On 21/02/07, Ira Abramov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Quoting guy keren, from the post of Wed, 21 Feb:
> what? what???? a mirror is as _slow_ as the _slower_ disk. an I/O
> request to the mirror, gets a response only after its clones were
> written into both legs of the mirror - not as soon as one was written.

I once did some benchmarks for a client and showed that even a mirror of
three disks (yes, every sector written 3 times) the write time penelty
was extremely small, however reading speed jumped practically in a

Yes but these were all practically identical disks - Guy's response was
about my idea to mirror a RAM disk with a regular magnetic media disk, which
would mean that that this volume will be as slow as the magnetic media, so
loosing the advantage of investing in a RAM disk.



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