I don´t know about servers, but I have experience on Desktop using.
I recommend Debian Etch. It is stable, simple to use and install and it
has a bunch of software well actualized with many maintainers. It also
has a lot of both community and private support. However, Etch is still
on Beta until December and the current Debian stable, sagger, is not so
actualized. I use Debian in my laptop.
Ubuntu is very similar to Etch and it supposed to be simpler to use and
install, also it comes in a single CD, but it shows a much poorer
performance than Debian does. 
I use Fedora, the¨ free¨ Red Hat, at home and I do not recommend it, at
least for desktop use. Short life span, few programs or not so
actualized and poor performance. 

El jue, 21-09-2006 a las 10:04 +0300, David Suna escribió:
> I am purchasing a new computer and will be setting it up from scratch.  
> Until now I have been using RedHat releases however I have read a lot 
> about newer distributions (i.e Ubuntu etc.)  I would like to get 
> recommendations for what would be the best distribution for my needs.
> This machine will be an internal server for a SOHO setup.  It will 
> provide the following services:
> Samba
> Apache
> Backup storage
> NAT + firewall connecting via ADSL to actcom
> dosemu
> The load on the machine will not be heavy.  There will be four or five 
> other machines (mainly Windows) connecting to the Internet via this 
> machine and sharing files via Samba.
> In the future I hope to be adding other Linux workstations to the 
> network as well.
> The main criteria for me is that the system should "just work" and be 
> easy to maintain.  On my current server I am still running RedHat 9.  
> After having overcome the initial setup problems with it I have been 
> able to basically just ignore it and it keeps working. 
> Thoughts and recommendations would be appreciated.
Julian Daich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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