Tzahi Fadida wrote:

> Hi,
> I wish to archive a 50mb file into several parts of 5mb files in linux.
> I also need to be able to open the files in windows.
> For some unknown reason, i can't find a way (other than using a non-free
> to do this.

The "canonical" way (although maybe not the most comfortable one) is using
dd if=bigfile of=part1 bs=5m count=1
dd if=bigfile of=part2 bs=5m skip=1 count=1
dd if=bigfile of=part3 bs=5m skip=2 count=1

To reassemble them on unix, use 'cat part1 part2 part3 ... > bigfile'.
To reassemble on windows, use 'copy /b part1+part2+part3... bigfile'.

You can also use the 'split' command. The GNU version has an option '-b' for
"Standard" unix versions do not, and only split by lines. That's why
traditionally dd
is used. I also have a feeling (did not check) that dd is much faster.

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