the fact that RHEL uses outdated software.
> Here's the main problem.
> Repeat after me:
> Fedora is not RedHat.
(silently ignoring this as everyone knows RHEL is based on Fedora ;-)

> You can always download the SRPM, unpack it, change it name and obsolete
> lines and rebuild it.
> This -should- solve the problem.

Except it doesn't - that was the first route I tried: welcome back
dependency hell. To build what I want, I need newer versions of OpenSSL
among other things, and you can't have OpenSSL 0.9.7g and 0.9.7a
installed at the same time - unlike any other distro (I feel like I'm
repeating myself).

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